module Hobo module Model module Lifecycles class LifecycleError < RuntimeError; end class LifecycleKeyError < LifecycleError; end ModelExtensions = classy_module do attr_writer :lifecycle def self.has_lifecycle? defined?(self::Lifecycle) end def self.lifecycle(*args, &block) options = args.extract_options! options = options.reverse_merge(:state_field => :state, :key_timestamp_field => :key_timestamp, :key_timeout => 999.years) # use const_defined so that subclasses can define lifecycles # TODO: figure out how to merge with parent, if desired if self.const_defined?(:Lifecycle) lifecycle = self::Lifecycle state_field_class = self::LifecycleStateField else # First call module_eval "class ::#{name}::Lifecycle < Hobo::Model::Lifecycles::Lifecycle; end" lifecycle = self::Lifecycle lifecycle.init(self, options) module_eval "class ::#{name}::LifecycleStateField < HoboFields::Types::LifecycleState; end" state_field_class = self::LifecycleStateField state_field_class.table_name = name.tableize end dsl = dsl.instance_eval(&block) default = lifecycle.default_state ? { :default => } : {} declare_field(options[:state_field], state_field_class, default) unless options[:index] == false index_options = { :name => options[:index] } unless options[:index] == true index(options[:state_field], index_options || {}) end attr_protected options[:state_field] unless options[:key_timestamp_field] == false declare_field(options[:key_timestamp_field], :datetime) never_show options[:key_timestamp_field] attr_protected options[:key_timestamp_field] end end def valid?(context=nil) if context.nil? && self.class.has_lifecycle? && (step = lifecycle.active_step) context = end super(context) end def lifecycle @lifecycle ||= if self.class.const_defined?(:Lifecycle) else # search through superclasses current = self.class.superclass until (current.const_defined?(:Lifecycle) || current.nil? || !current.respond_to?(:lifecycle)) do current = current.superclass end if current.const_defined?(:Lifecycle) end end end class DeclarationDSL def initialize(lifecycle) @lifecycle = lifecycle end def state(*args, &block) options = args.extract_options! names = args states = {|name| @lifecycle.def_state(name, block) } if options[:default] raise ArgumentError, "you must define one state if you give the :default option" unless states.length == 1 @lifecycle.default_state = states.first end end def create(name, options={}, &block) @lifecycle.def_creator(name, block, options) end def transition(name, change, options={}, &block) @lifecycle.def_transition(name, Array(change.keys.first), change.values.first, block, options) end def invariant(&block) @lifecycle.invariants << block end end end end end