# frozen_string_literal: true ## # This file is part of WhatWeb and may be subject to # redistribution and commercial restrictions. Please see the WhatWeb # web site for more information on licensing and terms of use. # http://www.morningstarsecurity.com/research/whatweb ## WhatWeb::Plugin.define "FITELnet-Router" do @author = "Brendan Coles " # 2011-03-30 @version = "0.1" @description = "FITELnet router" @website = "http://www.furukawa.co.jp/fitelnet/" # ShodanHQ results as at 2011-03-30 # # 4,374 for GR-HTTPD Server # Most results are from Japan # Passive # def passive(target) m = [] # HTTP Server Header if /^GR-HTTPD Server\/([\d\.]+)$/.match?(target.headers["server"]) m << { certainty: 75, name: "HTTP Server Header" } # Model Detection # Title m << { model: target.body.scan(/ FITELnet-([A-Z][\d]+) [^>]+<\/TITLE>$/) } if target.body =~ /<TITLE> FITELnet-([A-Z][\d]+) [^>]+<\/TITLE>$/ # MAC Detection m << { string: target.body.scan(/<TITLE> FITELnet-[A-Z][\d]+ [^>]+\(([\da-f:]{17})\)<\/TITLE>$/) } if target.body =~ /<TITLE> FITELnet-[A-Z][\d]+ [^>]+\(([\da-f:]{17})\)<\/TITLE>$/ end # Return passive matches m end end