[![Gem Version](https://badge.fury.io/rb/has_dynamic_columns.svg)](http://badge.fury.io/rb/has_dynamic_columns) [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/butchmarshall/has_dynamic_columns.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/butchmarshall/has_dynamic_columns) has_dynamic_columns ============ This plugin gives ActiveRecord models the ability to dynamically define collectable data based on ***has_many*** and ***belongs_to*** relationships. Release Notes ============ **0.3.5** - Added model storage type (for storing association with other activerecord objects) **0.3.4** - Can now store array of data - JRuby support **0.3.0** - Moved to storing data types in separate tables (where/order now correct!) - Added order.by_dynamic_columns - Improved how joins were built to avoid duplicates - Added ActiveRecord 3 and 4 compatibility Installation ============ ```ruby gem "has_dynamic_columns" ``` The Active Record migration is required to create the has_dynamic_columns table. You can create that table by running the following command: rails generate has_dynamic_columns:active_record rails generate has_dynamic_columns:upgrade_0_3_0_active_record rails generate has_dynamic_columns:upgrade_0_3_4_active_record rails generate has_dynamic_columns:upgrade_0_3_5_active_record rake db:migrate Usage ============ has_dynamic_columns - as: - the setter/getter method - field_scope: - **belongs_to** or **has_many** relationship ## **belongs_to** relationship Our example is a data model where an **account** ***has_many*** **customers** and each **customer** ***has_many*** **customer_addresses** Each customers collectable info is uniquely defined by the associated account. Each customer addresses collectable info is defined by the associated customers account. **Models** ```ruby class Account < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :customers has_dynamic_columns end class Customer < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :account has_dynamic_columns field_scope: "account", as: "customer_fields" end class CustomerAddress < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :customer has_dynamic_columns field_scope: "customer.account" end ``` **Setup** ```ruby # ------------------------------------------------ # Create our first account # ------------------------------------------------ account = Account.new(:name => "Account #1") # Define a first_name field account.activerecord_dynamic_columns.build(:dynamic_type => "Customer", :key => "first_name", :data_type => "string") # Define a last_name field account.activerecord_dynamic_columns.build(:dynamic_type => "Customer", :key => "last_name", :data_type => "string") # Define a company field account.activerecord_dynamic_columns.build(:dynamic_type => "Customer", :key => "company", :data_type => "string") # save account.save # ------------------------------------------------ # Create our second account # ------------------------------------------------ account = Account.new(:name => "Account #2") # Define a first_name field account.activerecord_dynamic_columns.build(:dynamic_type => "Customer", :key => "first_name", :data_type => "string") # Define a last_name field account.activerecord_dynamic_columns.build(:dynamic_type => "Customer", :key => "last_name", :data_type => "string") # Define a country field account.activerecord_dynamic_columns.build(:dynamic_type => "Customer", :key => "country", :data_type => "string") # save account.save ``` **Data** ```ruby # Add a customer to our first account account = Account.find(1) customer = Customer.new(:account => account) customer.customer_fields = { "first_name" => "Butch", "last_Name" => "Marshall", "company" => "Aperture Science" } customer.save # as_json customer.as_json # == { "id": 1, "account_id": 1, "customer_fields" => { "first_name" => "Butch", "last_Name" => "Marshall", "company" => "Aperture Science" } } # Add a customer to our first account account = Account.find(1) customer = Customer.new(:account => account) customer.customer_fields = { "first_name" => "John", "last_Name" => "Paterson", "company" => "Aperture Science" } customer.save # Add a customer to our second account account = Account.find(2) customer = Customer.new(:account => account) customer.customer_fields = { "first_name" => "Butch", "last_Name" => "Marshall", "country" => "Canada" } customer.save # as_json puts customer.as_json # == { "id": 2, "account_id": 2, "customer_fields" => { "first_name" => "Butch", "last_Name" => "Marshall", "country" => "Canada" } } ``` **Searching** ```ruby # ------------------------------------------------ # with_scope # ------------------------------------------------ # ------------------------------------------------ # Find customers under the first account # ------------------------------------------------ account = Account.find(1) # 1 result Customer .where .has_dynamic_columns({ :first_name => "Butch" }) .with_scope(account) # 1 result Customer .where .has_dynamic_columns({ :first_name => "Butch", :company => "Aperture Science" }) .with_scope(account) # 0 results Customer .where .has_dynamic_columns({ :first_name => "Butch", :company => "Blaaaaa" }) .with_scope(account) # 2 results Customer .where.has_dynamic_columns({ :company => "Aperture Science" }) .with_scope(account) # ------------------------------------------------ # Find customers under the second account # ------------------------------------------------ account = Account.find(2) # 1 result Customer .where .has_dynamic_columns({ :first_name => "Butch" }) .with_scope(account) # 1 result Customer .where .has_dynamic_columns({ :first_name => "Butch", :country => "Canada" }) .with_scope(account) # 0 results Customer .where .has_dynamic_columns({ :first_name => "Butch", :country => "Japan" }) .with_scope(account) # ------------------------------------------------ # without_scope # ------------------------------------------------ # 6 results # finds everyone named butch, no matter what account they're apart of Customer .where .has_dynamic_columns({ :first_name => "Butch" }) .without_scope # ------------------------------------------------ # with Arel # ------------------------------------------------ # 6 matches Customer .where.has_dynamic_columns(Customer.arel_table[:first_Name].matches("B%")) .without_scope # 1 match Customer .where .has_dynamic_columns(Customer.arel_table[:country].eq("Canada")) .with_scope(Account.find(1)) # ------------------------------------------------ # with nested or/and Arel # ------------------------------------------------ # Anyone with country: Canada or first_name: John # 2 match Customer .where .has_dynamic_columns( Customer.arel_table[:country].eq("Canada").or( Customer.arel_table[:first_name].eq("John") ) ) .with_scope(Account.find(1)) ``` ## **has_many** relationship TODO example. **Ordering** ```ruby # ------------------------------------------------ # by dynamic column # ------------------------------------------------ Customer .order .by_dynamic_columns(country: :asc) .with_scope(Account.find(1)) ```