require "rails" module SimpleCalendar class Calendar PARAM_KEY_BLACKLIST = :authenticity_token, :commit, :utf8, :_method, :script_name attr_accessor :view_context, :options def initialize(view_context, opts = {}) @view_context = view_context @options = opts # Next and previous view links should use the same params as the current view @params = @view_context.respond_to?(:params) ? @view_context.params : {} @params = @params.to_unsafe_h if @params.respond_to?(:to_unsafe_h) @params = @params.with_indifferent_access.except(*PARAM_KEY_BLACKLIST) # Add in any additional params the user passed in @params.merge!(@options.fetch(:params, {})) end def render(&block) view_context.render( partial: partial_name, locals: { passed_block: block, calendar: self, date_range: date_range, start_date: start_date, sorted_events: sorted_events } ) end def td_classes_for(day) today = Date.current td_class = ["day"] td_class << "wday-#{day.wday}" td_class << "today" if today == day td_class << "past" if today > day td_class << "future" if today < day td_class << "start-date" if day.to_date == start_date.to_date td_class << "prev-month" if start_date.month != day.month && day < start_date td_class << "next-month" if start_date.month != day.month && day > start_date td_class << "current-month" if start_date.month == day.month td_class << "has-events" if sorted_events.fetch(day, []).any? td_class end def tr_classes_for(week) today = Date.current tr_class = ["week"] tr_class << "current-week" if week.include?(today) tr_class end def url_for_next_view view_context.url_for(@params.merge(start_date_param => (date_range.last + end def url_for_previous_view view_context.url_for(@params.merge(start_date_param => (date_range.first - end def date_range (start_date..(start_date + additional_days.days)).to_a end private def partial_name @options[:partial] || end def attribute options.fetch(:attribute, :start_time).to_sym end def end_attribute options.fetch(:end_attribute, :end_time).to_sym end def start_date_param options.fetch(:start_date_param, :start_date).to_sym end def sorted_events @sorted_events ||= begin events = options.fetch(:events, []).reject { |e| e.send(attribute).nil? }.sort_by(&attribute) group_events_by_date(events) end end def group_events_by_date(events) events_grouped_by_date = { |h, k| h[k] = [] } events.each do |event| event_start_date = event.send(attribute).to_date event_end_date = event.respond_to?(end_attribute) && !event.send(end_attribute).nil? ? event.send(end_attribute).to_date : event_start_date (event_start_date..event_end_date.to_date).each do |enumerated_date| events_grouped_by_date[enumerated_date] << event end end events_grouped_by_date end def start_date if options.has_key?(:start_date) options.fetch(:start_date).to_date else view_context.params.fetch(start_date_param, Date.current).to_date end end def end_date date_range.last end def additional_days options.fetch(:number_of_days, 4) - 1 end end end