require 'active_support' require 'has_constant/orm/mongoid' require 'has_constant/orm/active_record' require 'active_support/inflector' module HasConstant extend ActiveSupport::Concern # HasConstant takes a Proc containing an array of possible values for a field name # The field name is inferred as the singular of the has constant name. For example # has_constant :titles # would use the database column "title" # # USAGE: # # class User < ActiveRecord::Base # include HasConstant # has_constant :titles, lambda { %w(Mr Mrs) } # end # # User.titles #=> ['Mr', 'Ms'] # # @user = => 'Mr') # @user.title #=> 'Mr' # @user.attributes['title'] #=> 0 # # @user.title_is?('Mr') #=> true # @user.title_is?('Ms') #=> false # # User.by_constant('title', 'Mr') #=> [@user] # module ClassMethods def has_constant(name, values = lambda { I18n.t(name) }, options = {}) singular = (options[:accessor] || name.to_s.singularize).to_s (class << self; self; end).instance_eval do define_method(name.to_s, values) if values.respond_to?(:call) define_method(name.to_s, lambda { values }) unless values.respond_to?(:call) end define_method(singular) do values[instance_variable_get("@#{singular}")] end # Add the setter method. This takes the string representation and converts it to an integer to store in the DB define_method("#{singular}=") do |val| if val.instance_of?(String) if values.index(val) instance_variable_set("@#{singular}", values.index(val)) else raise ArgumentError, "value for #{singular} must be in #{self.class.send(name.to_s).join(', ')}" end else instance_variable_set("@#{singular}", val) end end define_method("#{singular}_is?") do |value| send(singular) == value.to_s end define_method("#{singular}_is_not?") do |value| !send("#{singular}_is?", value) end define_method("#{singular}_in?") do |value_list| value_list.include? send(singular) end define_method("#{singular}_not_in?") do |value_list| !send("#{singular}_in?", value_list) end end end end