# HermesMessengerOfTheGods [![CircleCI](https://circleci.com/gh/GetTerminus/hermes_messenger_of_the_gods.svg?style=svg&circle-token=9f757798d1f2d06b93ee2f560c0689cc71f1f96a)](https://circleci.com/gh/GetTerminus/hermes_messenger_of_the_gods) [![Code Climate](https://codeclimate.com/repos/58d16440cf31c32d1000041c/badges/bf27bdcafb886574909d/gpa.svg)](https://codeclimate.com/repos/58d16440cf31c32d1000041c/feed) [![Coverage Status](https://coveralls.io/repos/github/GetTerminus/hermes_messenger_of_the_gods/badge.svg?t=zVNSvv)](https://coveralls.io/github/GetTerminus/hermes_messenger_of_the_gods) [![Issue Count](https://codeclimate.com/repos/58d16440cf31c32d1000041c/badges/bf27bdcafb886574909d/issue_count.svg)](https://codeclimate.com/repos/58d16440cf31c32d1000041c/feed) ## Installation Add this line to your application's Gemfile: ```ruby gem 'hermes_messenger_of_the_gods', git: 'url_of_repo' ``` And then execute: $ bundle Or install it yourself as: $ gem install hermes_messenger_of_the_gods ## Usage ### The Message A HMOTG Message includes ActiveModel::Base, so ou get alot of the joys related to that. Initialization can be setup with: #### Creating a Message When creating a message the most common parameters passed are the attributes which represent the content of the message. ```ruby class Foo include HermesMessengerOfTheGods::Concerns::Message attr_accessor :name end Foo.new(name: 'Dude').name # => Dude ``` #### Validations HMOTG Supports the validation syntax provided by ActiveModel::Validations. ```ruby class Foo include HermesMessengerOfTheGods::Concerns::Message attr_accessor :name validates :name, presence: true end instance = Foo.new(name: '') instance.valid? # => false instance.errors # => {name: ["can't be blank"]} ``` ### Configuring a Endpoint Endpoints are the recepients of message, and are typically configured per message. The [Endpoints](https://github.com/GetTerminus/hermes_messenger_of_the_gods#endpoints) section provides configuration details for each endpoint type. #### Setting Endpoints You may set a single endpoint for a mesage by assigning it to a class attribute endpoitns ```ruby class Foo include HermesMessengerOfTheGods::Concerns::Message attr_accessor :name validates :name, presence: true self.endpoints = {default: sns_endpoint("sns:arn", jitter: false) } end ``` Alternatively you can set multiple endpoints using a hash syntax: ```ruby class Foo include HermesMessengerOfTheGods::Concerns::Message attr_accessor :name validates :name, presence: true self.endpoints = { receiver1: sns_endpoint("sns:arn", jitter: false), receiver2: sns_endpoint("sns:arn", jitter: true), } end ``` **Important:** When using multiple endpoints, if one endpoint of many fails, the entire message transmission is considered to have failed. Since we can't take a message back from an endpoint we can't do too much about it. #### Sending the message Messages can be dispatched to the respective endpoints using the `dispatch` or the error raising `dispatch!` method. By default the Message also includes a `to_message` method which returns a hash of the object's attributes. ```ruby class Foo include HermesMessengerOfTheGods::Concerns::Message attr_accessor :name validates :name, presence: true self.endpoints = { default: sns_endpoint("sns:arn", jitter: false), other: sns_endpoint('...') } end Foo.new(name: 'omg').dispatch! # => true ``` Dispatches to each endpoint is done in a thread to allow for better performance. ##### Targeting an endpoint You may target only a specific endpoint by passing the `endpoints: ['']` option during message creation. Using the message above: `Foo.new(name: 'omg', endpoints: [:other]).dispatch!` would dispatch only to the other endpoint. #### Async message dispatch All messages contain a `dispatch_async(!)` option in addition to typical deferral. Using an async dispatch runs the dispatch in a thread. Since dispatches tend to be I/O heavy this is an ideal option if you do not care about capturing the return information or error status. You can check to determine how many messages are in-flight using the helper method `HermesMessengerOfTheGods.async_dispatches_in_progress` in the testing helpers a method named `wait_for_async_dispatches` is avaialbe which will wait for up to 5 seconds for all messages to be "delivered". ### Endpoint responses When an endpoint reports successful transmission, the response is recorded in the `message.successes` hash. This hash is keyed to correspond to the configuration `endpoints` hash. ### Endpoint Failures When an endpoint fails (raises an error) the final error raised will be stored in the `message.dispatch_errors` hash. This hash is keyed to correspond to the `endponts` configuration hash Failure Exceptions: * When all endpoints fail a `HermesMessengerOfTheGods::MessageDispatchTotalFailure` is raised * When only some endpoints fail a `HermesMessengerOfTheGods::MessageDispatchPartialFailure` is raised Both of these exepctions inherit from `HermesMessengerOfTheGods::MessageDispatchFailed` ## The Worker The worker provides a generic class to provide access for reading from endpoints. Only some endpoints actually provide the ability to read messages. ### Configuration Workers can be configured with a single endpoint and a single MessageClass for deserialization. ```ruby class MyWorker include HermesMessengerOfTheGods::Concerns::Worker self.endpoint = sns_endpoint("sns::arn", jitter: false) self.deserialize_with = MessageType end ``` ### Getting the work done When working off a messages coming from an endpoint, there are a few possible paths the message can take. 1. You may define a `perform` method on the worker which takes the message instance as the only argument. 2. If a `perform` method is not defined on the worker, a `perform` method is expected to be defined on the message itself. This method is called with no arguments. 3. If no `perform` method is found on the Worker or the Message an error is raised. **Note:** A `perform` method on the worker is perfered to a perform method on the message. ### Error Handling When a messsage fails to run, the `handle_failure` on the worker is invoked. This method is called with two arguments: 1. The message itself 2. The exception itself. By default this method simply passes the job and exception to the endpoint so it can be handled as appropiate. If you overload this method you probably want to ensure you call `super`. ### Message Deserialization Messages coming off the endpoints need to be deserialized into the domain message. By default we expect you are deserializing into a HermesMessengerOfTheGods::Concerns::Message, but it can be anything really. In order to turn the received message into the Object we expect a class method `.from_message` to be defined. The HermesMessengerOfTheGods::Message superclass defines a basic one that expects all attributes present in the message to be `attr_accessor`s on the message object. The method used to create the message object can be overloaded by setting `deserialize_method` class variable of the worker. ```ruby class MessageType include HermesMessengerOfTheGods::Concerns::Message attr_accessor :dude, :hrm delf self.omg_dude(msg) new(dude: msg["old_dude"], hrm: nil) end end class AwesomeWorker < HermesMessengerOfTheGods::Worker self.endpoint = { default: sns_endpoint("sns::arn", jitter: false) } self.deserialize_with = MessageType self.deserialize_method = :omg_dude end ``` If the endpoint emits a hash with only the keys `:dude` and `:hrm` you can get away without defining any `deserialize_with` setting. However if you need to do some translations, you can define the custom builder function such as `omg_dude` above. ### Execution For a single queue `./bin/fly_hermes start --worker={worker job}` For pooled operation `./bin/fly_hermes start --pool {worker job}--{count} {worker2 job}--{count} {worker3 job}--{count} ## Message & Worker in one class When your message meets a few constraints you can combine the logic of the worker and the message into a single class. * You may only use one endpoint (due to limitation on the worker) * The endpoint must be both readable and writable (No SNS for example) * You do not need to customize callbacks much ```ruby class MonoMessageWorker include HermesMessengerOftheGods::Concerns::MonoMessage self.endpoints = { default: sqs_endpoint("arn") } # Only 1 endpoint, options are supported def perform # Do magic Here end end ``` You may then start the message execution with: `./bin/fly_hermes start --pool=MonoMessageWorker--1` ## Protocol Buffers Hermes supports using ProtoBuffers over the wire using the `HermesMessengerOfTheGods::Concerns::GrpcProtobuf` mixin. Currently only JSON encoding is allowed. Example: ```ruby class MessageA include HermesMessengerOfTheGods::Concerns::Message include HermesMessengerOfTheGods::Concerns::GrpcProtobuf self.protobuf_class = Helloworld::HelloRequest end # Or class MessageB include HermesMessengerOftheGods::Concerns::MonoMessage include HermesMessengerOfTheGods::Concerns::GrpcProtobuf self.protobuf_class = Helloworld::HelloRequest end ``` This will use the Protobuf encoder and decoder for transmission on the wire. ### Notes: 1) Message initialization now requires the first parameter be an instance of the provided protobuf. 2) If you are are using Dispatch helpers, you probably need to define a specific builder. 3) If you are lazy, you can use `.from_message` and pass a hash. ## Health Check HTTP Server Hermes comes with a built in HTTP Health check server that may be optionally enabled. The server responds with `200 OK` when everything is going okay, and `500 Internal Server Error` when things seem out of wack. The basic logic of the sever is as follows: 1) The server becomes unhealthy if no work has been performed in 60 seconds (customizable with the environment variable `HERMES_MINIMUM_WORK_FREQUENCY`) AND the endpoint reports there is work to do. 2) The server always reports healthy when there is no pending work to be done. Pending work for an SQS queue is when there is at least one message visible in the queue. In order to enable the HTTP Health Check server, you should set the environment variable `ENABLE_HERMES_HEALTH_CHECK` to and value except `false`. The port the server listens on is configurable using `HERMES_WORKER_STATUS_PORT` defaulting to 4242. ## Endpoints Endpoints provide the external communication layer to the outside world. Generally speaking all endpoints should inherit from the base endpoint to provide common behaviors. Endpoint creation takes two parameters, the first is the "endpoint", the second is a options hash. Endpoint is required, while options provide more fine grained control of the endpoint behavior. The content of both parameters is dependent on the backing endpoint. ### General Endpoint Behavior Each end point needs to define a `transmit` method. Beyond that the basic behavior common to all end points will be automatically added. ### Dispatching a message to an endpoint Dispatching a message into a endpoint can be accomplished by calling `dispatch` and passing the message in as the first parameter. * `dispatch(message)` returns true or false to represent success or failure * `dispatch!(message)` returns true on success, and raises the last error received on failure ### Message Transformations The endpoint will request the content to deliver from the message object itself. A heirachy of methods will be used to determine wich method to use. 1. You may provide an options during creation of the endpoint, `:transformer` and that will be used. This can be a proc, or a method name. The proc will be called with the object as the first parameter 2. `to__message` - For any endpoint, the class name will be transformed into a dynamic method call. For example the SnsFoo endpoint will look for `to_sns_foo_message`. 3. `to_message` - Generic to_message handler for the class. 4. Finally the transmitted message itself. You probably don't want this since most message objects do not serialize well. ### Backoffs By default a linear backoff is used of 1 second per number of tries. You can configure this by passing the `:backoff` option with `:linear` or `:exponential`. If you prefer to write your own backoff, you can also pass a proc to the backoff method. A `:backoff` value of nil will disable any backoffs. Jitter is added by default to the backoff time. This can be disabled by passing `jitter: false` in with the options. ### Error Handling By default all standard errors are caught and retried, with the exceptoin of `HermesMessengerOfTheGods::Endpoints::FatalError`. If this error is raised there will be no further retries. All errors raised during execution will be stored in the `endpoint.errors` array. ### SNS Endpoint * `endpoint` - the ARN of the SNS endpoint to publish to. * Avaialable options: * `:client_options` - a hash of options to pass to the [SNS::Topic](http://docs.aws.amazon.com/sdkforruby/api/Aws/SNS/Topic.html) during creation. If your ENV is setup with all required AWS keys you won't need to set anything here. * `:publish_options` - a hash of options to pass into the publish command for the [SNS::Topic](http://docs.aws.amazon.com/sdkforruby/api/Aws/SNS/Topic.html#publish-instance_method). The message key will always be overwritten. You can also provide a proc, which will be passed the message per transmission and is expected to return a hash with options. A proc can be used to set message_attributes that rely on variables from the message body. ### SQS Endpoint * `endpoint` - the URL of the SQS queue to poll. * Avaialable options: * `:client_options` - a hash of options to pass to the [SNS::Queue](http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSRubySDK/latest/AWS/SQS/Queue.html) during creation. If your ENV is setup with all required AWS keys you won't need to set anything here. * `:poll_options` - a hash of options to pass into the poll command for the [SQS::QueuePoller](http://docs.aws.amazon.com/sdkforruby/api/Aws/SQS/QueuePoller.html#poll-instance_method). * `:send_options` - a hash of options to pass into the send_message command for the [SQS::Queue](http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSRubySDK/latest/AWS/SQS/Queue.html#send_message-instance_method). The message_body key will always be overwritten. You can also provide a proc, which will be passed the message per transmission and is expected to return a hash with options. * `:jsonify` - converts the trasnmitted data to json prior to transmission * `:from_sns` - reads and converts from JSON the serialized Message key ## Instrumentation HMOTG Uses `ActiveSupport::Notifications` to provide internal instrumentation All messages emited include the emitter in their payload if possible: * Messages prefixed with `hermes_messenger_of_the_gods.worker` include the `worker` key. * Messages prefixed with `hermes_messenger_of_the_gods.message` include the `message` key. * Messages prefixed with `hermes_messenger_of_the_gods.endpoint` include the `endpoint` key. **NOTE:** All messages are prefixed with `hermes_messenger_of_the_gods` but it was omitted here for brevity. | Message | Is Timed | Description | Payload Objects | | ------ | -------- | ----------- | --------------- | | `worker.starting` | | Called when the worker starts up | | | `worker.starting_job` | | Called before work begins on a job | `job` - the deserialize job being run | | `worker.run_job` | ✓ | Measured the execution of the message | `job` - the deserialize job being run | | `worker.failure` | | Invoked when a message raises an error during execution | `job` - the deserialize job being run
`error` - the exception raised | | `worker.fatal_error` | | Raised when an unhandled exception causes the worker to die | `exception` - The exceptoin that caused the worker to die | | `worker.deserialization` | ✓ | Called during message deserialization off the endpoint | `job` - the raw job received from the endpoint | | `message.dispatch` | ✓ | Called when a message complets the dispatch process | | | `message.dispatch_failure` | | Called once for every failed enpoint | `exception` - the error raised
`endpoint_name` - the name of the failed endpoint | | `endpoint.dispatch` | ✓ | Called around the actual dispatch for each endpoint | | | `endpoint.dispatch_failure` | | Called each time the endpoint fails to dispatch | `try` - The number of times the endpoint has tried to dispatch so far. First call is 1.
`exception` - The error that was raised causing the failure | | `endpoint.final_failure` | | Called on the last exception to before the endpoint gives up | `try` - The number of times the endpoint has tried to dispatch so far. At this point `try` equals the `:retries` config .
`exception` - The error that was raised causing the failure | | `endpoint.read_failure` | | An inbound message could not be handled (Malformed JSON for example) | `exception` - The unhandled error | ## Global Configuration When configuring HMOTG you can set global configuration opions like so: ```ruby HermesMessengerOfTheGods.config do |config| config.config_options = wassup end ``` Allowed configuration options: | Configuration Option | Default | Allowed Values | -------------------- | --------------------- | -------------- | logger | Ruby Logger to STDOUT | A single or array of logger like objects | quiet | false | Set this to true and all logging will be disabled | delay_strategy | :smart | This value can be a symbol representing the delay strategy, or a proc which will be expected to do the delaying | delay_options | {} | A set of default options to use when delaying. The contents of this hash are dependent on the `delay_strategy` used ## Logging `HermesMessengerOfTheGods::Message`, `HermesMessengerOfTheGods::Worker` have access to a unified set of logging helpers which respect the global logging configuration. These helpers correspond to the configured `Logger::Severity` constant. `debug`, `info`, `warn`, `error`, and `fatal` are provided by default. All methods which correspond to a severity level take a single message parameter, or a block which is expected to return the message. [With the same behavior as the default logger](http://ruby-doc.org/stdlib-1.9.3/libdoc/logger/rdoc/Logger.html#class-Logger-label-How+to+log+a+message). Additionally the `say` method is provided which takes the desired level contsant as the first parameter. `say(Logger::ERROR, "foo")` ### Outputters Hermes ships and attaches a Basic logger for by default. The primary warning is that the basic output will default to the `inspect` output of your message. If your message contains a significant number of, or complex, instance variables There may be more info logged then is necessary to identify the message. As such you can overwrite the `inspect` method, or create the custom `to_log_s` method which will be used instead. Example regular output: ``` I, [date stamp] INFO -- Worker WorkerClass::0(pid: 8): Starting Job 123, :instance_var_2=5678}> I, [date stamp] INFO -- Worker WorkerClass::0(pid: 8): Finished Job 123, :instance_var_2=5678}> ``` Don't want any output such as during a test suite, or want to write your own? You can turn off the Basic outputter via `HermesMessengerOfTheGods::Output::Basic.unsubscribe!` ## Development After checking out the repo, run `bin/setup` to install dependencies. Then, run `rake spec` to run the tests. You can also run `bin/console` for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment. To install this gem onto your local machine, run `bundle exec rake install`. To release a new version, update the version number in `version.rb`, and then run `bundle exec rake release`, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the `.gem` file to [rubygems.org](https://rubygems.org). ## Contributing Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/[USERNAME]/hermes-messenger-of-the-gods.