class Group < ActiveRecord::Base has_site if respond_to? :has_site default_scope :order => 'name' belongs_to :created_by, :class_name => 'User' belongs_to :updated_by, :class_name => 'User' belongs_to :homepage, :class_name => 'Page' has_many :messages has_many :permissions has_many :pages, :through => :permissions has_many :memberships has_many :readers, :through => :memberships validates_presence_of :name validates_uniqueness_of :name named_scope :with_home_page, { :conditions => "homepage_id IS NOT NULL", :include => :homepage } named_scope :subscribable, { :conditions => "public = 1" } named_scope :unsubscribable, { :conditions => "public = 0" } named_scope :attached_to, lambda { |objects| conditions ={|o| "(pp.permitted_type = ? AND pp.permitted_id = ?)" }.join(" OR ") binds ={|o| [o.class.to_s,]}.flatten { :select => "groups.*, count(pp.group_id) AS pcount", :joins => "INNER JOIN permissions as pp on pp.group_id =", :conditions => [conditions, *binds], :having => "pcount > 0", # otherwise attached_to([]) returns all groups :group => { |n| self.table_name + '.' + n }.join(','), :readonly => false } } def url homepage.url if homepage end def send_welcome_to(reader) if reader.activated? # welcomes will be triggered again on activation message = messages.for_function('group_welcome').first # only if a group_welcome message exists *belonging to this group* message.deliver_to(reader) if message # (the belonging also allows us to mention the group in the message) end end def admit(reader) self.readers << reader end def permission_for(object) self.permissions.for(object).first end def membership_for(reader) self.memberships.for(reader).first end # we can't has_many through the polymorphic permission relationship, so this is called from has_groups # and for eg. Page, it defines: # Permission.for_pages named_scope # Group.page_permissions => set of permission objects # Group.pages => set of page objects def self.define_retrieval_methods(classname) type_scope = "for_#{classname.downcase.pluralize}".intern Permission.send :named_scope, type_scope, :conditions => { :permitted_type => classname } define_method("#{classname.downcase}_permissions") { self.permissions.send type_scope } define_method("#{classname.downcase.pluralize}") { self.send("#{classname.to_s.downcase}_permissions".intern).map(&:permitted) } end end