// sass.hpp must go before all system headers to get the // __EXTENSIONS__ fix on Solaris. #include "sass.hpp" #include "ast.hpp" namespace Sass { void str_rtrim(std::string& str, const std::string& delimiters = " \f\n\r\t\v") { str.erase( str.find_last_not_of( delimiters ) + 1 ); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// PreValue::PreValue(ParserState pstate, bool d, bool e, bool i, Type ct) : Expression(pstate, d, e, i, ct) { } PreValue::PreValue(const PreValue* ptr) : Expression(ptr) { } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Value::Value(ParserState pstate, bool d, bool e, bool i, Type ct) : PreValue(pstate, d, e, i, ct) { } Value::Value(const Value* ptr) : PreValue(ptr) { } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// List::List(ParserState pstate, size_t size, enum Sass_Separator sep, bool argl, bool bracket) : Value(pstate), Vectorized(size), separator_(sep), is_arglist_(argl), is_bracketed_(bracket), from_selector_(false) { concrete_type(LIST); } List::List(const List* ptr) : Value(ptr), Vectorized(*ptr), separator_(ptr->separator_), is_arglist_(ptr->is_arglist_), is_bracketed_(ptr->is_bracketed_), from_selector_(ptr->from_selector_) { concrete_type(LIST); } size_t List::hash() const { if (hash_ == 0) { hash_ = std::hash()(sep_string()); hash_combine(hash_, std::hash()(is_bracketed())); for (size_t i = 0, L = length(); i < L; ++i) hash_combine(hash_, (elements()[i])->hash()); } return hash_; } void List::set_delayed(bool delayed) { is_delayed(delayed); // don't set children } bool List::operator< (const Expression& rhs) const { if (auto r = Cast(&rhs)) { if (length() < r->length()) return true; if (length() > r->length()) return false; const auto& left = elements(); const auto& right = r->elements(); for (size_t i = 0; i < left.size(); i += 1) { if (*left[i] < *right[i]) return true; if (*left[i] == *right[i]) continue; return false; } return false; } // compare/sort by type return type() < rhs.type(); } bool List::operator== (const Expression& rhs) const { if (auto r = Cast(&rhs)) { if (length() != r->length()) return false; if (separator() != r->separator()) return false; if (is_bracketed() != r->is_bracketed()) return false; for (size_t i = 0, L = length(); i < L; ++i) { auto rv = r->at(i); auto lv = this->at(i); if (!lv && rv) return false; else if (!rv && lv) return false; else if (*lv != *rv) return false; } return true; } return false; } size_t List::size() const { if (!is_arglist_) return length(); // arglist expects a list of arguments // so we need to break before keywords for (size_t i = 0, L = length(); i < L; ++i) { Expression_Obj obj = this->at(i); if (Argument* arg = Cast(obj)) { if (!arg->name().empty()) return i; } } return length(); } Expression_Obj List::value_at_index(size_t i) { Expression_Obj obj = this->at(i); if (is_arglist_) { if (Argument* arg = Cast(obj)) { return arg->value(); } else { return obj; } } else { return obj; } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Map::Map(ParserState pstate, size_t size) : Value(pstate), Hashed(size) { concrete_type(MAP); } Map::Map(const Map* ptr) : Value(ptr), Hashed(*ptr) { concrete_type(MAP); } bool Map::operator< (const Expression& rhs) const { if (auto r = Cast(&rhs)) { if (length() < r->length()) return true; if (length() > r->length()) return false; const auto& lkeys = keys(); const auto& rkeys = r->keys(); for (size_t i = 0; i < lkeys.size(); i += 1) { if (*lkeys[i] < *rkeys[i]) return true; if (*lkeys[i] == *rkeys[i]) continue; return false; } const auto& lvals = values(); const auto& rvals = r->values(); for (size_t i = 0; i < lvals.size(); i += 1) { if (*lvals[i] < *rvals[i]) return true; if (*lvals[i] == *rvals[i]) continue; return false; } return false; } // compare/sort by type return type() < rhs.type(); } bool Map::operator== (const Expression& rhs) const { if (auto r = Cast(&rhs)) { if (length() != r->length()) return false; for (auto key : keys()) { auto rv = r->at(key); auto lv = this->at(key); if (!lv && rv) return false; else if (!rv && lv) return false; else if (*lv != *rv) return false; } return true; } return false; } List_Obj Map::to_list(ParserState& pstate) { List_Obj ret = SASS_MEMORY_NEW(List, pstate, length(), SASS_COMMA); for (auto key : keys()) { List_Obj l = SASS_MEMORY_NEW(List, pstate, 2); l->append(key); l->append(at(key)); ret->append(l); } return ret; } size_t Map::hash() const { if (hash_ == 0) { for (auto key : keys()) { hash_combine(hash_, key->hash()); hash_combine(hash_, at(key)->hash()); } } return hash_; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Binary_Expression::Binary_Expression(ParserState pstate, Operand op, Expression_Obj lhs, Expression_Obj rhs) : PreValue(pstate), op_(op), left_(lhs), right_(rhs), hash_(0) { } Binary_Expression::Binary_Expression(const Binary_Expression* ptr) : PreValue(ptr), op_(ptr->op_), left_(ptr->left_), right_(ptr->right_), hash_(ptr->hash_) { } bool Binary_Expression::is_left_interpolant(void) const { return is_interpolant() || (left() && left()->is_left_interpolant()); } bool Binary_Expression::is_right_interpolant(void) const { return is_interpolant() || (right() && right()->is_right_interpolant()); } const std::string Binary_Expression::type_name() { return sass_op_to_name(optype()); } const std::string Binary_Expression::separator() { return sass_op_separator(optype()); } bool Binary_Expression::has_interpolant() const { return is_left_interpolant() || is_right_interpolant(); } void Binary_Expression::set_delayed(bool delayed) { right()->set_delayed(delayed); left()->set_delayed(delayed); is_delayed(delayed); } bool Binary_Expression::operator<(const Expression& rhs) const { if (auto m = Cast(&rhs)) { return type() < m->type() || *left() < *m->left() || *right() < *m->right(); } // compare/sort by type return type() < rhs.type(); } bool Binary_Expression::operator==(const Expression& rhs) const { if (auto m = Cast(&rhs)) { return type() == m->type() && *left() == *m->left() && *right() == *m->right(); } return false; } size_t Binary_Expression::hash() const { if (hash_ == 0) { hash_ = std::hash()(optype()); hash_combine(hash_, left()->hash()); hash_combine(hash_, right()->hash()); } return hash_; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Function::Function(ParserState pstate, Definition_Obj def, bool css) : Value(pstate), definition_(def), is_css_(css) { concrete_type(FUNCTION_VAL); } Function::Function(const Function* ptr) : Value(ptr), definition_(ptr->definition_), is_css_(ptr->is_css_) { concrete_type(FUNCTION_VAL); } bool Function::operator< (const Expression& rhs) const { if (auto r = Cast(&rhs)) { auto d1 = Cast(definition()); auto d2 = Cast(r->definition()); if (d1 == nullptr) return d2 != nullptr; else if (d2 == nullptr) return false; if (is_css() == r->is_css()) { return d1 < d2; } return r->is_css(); } // compare/sort by type return type() < rhs.type(); } bool Function::operator== (const Expression& rhs) const { if (auto r = Cast(&rhs)) { auto d1 = Cast(definition()); auto d2 = Cast(r->definition()); return d1 && d2 && d1 == d2 && is_css() == r->is_css(); } return false; } std::string Function::name() { if (definition_) { return definition_->name(); } return ""; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Function_Call::Function_Call(ParserState pstate, String_Obj n, Arguments_Obj args, void* cookie) : PreValue(pstate), sname_(n), arguments_(args), func_(), via_call_(false), cookie_(cookie), hash_(0) { concrete_type(FUNCTION); } Function_Call::Function_Call(ParserState pstate, String_Obj n, Arguments_Obj args, Function_Obj func) : PreValue(pstate), sname_(n), arguments_(args), func_(func), via_call_(false), cookie_(0), hash_(0) { concrete_type(FUNCTION); } Function_Call::Function_Call(ParserState pstate, String_Obj n, Arguments_Obj args) : PreValue(pstate), sname_(n), arguments_(args), via_call_(false), cookie_(0), hash_(0) { concrete_type(FUNCTION); } Function_Call::Function_Call(ParserState pstate, std::string n, Arguments_Obj args, void* cookie) : PreValue(pstate), sname_(SASS_MEMORY_NEW(String_Constant, pstate, n)), arguments_(args), func_(), via_call_(false), cookie_(cookie), hash_(0) { concrete_type(FUNCTION); } Function_Call::Function_Call(ParserState pstate, std::string n, Arguments_Obj args, Function_Obj func) : PreValue(pstate), sname_(SASS_MEMORY_NEW(String_Constant, pstate, n)), arguments_(args), func_(func), via_call_(false), cookie_(0), hash_(0) { concrete_type(FUNCTION); } Function_Call::Function_Call(ParserState pstate, std::string n, Arguments_Obj args) : PreValue(pstate), sname_(SASS_MEMORY_NEW(String_Constant, pstate, n)), arguments_(args), via_call_(false), cookie_(0), hash_(0) { concrete_type(FUNCTION); } Function_Call::Function_Call(const Function_Call* ptr) : PreValue(ptr), sname_(ptr->sname_), arguments_(ptr->arguments_), func_(ptr->func_), via_call_(ptr->via_call_), cookie_(ptr->cookie_), hash_(ptr->hash_) { concrete_type(FUNCTION); } bool Function_Call::operator==(const Expression& rhs) const { if (auto m = Cast(&rhs)) { if (*sname() != *m->sname()) return false; if (arguments()->length() != m->arguments()->length()) return false; for (size_t i = 0, L = arguments()->length(); i < L; ++i) if (*arguments()->get(i) != *m->arguments()->get(i)) return false; return true; } return false; } size_t Function_Call::hash() const { if (hash_ == 0) { hash_ = std::hash()(name()); for (auto argument : arguments()->elements()) hash_combine(hash_, argument->hash()); } return hash_; } std::string Function_Call::name() const { return sname(); } bool Function_Call::is_css() { if (func_) return func_->is_css(); return false; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Variable::Variable(ParserState pstate, std::string n) : PreValue(pstate), name_(n) { concrete_type(VARIABLE); } Variable::Variable(const Variable* ptr) : PreValue(ptr), name_(ptr->name_) { concrete_type(VARIABLE); } bool Variable::operator==(const Expression& rhs) const { if (auto e = Cast(&rhs)) { return name() == e->name(); } return false; } size_t Variable::hash() const { return std::hash()(name()); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Number::Number(ParserState pstate, double val, std::string u, bool zero) : Value(pstate), Units(), value_(val), zero_(zero), hash_(0) { size_t l = 0; size_t r; if (!u.empty()) { bool nominator = true; while (true) { r = u.find_first_of("*/", l); std::string unit(u.substr(l, r == std::string::npos ? r : r - l)); if (!unit.empty()) { if (nominator) numerators.push_back(unit); else denominators.push_back(unit); } if (r == std::string::npos) break; // ToDo: should error for multiple slashes // if (!nominator && u[r] == '/') error(...) if (u[r] == '/') nominator = false; // strange math parsing? // else if (u[r] == '*') // nominator = true; l = r + 1; } } concrete_type(NUMBER); } Number::Number(const Number* ptr) : Value(ptr), Units(ptr), value_(ptr->value_), zero_(ptr->zero_), hash_(ptr->hash_) { concrete_type(NUMBER); } // cancel out unnecessary units void Number::reduce() { // apply conversion factor value_ *= this->Units::reduce(); } void Number::normalize() { // apply conversion factor value_ *= this->Units::normalize(); } size_t Number::hash() const { if (hash_ == 0) { hash_ = std::hash()(value_); for (const auto numerator : numerators) hash_combine(hash_, std::hash()(numerator)); for (const auto denominator : denominators) hash_combine(hash_, std::hash()(denominator)); } return hash_; } bool Number::operator< (const Expression& rhs) const { if (auto n = Cast(&rhs)) { return *this < *n; } return false; } bool Number::operator== (const Expression& rhs) const { if (auto n = Cast(&rhs)) { return *this == *n; } return false; } bool Number::operator== (const Number& rhs) const { // unitless or only having one unit are equivalent (3.4) // therefore we need to reduce the units beforehand Number l(*this), r(rhs); l.reduce(); r.reduce(); size_t lhs_units = l.numerators.size() + l.denominators.size(); size_t rhs_units = r.numerators.size() + r.denominators.size(); if (!lhs_units || !rhs_units) { return NEAR_EQUAL(l.value(), r.value()); } // ensure both have same units l.normalize(); r.normalize(); Units &lhs_unit = l, &rhs_unit = r; return lhs_unit == rhs_unit && NEAR_EQUAL(l.value(), r.value()); } bool Number::operator< (const Number& rhs) const { // unitless or only having one unit are equivalent (3.4) // therefore we need to reduce the units beforehand Number l(*this), r(rhs); l.reduce(); r.reduce(); size_t lhs_units = l.numerators.size() + l.denominators.size(); size_t rhs_units = r.numerators.size() + r.denominators.size(); if (!lhs_units || !rhs_units) { return l.value() < r.value(); } // ensure both have same units l.normalize(); r.normalize(); Units &lhs_unit = l, &rhs_unit = r; if (!(lhs_unit == rhs_unit)) { /* ToDo: do we always get useful backtraces? */ throw Exception::IncompatibleUnits(rhs, *this); } if (lhs_unit == rhs_unit) { return l.value() < r.value(); } else { return lhs_unit < rhs_unit; } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Color::Color(ParserState pstate, double a, const std::string disp) : Value(pstate), disp_(disp), a_(a), hash_(0) { concrete_type(COLOR); } Color::Color(const Color* ptr) : Value(ptr->pstate()), // reset on copy disp_(""), a_(ptr->a_), hash_(ptr->hash_) { concrete_type(COLOR); } bool Color::operator< (const Expression& rhs) const { if (auto r = Cast(&rhs)) { return *this < *r; } else if (auto r = Cast(&rhs)) { return *this < *r; } else if (auto r = Cast(&rhs)) { return a_ < r->a(); } // compare/sort by type return type() < rhs.type(); } bool Color::operator== (const Expression& rhs) const { if (auto r = Cast(&rhs)) { return *this == *r; } else if (auto r = Cast(&rhs)) { return *this == *r; } else if (auto r = Cast(&rhs)) { return a_ == r->a(); } return false; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Color_RGBA::Color_RGBA(ParserState pstate, double r, double g, double b, double a, const std::string disp) : Color(pstate, a, disp), r_(r), g_(g), b_(b) { concrete_type(COLOR); } Color_RGBA::Color_RGBA(const Color_RGBA* ptr) : Color(ptr), r_(ptr->r_), g_(ptr->g_), b_(ptr->b_) { concrete_type(COLOR); } bool Color_RGBA::operator< (const Expression& rhs) const { if (auto r = Cast(&rhs)) { if (r_ < r->r()) return true; if (r_ > r->r()) return false; if (g_ < r->g()) return true; if (g_ > r->g()) return false; if (b_ < r->b()) return true; if (b_ > r->b()) return false; if (a_ < r->a()) return true; if (a_ > r->a()) return false; return false; // is equal } // compare/sort by type return type() < rhs.type(); } bool Color_RGBA::operator== (const Expression& rhs) const { if (auto r = Cast(&rhs)) { return r_ == r->r() && g_ == r->g() && b_ == r->b() && a_ == r->a(); } return false; } size_t Color_RGBA::hash() const { if (hash_ == 0) { hash_ = std::hash()("RGBA"); hash_combine(hash_, std::hash()(a_)); hash_combine(hash_, std::hash()(r_)); hash_combine(hash_, std::hash()(g_)); hash_combine(hash_, std::hash()(b_)); } return hash_; } Color_HSLA* Color_RGBA::copyAsHSLA() const { // Algorithm from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/wHSL_and_HSV#Conversion_from_RGB_to_HSL_or_HSV double r = r_ / 255.0; double g = g_ / 255.0; double b = b_ / 255.0; double max = std::max(r, std::max(g, b)); double min = std::min(r, std::min(g, b)); double delta = max - min; double h = 0; double s; double l = (max + min) / 2.0; if (NEAR_EQUAL(max, min)) { h = s = 0; // achromatic } else { if (l < 0.5) s = delta / (max + min); else s = delta / (2.0 - max - min); if (r == max) h = (g - b) / delta + (g < b ? 6 : 0); else if (g == max) h = (b - r) / delta + 2; else if (b == max) h = (r - g) / delta + 4; } // HSL hsl_struct; h = h * 60; s = s * 100; l = l * 100; return SASS_MEMORY_NEW(Color_HSLA, pstate(), h, s, l, a(), "" ); } Color_RGBA* Color_RGBA::copyAsRGBA() const { return SASS_MEMORY_COPY(this); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Color_HSLA::Color_HSLA(ParserState pstate, double h, double s, double l, double a, const std::string disp) : Color(pstate, a, disp), h_(absmod(h, 360.0)), s_(clip(s, 0.0, 100.0)), l_(clip(l, 0.0, 100.0)) // hash_(0) { concrete_type(COLOR); } Color_HSLA::Color_HSLA(const Color_HSLA* ptr) : Color(ptr), h_(ptr->h_), s_(ptr->s_), l_(ptr->l_) // hash_(ptr->hash_) { concrete_type(COLOR); } bool Color_HSLA::operator< (const Expression& rhs) const { if (auto r = Cast(&rhs)) { if (h_ < r->h()) return true; if (h_ > r->h()) return false; if (s_ < r->s()) return true; if (s_ > r->s()) return false; if (l_ < r->l()) return true; if (l_ > r->l()) return false; if (a_ < r->a()) return true; if (a_ > r->a()) return false; return false; // is equal } // compare/sort by type return type() < rhs.type(); } bool Color_HSLA::operator== (const Expression& rhs) const { if (auto r = Cast(&rhs)) { return h_ == r->h() && s_ == r->s() && l_ == r->l() && a_ == r->a(); } return false; } size_t Color_HSLA::hash() const { if (hash_ == 0) { hash_ = std::hash()("HSLA"); hash_combine(hash_, std::hash()(a_)); hash_combine(hash_, std::hash()(h_)); hash_combine(hash_, std::hash()(s_)); hash_combine(hash_, std::hash()(l_)); } return hash_; } // hue to RGB helper function double h_to_rgb(double m1, double m2, double h) { h = absmod(h, 1.0); if (h*6.0 < 1) return m1 + (m2 - m1)*h*6; if (h*2.0 < 1) return m2; if (h*3.0 < 2) return m1 + (m2 - m1) * (2.0/3.0 - h)*6; return m1; } Color_RGBA* Color_HSLA::copyAsRGBA() const { double h = absmod(h_ / 360.0, 1.0); double s = clip(s_ / 100.0, 0.0, 1.0); double l = clip(l_ / 100.0, 0.0, 1.0); // Algorithm from the CSS3 spec: http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-color/#hsl-color. double m2; if (l <= 0.5) m2 = l*(s+1.0); else m2 = (l+s)-(l*s); double m1 = (l*2.0)-m2; // round the results -- consider moving this into the Color constructor double r = (h_to_rgb(m1, m2, h + 1.0/3.0) * 255.0); double g = (h_to_rgb(m1, m2, h) * 255.0); double b = (h_to_rgb(m1, m2, h - 1.0/3.0) * 255.0); return SASS_MEMORY_NEW(Color_RGBA, pstate(), r, g, b, a(), "" ); } Color_HSLA* Color_HSLA::copyAsHSLA() const { return SASS_MEMORY_COPY(this); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Custom_Error::Custom_Error(ParserState pstate, std::string msg) : Value(pstate), message_(msg) { concrete_type(C_ERROR); } Custom_Error::Custom_Error(const Custom_Error* ptr) : Value(ptr), message_(ptr->message_) { concrete_type(C_ERROR); } bool Custom_Error::operator< (const Expression& rhs) const { if (auto r = Cast(&rhs)) { return message() < r->message(); } // compare/sort by type return type() < rhs.type(); } bool Custom_Error::operator== (const Expression& rhs) const { if (auto r = Cast(&rhs)) { return message() == r->message(); } return false; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Custom_Warning::Custom_Warning(ParserState pstate, std::string msg) : Value(pstate), message_(msg) { concrete_type(C_WARNING); } Custom_Warning::Custom_Warning(const Custom_Warning* ptr) : Value(ptr), message_(ptr->message_) { concrete_type(C_WARNING); } bool Custom_Warning::operator< (const Expression& rhs) const { if (auto r = Cast(&rhs)) { return message() < r->message(); } // compare/sort by type return type() < rhs.type(); } bool Custom_Warning::operator== (const Expression& rhs) const { if (auto r = Cast(&rhs)) { return message() == r->message(); } return false; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Boolean::Boolean(ParserState pstate, bool val) : Value(pstate), value_(val), hash_(0) { concrete_type(BOOLEAN); } Boolean::Boolean(const Boolean* ptr) : Value(ptr), value_(ptr->value_), hash_(ptr->hash_) { concrete_type(BOOLEAN); } bool Boolean::operator< (const Expression& rhs) const { if (auto r = Cast(&rhs)) { return (value() < r->value()); } return false; } bool Boolean::operator== (const Expression& rhs) const { if (auto r = Cast(&rhs)) { return (value() == r->value()); } return false; } size_t Boolean::hash() const { if (hash_ == 0) { hash_ = std::hash()(value_); } return hash_; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// String::String(ParserState pstate, bool delayed) : Value(pstate, delayed) { concrete_type(STRING); } String::String(const String* ptr) : Value(ptr) { concrete_type(STRING); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// String_Schema::String_Schema(ParserState pstate, size_t size, bool css) : String(pstate), Vectorized(size), css_(css), hash_(0) { concrete_type(STRING); } String_Schema::String_Schema(const String_Schema* ptr) : String(ptr), Vectorized(*ptr), css_(ptr->css_), hash_(ptr->hash_) { concrete_type(STRING); } void String_Schema::rtrim() { if (!empty()) { if (String* str = Cast(last())) str->rtrim(); } } bool String_Schema::is_left_interpolant(void) const { return length() && first()->is_left_interpolant(); } bool String_Schema::is_right_interpolant(void) const { return length() && last()->is_right_interpolant(); } bool String_Schema::operator< (const Expression& rhs) const { if (auto r = Cast(&rhs)) { if (length() < r->length()) return true; if (length() > r->length()) return false; for (size_t i = 0, L = length(); i < L; ++i) { if (*get(i) < *r->get(i)) return true; if (*get(i) == *r->get(i)) continue; return false; } // Is equal return false; } // compare/sort by type return type() < rhs.type(); } bool String_Schema::operator== (const Expression& rhs) const { if (auto r = Cast(&rhs)) { if (length() != r->length()) return false; for (size_t i = 0, L = length(); i < L; ++i) { auto rv = (*r)[i]; auto lv = (*this)[i]; if (*lv != *rv) return false; } return true; } return false; } bool String_Schema::has_interpolants() { for (auto el : elements()) { if (el->is_interpolant()) return true; } return false; } size_t String_Schema::hash() const { if (hash_ == 0) { for (auto string : elements()) hash_combine(hash_, string->hash()); } return hash_; } void String_Schema::set_delayed(bool delayed) { is_delayed(delayed); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// String_Constant::String_Constant(ParserState pstate, std::string val, bool css) : String(pstate), quote_mark_(0), value_(read_css_string(val, css)), hash_(0) { } String_Constant::String_Constant(ParserState pstate, const char* beg, bool css) : String(pstate), quote_mark_(0), value_(read_css_string(std::string(beg), css)), hash_(0) { } String_Constant::String_Constant(ParserState pstate, const char* beg, const char* end, bool css) : String(pstate), quote_mark_(0), value_(read_css_string(std::string(beg, end-beg), css)), hash_(0) { } String_Constant::String_Constant(ParserState pstate, const Token& tok, bool css) : String(pstate), quote_mark_(0), value_(read_css_string(std::string(tok.begin, tok.end), css)), hash_(0) { } String_Constant::String_Constant(const String_Constant* ptr) : String(ptr), quote_mark_(ptr->quote_mark_), value_(ptr->value_), hash_(ptr->hash_) { } bool String_Constant::is_invisible() const { return value_.empty() && quote_mark_ == 0; } bool String_Constant::operator< (const Expression& rhs) const { if (auto qstr = Cast(&rhs)) { return value() < qstr->value(); } else if (auto cstr = Cast(&rhs)) { return value() < cstr->value(); } // compare/sort by type return type() < rhs.type(); } bool String_Constant::operator== (const Expression& rhs) const { if (auto qstr = Cast(&rhs)) { return value() == qstr->value(); } else if (auto cstr = Cast(&rhs)) { return value() == cstr->value(); } return false; } std::string String_Constant::inspect() const { return quote(value_, '*'); } void String_Constant::rtrim() { str_rtrim(value_); } size_t String_Constant::hash() const { if (hash_ == 0) { hash_ = std::hash()(value_); } return hash_; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// String_Quoted::String_Quoted(ParserState pstate, std::string val, char q, bool keep_utf8_escapes, bool skip_unquoting, bool strict_unquoting, bool css) : String_Constant(pstate, val, css) { if (skip_unquoting == false) { value_ = unquote(value_, "e_mark_, keep_utf8_escapes, strict_unquoting); } if (q && quote_mark_) quote_mark_ = q; } String_Quoted::String_Quoted(const String_Quoted* ptr) : String_Constant(ptr) { } bool String_Quoted::operator< (const Expression& rhs) const { if (auto qstr = Cast(&rhs)) { return value() < qstr->value(); } else if (auto cstr = Cast(&rhs)) { return value() < cstr->value(); } // compare/sort by type return type() < rhs.type(); } bool String_Quoted::operator== (const Expression& rhs) const { if (auto qstr = Cast(&rhs)) { return value() == qstr->value(); } else if (auto cstr = Cast(&rhs)) { return value() == cstr->value(); } return false; } std::string String_Quoted::inspect() const { return quote(value_, '*'); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Null::Null(ParserState pstate) : Value(pstate) { concrete_type(NULL_VAL); } Null::Null(const Null* ptr) : Value(ptr) { concrete_type(NULL_VAL); } bool Null::operator< (const Expression& rhs) const { if (Cast(&rhs)) { return false; } // compare/sort by type return type() < rhs.type(); } bool Null::operator== (const Expression& rhs) const { return Cast(&rhs) != nullptr; } size_t Null::hash() const { return -1; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Parent_Reference::Parent_Reference(ParserState pstate) : Value(pstate) { concrete_type(PARENT); } Parent_Reference::Parent_Reference(const Parent_Reference* ptr) : Value(ptr) { concrete_type(PARENT); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// IMPLEMENT_AST_OPERATORS(List); IMPLEMENT_AST_OPERATORS(Map); IMPLEMENT_AST_OPERATORS(Binary_Expression); IMPLEMENT_AST_OPERATORS(Function); IMPLEMENT_AST_OPERATORS(Function_Call); IMPLEMENT_AST_OPERATORS(Variable); IMPLEMENT_AST_OPERATORS(Number); IMPLEMENT_AST_OPERATORS(Color_RGBA); IMPLEMENT_AST_OPERATORS(Color_HSLA); IMPLEMENT_AST_OPERATORS(Custom_Error); IMPLEMENT_AST_OPERATORS(Custom_Warning); IMPLEMENT_AST_OPERATORS(Boolean); IMPLEMENT_AST_OPERATORS(String_Schema); IMPLEMENT_AST_OPERATORS(String_Constant); IMPLEMENT_AST_OPERATORS(String_Quoted); IMPLEMENT_AST_OPERATORS(Null); IMPLEMENT_AST_OPERATORS(Parent_Reference); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// }