[![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/conichiGMBH/danger-pr_reviewers.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/conichiGMBH/danger-pr_reviewers) # danger-pr_reviewers The plugin deals with the PRs on the GitHub innregards to reviews. Based on the given parameters it automatically assigns the developer to review the PRs. In [ios team](https://github.com/conichiGMBH/ios-team) we have [rules](https://github.com/conichiGMBH/ios-team/blob/master/docs/pr_protocol.md#creating-the-pr) to ask our designers to review the UI changed in PR, by checkin the attached image or gif. The `pr_reviewers` can also ask for review based on that rule. ## Installation ``` $ gem install danger-pr_reviewers ``` ## Usage ```ruby developers_usernames = ["Superman", "Batman", "Iron-Man"] number_of_developers_required_for_review = 1 designers_usernames = ["Pablo-Picasso", "Salvador-Dali"] number_of_designers_required_for_review = 1 pr_reviewers.run(developers_usernames, designers_usernames, number_of_developers_required_for_review, number_of_designers_required_for_review) ``` ## Development 1. Clone this repo 2. Run `bundle install` to setup dependencies. 3. Run `bundle exec rake spec` to run the tests. 4. Use `bundle exec guard` to automatically have tests run as you make changes. 5. Make your changes.