# Tgbot.Usage Since the implementation is so tiny, you can just review source code to understand usage. ## Example and Explanation ### Hello world ```ruby Tgbot.run TOKEN, proxy: '' do |bot| bot.get 'hello' do reply 'world' end end ``` This can be broken into: (with the same effect) ```ruby bot = Tgbot::DSL.new TOKEN, proxy: '' bot.get 'hello' do reply 'world' end bot.run ``` Here the "`bot`" is actually an instance of `Tgbot::DSL`. ### MainLoop Model Original Model: ```ruby loop { updates = get_updates; updates.each { |update| ... } } ``` Only deal with `Update`: ```ruby loop_get_updates { |update| ... } ``` Which is our `mainloop`: (see [runner.rb#L15](lib/tgbot/runner.rb#L15)) ```ruby mainloop { |update| ... } ``` ### DSL ```ruby bot.start { puts "#{bot.name}, at your service" } bot.finish { puts "byebye." } bot.before { |update| puts "Processing ##{update.id}." } bot.after { |update| puts "Processed ##{update.id}." } bot.on /\.r(\d+)?d(\d+)?/ do |matched| p self #=> # t = matched[1]&.to_i || 1 n = matched[2]&.to_i || 6 reply _ = Array.new(t){rand n}.to_s rescue 'bad roll!' end bot.get 'cuxia', 'blind' do name = message&.from&.first_name next unless name send_message "#{name} cuxia!" if rand < 0.5 self.retry 2 #=> at most retry 2 times, default 1 if not given arg end done! #=> prevent any retry, mark and drop end bot.alias 'cuxia', 'woc', 'wodemaya' ``` - start: will be run once when `bot.run`. - finish: will be run once when CtrlC. - before: do something with every `Update` before processing. - after: do something with every `Update` after processing. - on/get: match text and execute code in `Update` instance. As you can see, the dsl is still weak. Wish for your idea! ### Call Bot API You can call bot API at any place with `bot.`. ```ruby p bot.get_me bot.get 'debug' do p bot.get_me end ``` Params and returns are Hash. ### Upgrade Bot API - Edit [types.txt](tools/types.txt) or [methods.txt](tools/methods.txt). - `rake json` Current version of Bot API: 3.3.