module Nginxtra module Actions module Rails class Server include Nginxtra::Action def server ensure_in_rails_app ensure_server_gem_installed begin start_verbose_output start_nginxtra wait_till_finished ensure stop_verbose_output stop_nginxtra end end def ensure_in_rails_app unless in_rails_app? raise "You must be in a rails root directory to run nginxtra_rails." end end def ensure_server_gem_installed unless passenger_installed? raise "Please 'gem install passenger' to continue." end end def start_nginxtra port = @thor.options["port"] environment = @thor.options["environment"] @thor.empty_directory "tmp" unless "tmp" @thor.empty_directory "tmp/nginxtra" unless "tmp/nginxtra" @thor.create_file config_path, %{nginxtra.simple_config do rails :port => #{port}, :environment => "#{environment}" end }, :force => true @thor.invoke Nginxtra::CLI, ["start"], :basedir => basedir, :config => config_path, :workingdir => workingdir, :"non-interactive" => true @thor.say "Listening on http://localhost:#{port}/" @thor.say "Environment: #{environment}" end def wait_till_finished @thor.say "Ctrl-C or Ctrl-D to shutdown server" next until $stdin.getc.nil? @thor.say "Captured Ctrl-D..." rescue Interrupt @thor.say "Captured Ctrl-C..." end def stop_nginxtra @thor.invoke Nginxtra::CLI, ["stop"], :basedir => basedir, :config => config_path, :workingdir => workingdir, :"non-interactive" => true end def passenger_installed? Gem::Specification.find_by_name("passenger") end def basedir File.absolute_path "tmp/nginxtra" end def config_path File.absolute_path "tmp/nginxtra.conf.rb" end def workingdir File.absolute_path "." end def in_rails_app? return true if File.exists? "script/rails" File.exists?("script/server") && File.exists?("app") end def start_verbose_output return unless @thor.options["verbose"] @verbose_run = true { verbose_thread } end def stop_verbose_output return unless @thor.options["verbose"] @verbose_run = false end def verbose_thread environment = @thor.options["environment"] log_path = "log/#{environment}.log" if File.exists? log_path log = log_path, "r" 0, IO::SEEK_END else while @verbose_run if File.exists? log_path log = log_path, "r" break end sleep 0.1 end end while @verbose_run select [log] line = log.gets if line puts line puts line while(line = log.gets) end sleep 0.1 end ensure log.close if log end end end end end