module Textbringer module Commands define_command(:version) do message("Textbringer #{Textbringer::VERSION} "\ "(ruby #{RUBY_VERSION} [#{RUBY_PLATFORM}])") end define_command(:exit_textbringer) do |status = 0| if Buffer.any? { |buffer| /\A\*/ !~ && buffer.modified? } return unless yes_or_no?("Unsaved buffers exist; exit anyway?") end exit(status) end define_command(:suspend_textbringer) do Curses.close_screen Process.kill(:STOP, 0) end define_command(:execute_command) do |cmd = read_command_name("M-x ").strip.intern| unless Commands.list.include?(cmd) raise EditorError, "Undefined command: #{cmd}" end Controller.current.this_command = cmd send(cmd) end define_command(:eval_expression) do |s = read_from_minibuffer("Eval: ")| result = eval(s, TOPLEVEL_BINDING, "(eval_expression)", 1) message(result.inspect) result end define_command(:eval_buffer) do buffer = Buffer.current result = eval(buffer.to_s, TOPLEVEL_BINDING, buffer.file_name ||, 1) message(result.inspect) result end define_command(:eval_region) do buffer = Buffer.current b, e = buffer.point, buffer.mark if e < b b, e = e, b end result = eval(buffer.substring(b, e), TOPLEVEL_BINDING, "(eval_region)", 1) message(result.inspect) result end define_command(:exit_recursive_edit) do if Controller.current.recursive_edit_level == 0 raise EditorError, "No recursive edit is in progress" end throw RECURSIVE_EDIT_TAG, false end define_command(:abort_recursive_edit) do if Controller.current.recursive_edit_level == 0 raise EditorError, "No recursive edit is in progress" end throw RECURSIVE_EDIT_TAG, true end define_command(:top_level) do throw TOP_LEVEL_TAG end define_command(:keyboard_quit) do raise Quit end def update_completions(xs) if xs.size > 1 if COMPLETION[:original_buffer].nil? COMPLETION[:completions_window] = Window.list.last COMPLETION[:original_buffer] = COMPLETION[:completions_window].buffer end completions = Buffer.find_or_new("*Completions*", undo_limit: 0) if !completions.mode.is_a?(CompletionListMode) completions.apply_mode(CompletionListMode) end completions.read_only = false begin completions.clear xs.each do |x| completions.insert(x + "\n") end COMPLETION[:completions_window].buffer = completions ensure completions.read_only = true end else if COMPLETION[:original_buffer] COMPLETION[:completions_window].buffer = COMPLETION[:original_buffer] end end end private :update_completions def complete_minibuffer_with_string(s) minibuffer = Buffer.minibuffer if s.start_with?(minibuffer.to_s) minibuffer.insert(s[minibuffer.to_s.size..-1]) else minibuffer.delete_region(minibuffer.point_min, minibuffer.point_max) minibuffer.insert(s) end end private :complete_minibuffer_with_string define_command(:complete_minibuffer) do minibuffer = Buffer.minibuffer completion_proc = minibuffer[:completion_proc] if completion_proc xs = update_completions(xs) if xs.empty? message("No match", sit_for: 1) return end y, *ys = xs s = y.size.downto(1) { |i| y[0, i] }.find { |i| ys.all? { |j| j.start_with?(i) } } if s complete_minibuffer_with_string(s) end end end UNIVERSAL_ARGUMENT_MAP = (?0..?9).each do |c| UNIVERSAL_ARGUMENT_MAP.define_key(c, :digit_argument) GLOBAL_MAP.define_key("\e#{c}", :digit_argument) end UNIVERSAL_ARGUMENT_MAP.define_key(?-, :negative_argument) UNIVERSAL_ARGUMENT_MAP.define_key(?\C-u, :universal_argument_more) def universal_argument_mode set_transient_map(UNIVERSAL_ARGUMENT_MAP) end define_command(:universal_argument) do Controller.current.prefix_arg = [4] universal_argument_mode end def current_prefix_arg Controller.current.current_prefix_arg end def prefix_numeric_value(arg) case arg when Integer arg when Array arg.first when :- -1 else 1 end end def number_prefix_arg prefix_numeric_value(current_prefix_arg) end define_command(:digit_argument) do |arg = current_prefix_arg| n = Controller.current.last_key.to_i Controller.current.prefix_arg = case arg when Integer arg * 10 + (arg < 0 ? -n : n) when :- -n else n end universal_argument_mode end define_command(:negative_argument) do |arg = current_prefix_arg| Controller.current.prefix_arg = case arg when Integer -arg when :- nil else :- end universal_argument_mode end define_command(:universal_argument_more) do |arg = current_prefix_arg| Controller.current.prefix_arg = case arg when Array [4 * arg.first] when :- [-4] else nil end if Controller.current.prefix_arg universal_argument_mode end end define_command(:recursive_edit) do Controller.current.recursive_edit end def goto_global_mark global_mark_ring = Buffer.global_mark_ring mark = yield(global_mark_ring) if mark.buffer&.current? && Buffer.current.point_at_mark?(mark) mark = yield(global_mark_ring) end if mark.detached? find_file(mark.file_name) goto_char(mark.location) else switch_to_buffer(mark.buffer) mark.buffer.point_to_mark(mark) end end private :goto_global_mark define_command(:next_global_mark) do if Buffer.global_mark_ring.empty? raise EditorError, "Global mark ring is empty" end if Buffer.current.push_global_mark Buffer.global_mark_ring.pop end goto_global_mark do |mark_ring| mark_ring.pop end end define_command(:previous_global_mark) do if Buffer.global_mark_ring.empty? raise EditorError, "Global mark ring is empty" end Buffer.current.push_global_mark goto_global_mark do |mark_ring| mark_ring.rotate(-1) end end define_command(:shell_execute) do |cmd = read_from_minibuffer("Shell execute: "), buffer_name: "*Shell output*", mode: FundamentalMode| buffer = Buffer.find_or_new(buffer_name) switch_to_buffer(buffer) buffer.apply_mode(mode) buffer.read_only = false buffer.clear Window.redisplay signals = [:INT, :TERM, :KILL] begin opts = /mswin32|mingw32/ =~ RUBY_PLATFORM ? {} : {pgroup: true} if CONFIG[:shell_file_name] cmd = [CONFIG[:shell_file_name], CONFIG[:shell_command_switch], cmd] end Open3.popen3(*cmd, opts) do |input, output, error, wait_thread| input.close catch(:finish) do loop do rs, =[output, error], nil, nil, 0.5) Window.redisplay rs&.each do |r| begin s = r.read_nonblock(1024).force_encoding("utf-8"). scrub("\u{3013}").gsub(/\r\n/, "\n") buffer.insert(s) Window.redisplay rescue EOFError throw(:finish) rescue Errno::EAGAIN, Errno::EWOULDBLOCK Window.redisplay next end end if received_keyboard_quit? if signals.empty? keyboard_quit else sig = signals.shift pid = pid = -pid if /mswin32|mingw32/ !~ RUBY_PLATFORM message("Send #{sig} to #{pid}") Process.kill(sig, pid) end end end end status = wait_thread.value pid = if status.exited? code = status.exitstatus message("Process #{pid} exited with status code #{code}") elsif status.signaled? signame = Signal.signame(status.termsig) message("Process #{pid} was killed by #{signame}") end end ensure buffer.read_only = true end end define_command(:grep) do |cmd = read_from_minibuffer("Grep: ", initial_value: CONFIG[:grep_command] + " ")| shell_execute(cmd, buffer_name: "*grep*", mode: BacktraceMode) end define_command(:jit_pause) do RubyVM::MJIT.pause end define_command(:jit_resume) do RubyVM::MJIT.resume end end end