@import "compass"; $line-height: 14px; $margin-unit: 14px; $faint-text-color: #aaa; $light-text-color: #666; $text-color: #333; $page-background-color: #eee; $passing-color: #007069; $failing-color: #ca3a11; $pending-color: #ba9d37; $empty-color: #eff543; $neutral-color: #bababa; $font-size: 11px; $large-font-size: 14px; body { overflow-y: scroll; } .jasmine_html-reporter { background-color: $page-background-color; padding: 5px; margin: -8px; font-size: $font-size; font-family: Monaco, "Lucida Console", monospace; line-height: $line-height; color: $text-color; a { text-decoration: none; &:hover { text-decoration: underline; } } p, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 { margin: 0; line-height: $line-height; } .banner, .symbol-summary, .summary, .result-message, .spec .description, .spec-detail .description, .alert .bar, .stack-trace { padding-left: $margin-unit - 5px; padding-right: $margin-unit - 5px; } .banner { position: relative; } .banner .title { background: inline-image('jasmine-horizontal.png') no-repeat; background: inline-image('jasmine-horizontal.svg') no-repeat, none; @include background-size(100%); display: block; float: left; width: 90px; height: 25px; } .banner .version { margin-left: $margin-unit; position: relative; top: 6px; } .banner .duration { position: absolute; right: 14px; top: 6px; } // This div is available for testing elements that must be added to the DOM. // We position it out of view, so it doesn't obstruct the runner. #jasmine_content { position: fixed; right: 100%; } .version { color: $faint-text-color; } //--- Banner ---// .banner { margin-top: $line-height; } .duration { color: $faint-text-color; float: right; } //--- Symbol summary ---// .symbol-summary { @include clearfix; margin: $line-height 0; li { display: inline-block; height: ($line-height / 2) + 1; width: $line-height; font-size: 16px; &.passed { font-size: 14px; &:before { color: $passing-color; content: "\02022"; } } &.failed { line-height: ($line-height / 2) + 2; &:before { color: $failing-color; content: "\d7"; font-weight: bold; margin-left: -1px; } } &.disabled { font-size: 14px; &:before { color: $neutral-color; content: "\02022"; } } &.pending { line-height: 17px; &:before { color: $pending-color; content: "*"; } } &.empty { font-size: 14px; &:before { color: $pending-color; content: "\02022"; } } } } .exceptions { color: #fff; float: right; margin-top: 5px; margin-right: 5px; } //--- Alerts: status bars ---// .bar { line-height: $line-height * 2; font-size: $large-font-size; display: block; color: #eee; &.failed { background-color: $failing-color; } &.passed { background-color: $passing-color; } &.skipped { background-color: $neutral-color; } &.menu { background-color: #fff; color: $faint-text-color; a { color: $text-color; } } a { color: white; } } // simplify toggle control between the two menu bars &.spec-list { .bar.menu.failure-list, .results .failures { display: none; } } &.failure-list { .bar.menu.spec-list, .summary { display: none; } } .running-alert { background-color: $light-text-color; } //--- Results ---// .results { margin-top: $line-height; } //--- Results menu ---// &.showDetails { .summaryMenuItem { font-weight: normal; text-decoration: inherit; &:hover { text-decoration: underline; } } .detailsMenuItem { font-weight: bold; text-decoration: underline; } .summary { display: none; } #details { display: block; } } .summaryMenuItem { font-weight: bold; text-decoration: underline; } //--- Results summary: Suites and Specs names/links ---// .summary { margin-top: $margin-unit; ul { list-style-type: none; margin-left: $margin-unit; padding-top: 0; padding-left: 0; &.suite { margin-top: $margin-unit/2; margin-bottom: $margin-unit/2 } } li { &.passed a { color: $passing-color; } &.failed a { color: $failing-color; } &.empty a { color: $pending-color; } &.pending a { color: $pending-color; } } } .description+.suite { margin-top: 0; } .suite { margin-top: $margin-unit; a { color: $text-color; } } //--- Failure details ---// .failures { .spec-detail { margin-bottom: $line-height * 2; .description { background-color: $failing-color; a { color: white; } } } } .result-message { padding-top: $line-height; color: $text-color; white-space: pre; } .result-message span.result { display: block; } .stack-trace { margin: 5px 0 0 0; max-height: $line-height * 16; overflow: auto; line-height: 18px; color: $light-text-color; border: 1px solid #ddd; background: white; white-space: pre; } }