Class Rumai::Client
In: lib/rumai/wm.rb
Parent: WidgetNode

A graphical program that is running in your current X Windows session.


area   chain   curr   focus   group   group?   new   send   swap   tag   tags   tags=   toggle_group   ungroup   untag   views   with_tags  

Included Modules



TAG_DELIMITER = '+'.freeze   tag manipulations

Public Class methods

Returns the currently focused client.

Public Instance methods

Returns the area that contains this client within the given view.

Returns a list of clients in the current view.

Focuses this client within the given view.

Adds this client to the current grouping.

Checks if this client is included in the current grouping.

Sends this client to the given destination within the given view.

Swaps this client with the given destination within the given view.

Adds the given tags to this client.

Returns the tags associated with this client.

Modifies the tags associated with this client.

Toggles the presence of this client in the current grouping.

Removes this client to the current grouping.

Removes the given tags from this client.

Returns the views that contain this client.

Evaluates the given block within the context of this client‘s list of tags.
