LHS === LHS uses [LHC](//github.com/local-ch/LHC) for http requests. ## Very Short Introduction A LHS::Record makes data available using backend services and one or multiple endpoints. ```ruby class Feedback < LHS::Record endpoint ':datastore/v2/content-ads/:campaign_id/feedbacks' endpoint ':datastore/v2/feedbacks' end feedback = Feedback.find_by_email('somebody@mail.com') #<Feedback> feedback.review # "Lunch was great" ``` ## Where to store LHS::Records Please store all defined LHS::Records in `app/models` as they are not autoloaded by rails otherwise. ## Endpoints You setup a LHS::Record by configuring one or multiple backend endpoints. You can also add request options for an endpoint (see following example). ```ruby class Feedback < LHS::Record endpoint ':datastore/v2/content-ads/:campaign_id/feedbacks' endpoint ':datastore/v2/content-ads/:campaign_id/feedbacks/:id' endpoint ':datastore/v2/feedbacks', cache: true, cache_expires_in: 1.day endpoint ':datastore/v2/feedbacks/:id', cache: true, cache_expires_in: 1.day end ``` If you try to setup a LHS::Record with clashing endpoints it will immediately raise an exception. ```ruby class Feedback < LHS::Record endpoint ':datastore/v2/reviews' endpoint ':datastore/v2/feedbacks' end # raises: Clashing endpoints. ``` ## Find multiple records You can query a backend service to provide records by using `where`. ```ruby Feedback.where(has_reviews: true) ``` This uses the `:datastore/v2/feedbacks` endpoint, cause `:campaign_id` was not provided. In addition it would add `?has_reviews=true` to the get parameters. ```ruby Feedback.where(campaign_id: 'fq-a81ngsl1d') ``` Uses the `:datastore/v2/content-ads/:campaign_id/feedbacks` endpoint. ## Find single records `find` finds a unique record by uniqe identifier (usualy id). If no record is found an error is raised. ## Proxy Instead of mapping data when it arrives from the backend, the proxy makes data accessible when you access it, not when you fetch it. The proxy is used to access data and it is divided in `Collection` and `Item`. `find` can also be used to find a single uniqe record with parameters: ```ruby Feedback.find(campaign_id: 123, id: 456) ``` `find_by` finds the first record matching the specified conditions. If no record is found, `nil` is returned. `find_by!` raises LHC::NotFound if nothing was found. ```ruby Feedback.find_by(id: 'z12f-3asm3ngals') Feedback.find_by(id: 'doesntexist') # nil ``` `first` is an alias for finding the first record without parameters. ```ruby Feedback.first ``` If no record is found, `nil` is returned. `first!` raises LHC::NotFound if nothing was found. ## Batch processing **Be carefull using methods for batch processing. They could result in a lot of HTTP requests!** `all` fetches all records from the backend by doing multiple requests if necessary. ```ruby data = Feedback.all data.count # 998 data.total # 998 ``` `find_each` is a more fine grained way to process single records that are fetched in batches. ```ruby Feedback.find_each(start: 50, batch_size: 20, params: { has_reviews: true }) do |feedback| # Iterates over each record. Starts with record nr. 50 and fetches 20 records each batch. feedback break if feedback.some_attribute == some_value end ``` `find_in_batches` is used by `find_each` and processes batches. ```ruby Feedback.find_in_batches(start: 50, batch_size: 20, params: { has_reviews: true }) do |feedbacks| # Iterates over multiple records (batch size is 20). Starts with record nr. 50 and fetches 20 records each batch. feedbacks break if feedback.some_attribute == some_value end ``` ## Create records ```ruby feedback = Feedback.create( recommended: true, source_id: 'aaa', content_ad_id: '1z-5r1fkaj' ) ``` When creation fails, the object contains errors. It provides them through the `errors` attribute: ```ruby feedback.errors #<LHS::Errors> feedback.errors.include?(:ratings) # true feedback.errors[:ratings] # ['REQUIRED_PROPERTY_VALUE'] record.errors.messages # {:ratings=>["REQUIRED_PROPERTY_VALUE"], :recommended=>["REQUIRED_PROPERTY_VALUE"]} record.errors.message # ratings must be set when review or name or review_title is set | The property value is required; it cannot be null, empty, or blank." ``` ## Build new records Build and persist new items from scratch are done either with `new` or it's alias `build`. ```ruby feedback = Feedback.new(recommended: true) feedback.save ``` ## Include linked resources When fetching records, you can specify in advance all the linked resources that you want to include in the results. With `includes`, LHS ensures that all matching and explicitly linked resources are loaded and merged. The implementation is heavily influenced by [http://guides.rubyonrails.org/active_record_class_querying](http://guides.rubyonrails.org/active_record_class_querying.html#eager-loading-associations) and you should read it to understand this feature in all its glory. ### One-Level `includes` ```ruby # a claim has a localch_account claims = Claims.includes(:localch_account).where(place_id: 'huU90mB_6vAfUdVz_uDoyA') claims.first.localch_account.email # 'test@email.com' ``` * [see the JSON without include](examples/claim_no_include.json) * [see the JSON with include](examples/claim_with_include.json) ### Two-Level `includes` ```ruby # a feedback has a campaign, which has an entry feedbacks = Feedback.includes(campaign: :entry).where(has_reviews: true) feedbacks.first.campaign.entry.name # 'Casa Ferlin' ``` ### Multiple `includes` ```ruby # list of includes claims = Claims.includes(:localch_account, :entry).where(place_id: 'huU90mB_6vAfUdVz_uDoyA') # array of includes claims = Claims.includes([:localch_account, :entry]).where(place_id: 'huU90mB_6vAfUdVz_uDoyA') # Two-level with array of includes feedbacks = Feedback.includes(campaign: [:entry, :user]).where(has_reviews: true) ``` ### Known LHS::Records are used to request linked resources When including linked resources with `includes`, known/defined services and endpoints are used to make those requests. That also means that options for endpoints of linked resources are applied when requesting those in addition. This allows you to include protected resources (e.g. OAuth) as endpoint options for oauth authentication get applied. The [Auth Inteceptor](https://github.com/local-ch/lhc-core-interceptors#auth-interceptor) from [lhc-core-interceptors](https://github.com/local-ch/lhc-core-interceptors) is used to configure the following endpoints. ```ruby class Favorite < LHS::Record endpoint ':datastore/:user_id/favorites', auth: { bearer: -> { bearer_token } } endpoint ':datastore/:user_id/favorites/:id', auth: { bearer: -> { bearer_token } } end class Place < LHS::Record endpoint ':datastore/v2/places', auth: { bearer: -> { bearer_token } } endpoint ':datastore/v2/places/:id', auth: { bearer: -> { bearer_token } } end Favorite.includes(:place).where(user_id: current_user.id) # Will include places and applies endpoint options to authenticate the request. ``` ## Map data To influence how data is accessed/provied, you can use mappings to either map deep nested data or to manipulate data when its accessed. Simply create methods inside the LHS::Record. They can access underlying data: ```ruby class LocalEntry < LHS::Record endpoint ':datastore/v2/local-entries' def name addresses.first.business.identities.first.name end end ``` ### Known LHS::Records when accessing mapped data from nested data As LHS detects LHS::Records as soon as a link is present, mappings will also be applied on nested data: ``` class Place < LHS::Record endpoint ':datastore/v2/places' def name addresses.first.business.identities.first.name end end class Favorite < LHS::Record endpoint ':datastore/v2/favorites' end favorite = Favorite.includes(:place).find(1) favorite.place.name # local.ch AG ``` ## Setters You can change attributes of LHS::Records: ``` record = Feedback.find(id: 'z12f-3asm3ngals') rcord.recommended = false ``` ## Save You can persist changes with `save`. `save` will return `false` if persisting fails. `save!` instead will raise an exception. ```ruby feedback = Feedback.find('1z-5r1fkaj') feedback.recommended = false feedback.save ``` ## Update `update` will return false if persisting fails. `update!` instead will an raise exception. `update` always updates the data of the local object first, before it tries to sync with an endpoint. So even if persisting fails, the local object is updated. ```ruby feedback = Feedback.find('1z-5r1fkaj') feedback.update(recommended: false) ``` ## Destroy You can delete records remotely by calling `destroy` on an LHS::Record. ```ruby feedback = Feedback.find('1z-5r1fkaj') feedback.destroy ``` ## Validation In order to validate LHS::Records before persisting them, you can use the `valid?` (`validate` alias) method. The specific endpoint has to support validations with the `persist=false` parameter. The endpoint has to be enabled (opt-in) for validations in the service configuration. ``` class User < LHS::Record endpoint ':datastore/v2/users', validates: true end user = User.build(email: 'im not an email address') unless user.valid? fail(user.errors[:email]) end ``` ## Collections: Offset / Limit / Pagination You can paginate by passing offset, and limit params. They will be forwarded to the backend. ```ruby data = Feedback.where(limit: 50) data.count // 50 Feedback.where(limit: 50, offset: 51) ``` `total` provides total amount of items (even if paginated). `limit` provides amount of items per page. `offset` provides how many items where skipped to start the current page.