module Cul module Fedora module Arm # This class is for building ARM resource models in Fedora # # Authors:: James Stuart (mailto:james.stuart at, Benjamin Armintor (mailto: ba2213 at # License:: # Dependencies:: activesupport class Builder # TODO: abstract this to allow for multiple patterns # list of columns for a template with no header row DEFAULT_TEMPLATE_HEADER = [:sequence, :target, :model_type, :source, :template_type, :dc_format, :id, :pid, :action, :license] # columns that must have values REQUIRED_COLUMNS = [:sequence] # columns that must be included in a template MANDATORY_COLUMNS = [:sequence, :target, :model_type] # list of columns which may have values VALID_COLUMNS = [:sequence, :target, :model_type, :source, :template_type, :dc_format, :title_attr, :mime, :id, :pid, :action, :license] FOXML_BUILDER = # array of individual hash: each hash corresponds to a metadata or resource. attr_reader :parts, :connector # creates a Builder object. Can be used with no arguments, or with ONE of the following options # [:template]:: builds parts based on an enumerable list of strings (for example, the result of # [:header]:: designates for a template whether a header is specified # and one or more of the following: # [:host]:: designates a fedora host server name # [:admin_port]:: designates a fedora host port for admin # [:admin_ssl]:: designates whether ssl should be used # [:user]:: designates a fedora user # [:pwd]:: designates a fedora user credential def initialize(*args) options = args.extract_options! @parts = [] @connector = options.delete(:connector) @namespace = options.delete(:ns) if (template = options.delete(:template)) || (file = options.delete(:file)) template ||=,"r") header = options.delete(:header) header = true if header.nil? raise ArgumentError, "arguments should only include one of the following: :template, :file" unless options.empty? parse_template(template, header) else raise ArgumentError, "arguments should only include one of the following: :template, :file" unless options.empty? end end # adds one part to the parts array # arguments are a hash array of column name (underscored symbols) to values def add_part(*args) value_hash = args.extract_options! test_for_invalid_columns(value_hash.keys) test_for_required_columns(value_hash) raise "Sequence ID already taken" if part_by_sequence(value_hash[:sequence]) @parts << value_hash end # looks for a part by :sequence key # note: if loading from a template, sequence will not be an integer, but rather a string def part_by_sequence(sequence_id) @parts.detect { |p| p[:sequence] == sequence_id} end # looks for a part by :pid key def part_by_pid(pid) @parts.detect { |p| p[:pid] == pid} end def purge(pid) if(@connector) purge = end end def process_parts() reserve_pids(parts) parts.each { |part_hash| process(part_hash) } end def process(value_hash) # part is a hash op = value_hash[:action] + "_" + value_hash[:model_type] op.downcase! op = op.intern raise "Unknown operation #{op}" unless method(op) return method(op).call(value_hash) end def insert_aggregator(value_hash) data = task = task.response end def insert_metadata(value_hash) data = task = task.response end def insert_resource(value_hash) data = task = task.response end def update_aggregator(value_hash) self.purge(value_hash[:pid]) insert_aggregator(value_hash) end def update_metadata(value_hash) self.purge(value_hash[:pid]) insert_metadata(value_hash) end def update_resource(value_hash) self.purge(value_hash[:pid]) insert_resource(value_hash) end def reserve_pids(parts=@parts) assigned = [] if (parts.nil?) return assigned end missing = 0 # count missing pids parts.each { |part| test_for_required_columns(part) if ( part[:action].strip().eql?('insert')) if ( !part.has_key?(:pid) or part[:pid].strip().empty?) missing += 1 end end } task =,@namespace) pids = (missing == 1)? [] # assign new pids parts.each { |part| if ( part[:action].strip().eql?('insert')) if ( !part.has_key?(:pid) or part[:pid].strip().empty?) part[:pid] = pids.delete_at(0) assigned.push(part[:pid]) end end } # make substitutions in target values parts.each { |part| if(part.has_key?(:target)) target = part[:target] targets = target.split(';') targets.collect! { |t| if (t =~ /^\d+$/) t = part_by_sequence(t)[:pid] end t } part[:target] = targets.join(';') end } assigned end protected # checks keys of a hash to make sure all elements of REQUIRED_COLUMNS are contained. def test_for_required_columns(value_hash) missing_values = { |col| !value_hash.has_key?(col) || value_hash[col].nil? } if (value_hash.has_key?(:action) and value_hash[:action].eql?('update')) raise "Update operations require a PID" unless (value_hash.has_key?(:pid) and !value_hash[:pid].strip().eql?('')) end raise "Missing required values #{missing_values.join(",")}" unless missing_values.empty? end # checks list of column names to make sure every one is in VALID_COLUMNS def test_for_invalid_columns(columns) invalid_columns = { |c| !VALID_COLUMNS.include?(c) } raise "Invalid column(s) found: #{invalid_columns.join(",")}" unless invalid_columns.empty? end # parses an enumerable of strings to build parts # an optional header row specifies the columns, however sequence must be included and must be first # TODO: fix this to include a header option def parse_template(template, has_header_row) header_columns = DEFAULT_TEMPLATE_HEADER # list of columns template.each_with_index do |line, i| # if first row, check for header if i == 0 header_columns = line.split("\t").collect { |cn| cn.strip.underscore.to_sym } if has_header_row # check to make sure all mandatory columns are in the template missing_mandatory_columns = { |c| !header_columns.include?(c) } raise "Missing mandatory column(s) found: #{missing_mandatory_columns.join(",")}" unless missing_mandatory_columns.empty? test_for_invalid_columns(header_columns) # skip header_row next if has_header_row end # create hash out of columns and whitespace-stripped values value_hash = Hash[*"\t").collect(&:strip)).flatten] add_part(value_hash) end parts end end end end end