module ActiveMerchant module Billing class PaywayGateway < Gateway self.live_url = self.test_url = '' self.supported_countries = [ 'AU' ] self.supported_cardtypes = [ :visa, :master, :diners_club, :american_express, :bankcard ] self.display_name = 'Pay Way' self.homepage_url = '' self.default_currency = 'AUD' self.money_format = :cents SUMMARY_CODES = { '0' => 'Approved', '1' => 'Declined', '2' => 'Erred', '3' => 'Rejected' } RESPONSE_CODES= { '00' => 'Completed Successfully', '01' => 'Refer to card issuer', '03' => 'Invalid merchant', '04' => 'Pick-up card', '05' => 'Do not honour', '08' => 'Honour only with identification', '12' => 'Invalid transaction', '13' => 'Invalid amount', '14' => 'Invalid card number (no such number)', '30' => 'Format error', '36' => 'Restricted card', '41' => 'Lost card', '42' => 'No universal card', '43' => 'Stolen card', '51' => 'Not sufficient funds', '54' => 'Expired card', '61' => 'Exceeds withdrawal amount limits', '62' => 'Restricted card', '65' => 'Exceeds withdrawal frequency limit', '91' => 'Issuer or switch is inoperative', '92' => 'Financial institution or intermediate network facility cannot be found for routing', '94' => 'Duplicate transmission', 'Q1' => 'Unknown Buyer', 'Q2' => 'Transaction Pending', 'Q3' => 'Payment Gateway Connection Error', 'Q4' => 'Payment Gateway Unavailable', 'Q5' => 'Invalid Transaction', 'Q6' => 'Duplicate Transaction - requery to determine status', 'QA' => 'Invalid parameters or Initialisation failed', 'QB' => 'Order type not currently supported', 'QC' => 'Invalid Order Type', 'QD' => 'Invalid Payment Amount - Payment amount less than minimum/exceeds maximum allowed limit', 'QE' => 'Internal Error', 'QF' => 'Transaction Failed', 'QG' => 'Unknown Customer Order Number', 'QH' => 'Unknown Customer Username or Password', 'QI' => 'Transaction incomplete - contact Westpac to confirm reconciliation', 'QJ' => 'Invalid Client Certificate', 'QK' => 'Unknown Customer Merchant', 'QL' => 'Business Group not configured for customer', 'QM' => 'Payment Instrument not configured for customer', 'QN' => 'Configuration Error', 'QO' => 'Missing Payment Instrument', 'QP' => 'Missing Supplier Account', 'QQ' => 'Invalid Credit Card Verification Number', 'QR' => 'Transaction Retry', 'QS' => 'Transaction Successful', 'QT' => 'Invalid currency', 'QU' => 'Unknown Customer IP Address', 'QV' => 'Invalid Original Order Number specified for Refund, Refund amount exceeds capture amount, or Previous capture was not approved', 'QW' => 'Invalid Reference Number', 'QX' => 'Network Error has occurred', 'QY' => 'Card Type Not Accepted', 'QZ' => 'Zero value transaction' } TRANSACTIONS = { :authorize => 'preauth', :purchase => 'capture', :capture => 'captureWithoutAuth', :status => 'query', :refund => 'refund', :store => 'registerAccount' } def initialize(options={}) @options = options @options[:merchant] ||= 'TEST' if test? requires!(options, :username, :password, :merchant, :pem) @options[:eci] ||= 'SSL' end def authorize(amount, payment_method, options={}) requires!(options, :order_id) post = {} add_payment_method(post, payment_method) add_order(post, amount, options) commit(:authorize, post) end def capture(amount, authorization, options={}) requires!(options, :order_id) post = {} add_reference(post, authorization) add_order(post, amount, options) commit(:capture, post) end def purchase(amount, payment_method, options={}) requires!(options, :order_id) post = {} add_payment_method(post, payment_method) add_order(post, amount, options) commit(:purchase, post) end def refund(amount, authorization, options={}) requires!(options, :order_id) post = {} add_reference(post, authorization) add_order(post, amount, options) commit(:refund, post) end def store(credit_card, options={}) requires!(options, :billing_id) post = {} add_payment_method(post, credit_card) add_payment_method(post, options[:billing_id]) commit(:store, post) end def status(options={}) requires!(options, :order_id) commit(:status, 'customer.orderNumber' => options[:order_id]) end private def add_payment_method(post, payment_method) if payment_method.respond_to?(:number) post['card.cardHolderName'] = "#{payment_method.first_name} #{payment_method.last_name}" post['card.PAN'] = payment_method.number post['card.CVN'] = payment_method.verification_value post['card.expiryYear'] = payment_method.year.to_s[-2,2] post['card.expiryMonth'] = sprintf('%02d', payment_method.month) else post['customer.customerReferenceNumber'] = payment_method end end def add_reference(post, reference) post['customer.originalOrderNumber'] = reference end def add_order(post, amount, options) post['order.ECI'] = @options[:eci] post['order.amount'] = amount post['card.currency'] = (options[:currency] || currency(amount)) post['customer.orderNumber'] = options[:order_id][0...20] end def add_auth(post) post['customer.username'] = @options[:username] post['customer.password'] = @options[:password] post['customer.merchant'] = @options[:merchant] end # Creates the request and returns the summarized result def commit(action, post) add_auth(post) post.merge!('order.type' => TRANSACTIONS[action]) request = { |k, v| "#{k}=#{CGI.escape(v.to_s)}" }.join("&") response = ssl_post(self.live_url, request) params = {} CGI.parse(response).each_pair do |key, value| actual_key = key.split(".").last params[actual_key.underscore.to_sym] = value[0] end message = "#{SUMMARY_CODES[params[:summary_code]]} - #{RESPONSE_CODES[params[:response_code]]}" success = (params[:summary_code] ? (params[:summary_code] == "0") : (params[:response_code] == "00")), message, params, :test => (@options[:merchant].to_s == "TEST"), :authorization => post[:order_number] ) rescue ActiveMerchant::ResponseError => e raise unless e.response.code == '403' return, "Invalid credentials", {}, :test => test?) rescue ActiveMerchant::ClientCertificateError return, "Invalid certificate", {}, :test => test?) end end end end