module ThumbsUp module ActsAsVoteable #:nodoc: def self.included(base) base.extend ThumbsUp::Base base.extend ClassMethods end module ClassMethods def acts_as_voteable has_many :votes, :as => :voteable, :dependent => :destroy include ThumbsUp::ActsAsVoteable::InstanceMethods extend ThumbsUp::ActsAsVoteable::SingletonMethods end end module SingletonMethods # Calculate the plusminus for a group of voteables in one database query. # This returns an Arel relation, so you can add conditions as you like chained on to # this method call. # i.e. Posts.tally.where('votes.created_at > ?', 2.days.ago) # You can also have the upvotes and downvotes returned separately in the same query: # Post.plusminus_tally(:separate_updown => true) def plusminus_tally(params = {}) t = self.joins("LEFT OUTER JOIN #{Vote.table_name} ON #{self.table_name}.id = #{Vote.table_name}.voteable_id") t = t.order("plusminus_tally DESC") t ="#{self.table_name}.id") t ="#{self.table_name}.*") if mysql? table = "CAST(#{Vote.table_name}.vote AS UNSIGNED)" true_value = '1' false_value = '0' else table = "#{Vote.table_name}.vote" true_value = 'true' false_value = 'false' end t ="SUM(CASE #{table} WHEN #{true_value} THEN 1 WHEN #{false_value} THEN -1 ELSE 0 END) AS plusminus_tally") if params[:separate_updown] t ="SUM(CASE #{table} WHEN #{true_value} THEN 1 WHEN #{false_value} THEN 0 ELSE 0 END) AS up") t ="SUM(CASE #{table} WHEN #{true_value} THEN 0 WHEN #{false_value} THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS down") end t ="COUNT(#{Vote.table_name}.id) AS vote_count") end # #rank_tally is depreciated. alias_method :rank_tally, :plusminus_tally # Calculate the vote counts for all voteables of my type. # This method returns all voteables (even without any votes) by default. # The vote count for each voteable is available as #vote_count. # This returns an Arel relation, so you can add conditions as you like chained on to # this method call. # i.e. Posts.tally.where('votes.created_at > ?', 2.days.ago) def tally(*args) t = self.joins("LEFT OUTER JOIN #{Vote.table_name} ON #{self.table_name}.id = #{Vote.table_name}.voteable_id") t = t.order("vote_count DESC") t ="#{self.table_name}.id") t ="#{self.table_name}.*") t ="COUNT(#{Vote.table_name}.id) AS vote_count") end def column_names_for_tally { |column| "#{self.table_name}.#{column}" }.join(', ') end end module InstanceMethods def votes_for self.votes.where(:vote => true).count end def votes_against self.votes.where(:vote => false).count end def percent_for (votes_for.to_f * 100 / (self.votes.size + 0.0001)).round end def percent_against (votes_against.to_f * 100 / (self.votes.size + 0.0001)).round end # You'll probably want to use this method to display how 'good' a particular voteable # is, and/or sort based on it. # If you're using this for a lot of voteables, then you'd best use the #plusminus_tally # method above. def plusminus respond_to?(:plusminus_tally) ? plusminus_tally : (votes_for - votes_against) end # The lower bound of a Wilson Score with a default confidence interval of 95%. Gives a more accurate representation of average rating (plusminus) based on the number of positive ratings and total ratings. # def ci_plusminus(confidence = 0.95) require 'statistics2' n = votes.size if n == 0 return 0 end z = Statistics2.pnormaldist(1 - (1 - confidence) / 2) phat = 1.0 * votes_for / n (phat + z * z / (2 * n) - z * Math.sqrt((phat * (1 - phat) + z * z / (4 * n)) / n)) / (1 + z * z / n) end def votes_count votes.size end def voters_who_voted end def voted_by?(voter) 0 < Vote.where( :voteable_id =>, :voteable_type =>, :voter_id => ).count end end end end