require 'ezcrypto' =begin rdoc These modules provides a simple ruby like way to create and verify digital signatures. == License ActiveCrypto and EzCrypto are released under the MIT license. == Support To contact the author, send mail to Also see my blogs at: and This project was based on code used in my project StakeItOut, where you can securely share web services with your partners. (C) 2005 Pelle Braendgaard =end module EzCrypto =begin rdoc The signer is used for signing stuff. It encapsulates the functionality of a private key. =end class Signer =begin rdoc Initialize a Signer with a OpenSSL Private Key. You generally should not call new directly. Unless you are interfacing with your own underlying OpenSSL code. =end def initialize(priv,options = {}) @priv=priv end =begin rdoc Generate a new keypair. Defaults to 2048 bit RSA. =end def self.generate(strength=2048,type=:rsa) key_class=case type when :dsa OpenSSL::PKey::DSA else OpenSSL::PKey::RSA end end =begin rdoc Decode a PEM encoded Private Key and return a signer. Takes an optional password =end def self.decode(encoded,password=nil) begin encoded,password)) rescue encoded,password)) end end =begin rdoc Decode a PEM encoded Private Key file and return a signer. Takes an optional password =end def self.from_file(filename,password=nil) file = filename ) decode(file,password) end =begin rdoc Returns the OpenSSL Public Key object. You normally do not need to use this. =end def public_key @priv.public_key end =begin rdoc Returns the corresponding Verifier object. =end def verifier end =begin rdoc Returns the OpenSSL Private Key object. You normally do not need to use this. =end def private_key @priv end =begin rdoc signs data using the private key and the corresponding digest function. SHA1 for RSA and DSS1 for DSA. 99% of signing use these parameters. Email a request or send me a patch if you have other requirements. =end def sign(data) if rsa? @priv.sign(,data) elsif dsa? @priv.sign(,data) end end =begin rdoc Returns true if it is a RSA private key =end def rsa? @priv.is_a? OpenSSL::PKey::RSA end =begin rdoc Returns true if it is a DSA private key =end def dsa? @priv.is_a? OpenSSL::PKey::DSA end end =begin rdoc The Verifier is used for verifying signatures. If you use the decode or from_file methods you can use either raw PEM encoded public keys or certificate. =end class Verifier =begin rdoc Initializes a Verifier using a OpenSSL public key object. =end def initialize(pub) @pub=pub end =begin rdoc Decodes a PEM encoded Certificate or Public Key and returns a Verifier object. =end def self.decode(encoded) case encoded when /-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----/ encoded)) else begin encoded)) rescue encoded)) end end end =begin rdoc Decodes a PEM encoded Certificate or Public Key from a file and returns a Verifier object. =end def self.from_file(filename) file = filename ) decode(file) end =begin rdoc Is the Verifier a Certificate or not. =end def cert? false end =begin rdoc Returns the OpenSSL public key object. You would normally not need to use this. =end def public_key @pub end =begin rdoc Returns the SHA1 hexdigest of the DER encoded public key. This can be used as a unique key identifier. =end def digest Digest::SHA1.hexdigest(@pub.to_der) end =begin rdoc Is this a RSA key? =end def rsa? @pub.is_a? OpenSSL::PKey::RSA end =begin rdoc Is this a DSA key? =end def dsa? @pub.is_a? OpenSSL::PKey::DSA end =begin rdoc Returns true if the public key signed the given data. =end def verify(sig,data) if rsa? @pub.verify(, sig, data ) elsif dsa? @pub.verify(, sig, data ) else false end end end =begin rdoc Certificate provides functionality to make it easy to extract information from a Certificate. This also provides all the same functionality as a Verifier. =end class Certificate < Verifier =begin rdoc Intialize with a OpenSSL cert object. =end def initialize(cert) super(cert.public_key) @cert=cert end =begin rdoc Returns true =end def cert? true end =begin rdoc Returns the SHA1 hex digest of a the DER encoded certificate. This is useful as a unique identifier. =end def cert_digest Digest::SHA1.hexdigest(@cert.to_der) end =begin rdoc Returns a Name object containt the subject of the certificate. The subject in X509 speak is the details of the certificate owner. =end def subject unless @subject @subject end =begin rdoc Returns a Name object containt the issuer of the certificate. =end def issuer unless @issuer @issuer end =begin rdoc Returns the issuers serial number for this certificate =end def serial @cert.serial end =begin rdoc Returns the OpenSSL Certificate object =end def cert @cert end =begin rdoc Returns the certificates valid not before date. =end def not_before @cert.not_before end =begin rdoc Returns the certificates valid not after date. =end def not_after @cert.not_after end =begin rdoc Is this certificate valid at this point in time. Note this only checks if it is valid with respect to time. It is important to realize that it does not check with any CRL or OCSP services to see if the certificate was revoked. =end def valid?( time.to_i>self.not_before.to_i && time.to_i0 paths.each {|path| @store.add_path path} end =begin rdoc Add either a EzCrypto::Certificate or a OpenSSL::X509::Cert object to the TrustStore. This should be a trusted certificate such as a CA's issuer certificate. =end def add(obj) if obj.kind_of?(EzCrypto::Certificate) @store.add_cert obj.cert elsif obj.kind_of?(OpenSSL::X509::Cert) @store.add_cert obj else raise "unsupported object type" end end =begin rdoc Returns true if either the EzCrypto::Certificate or OpenSSL::X509::Cert object is verified using issuer certificates in the trust store. =end def verify(cert) if cert.kind_of?(EzCrypto::Certificate) @store.verify cert.cert elsif cert.kind_of?(OpenSSL::X509::Cert) @store.verify cert else false end end end end