require 'inifile' require 'dbf' module ICU class Tournament =begin rdoc == SwissPerfect This is the format produced by the Windows program, SwissPerfect[]. It consists of three files with the same name but different endings: .ini for meta data such as tournament name and tie-break rules, .trn for the player details such as name and ID, and .sco for the results. The first file is text and the other two are in an old binary format known as DBase 3. To parse such a set of files, use either the _parse_file!_ or _parse_file_ method supplying the name of any one of the three files or just the stem name without any ending. In case of error, such as any of the files not being found, _parse_file!_ will throw an exception while _parse_file_ will return _nil_ and record an error message. As well as a file name or stem name, you must also supply a start date because SwissPerfect does not record this information. parser = tournament = parser.parse_file('champs', "2010-07-03") # looks for "champs.ini", "champs.trn" and "champs.sco" puts parser.error unless tournament Because the data is in three parts, some of which are in a legacy binary format, serialization to this format is not supported. Instead, a method is provided to serialize any tournament text in the format of SwissPerfects text export format, an example of which is shown below. No Name Loc Id Total 1 2 3 1 Griffiths, Ryan-Rhys 6897 3 4:W 2:W 3:W 2 Flynn, Jamie 5226 2 3:W 1:L 4:W 3 Hulleman, Leon 6409 1 2:L 4:W 1:L 4 Dunne, Thomas 10914 0 1:L 3:L 2:L This format is important in Irish chess, as it's the format used to submit results to the MicroSoft Access implementation of the ICU ratings database. swiss_perfect = tournament.serialize('SwissPerfect') As a side effect of serialization, the player numbers will be reordered (to ensure they range from 1 to the total number of players) and their order in the serialized format will be by player number. If you would like to have rank order instead, then first rank the tournament (if it isn't already ranked) and then call the _renumber_ method without the option argument (which will renumber by rank) before serializing. For example: swiss_perfect = tournament.rerank(:neustadtl, :buchholz).renumber.serialize('SwissPerfect) == Todo * Allow parsing from 1 zip file =end class SwissPerfect attr_reader :error TRN = { :dob => "BIRTH_DATE", :fed => "FEDER", :first_name => "FIRSTNAME", :gender => "SEX", :id => ["LOC_ID", "INTL_ID"], :last_name => "SURNAME", :num => "ID", :rank => "ORDER", :rating => ["LOC_RTG", "INTL_RTG"], } # not used: ABSENT BOARD CLUB FORB_PAIRS LATE_ENTRY LOC_RTG2 MEMO TEAM TECH_SCORE WITHDRAWAL (START_NO, BONUS used below) SCO = %w{ROUND WHITE BLACK W_SCORE B_SCORE W_TYPE B_TYPE} # not used W_SUBSCO, B_SUBSCO # Parse SP data returning a Tournament or raising an exception on error. def parse_file!(file, start) @t ='Dummy', start) @bonus = {} @start_no = {} ini, trn, sco = get_files(file) parse_ini(ini) parse_trn(trn) parse_sco(sco) fixup @t.validate!(:rerank => true) @t end # Parse SP data returning an ICU::Tournament or a nil on failure. In the latter # case, an error message will be available via the error method. def parse_file(file, start) begin parse_file!(file, start) rescue => ex @error = ex.message nil end end # Serialise a tournament to SwissPerfect text export format. def serialize(t) return nil unless t.class == ICU::Tournament && t.players.size > 2; # Ensure a nice set of numbers. t.renumber(:order) # Widths for the rank, name and ID and the number of rounds. m1 = t.players.inject(2) { |l, p| p.num.to_s.length > l ? p.num.to_s.length : l } m2 = t.players.inject(4) { |l, p| > l ? : l } m3 = t.players.inject(6) { |l, p| > l ? : l } rounds = t.last_round # The header, followed by a blank line. formats = ["%-#{m1}s", "%-#{m2}s", "%-#{m3}s", "%-5s"] (1..rounds).each { |r| formats << "%#{m1}d " % r } sp = formats.join("\t") % ['No', 'Name', 'Loc Id', 'Total'] sp << "\r\n\r\n" # Adjust the round parts of the formats for players results. (1..t.last_round).each { |r| formats[r+3] = "%#{m1+2}s" } # Now add a line for each player. t.players.each { |p| sp << p.to_sp_text(rounds, "#{formats.join(%Q{\t})}\r\n") } # And return the whole lot. sp end private def get_files(file) file.match(/\.zip$/i) ? get_zipped_files(file) : get_bare_files(file) end def get_bare_files(file) file.sub!(/\.\w+$/, '') %w(ini trn sco).map do |p| q = [p, p.upcase].detect { |r| File.file? "#{file}.#{r}" } raise "cannot find file #{file}.#{p}" unless q "#{file}.#{q}" end end def get_zipped_files(file) raise "get_zip_files not implemented" end def parse_ini(file) begin ini = IniFile.load(file) rescue raise "invalid INI file" end raise "invalid INI file (no sections)" if ini.sections.size == 0 %w(name arbiter rounds).each do |key| val = (ini['Tournament Info'][key.capitalize] || '').squeeze(" ").strip @t.send("#{key}=", val) if val.size > 0 end @t.tie_breaks = ini['Standings']['Tie Breaks'].to_s.split(/,/).map do |tbid| case tbid.to_i # tie break name in SwissPerfect when 1217 then :buchholz # Buchholz when 1218 then :harkness # Median Buchholz when 1219 then nil # Progress - not implenented yet when 1220 then :neustadtl # Berger when 1221 then nil # Rating Sum - not implemented yet when 1222 then :wins # Number of Wins when 1223 then nil # Minor Scores - not applicable when 1226 then nil # Brightwell - not applicable else nil end end.find_all { |tb| tb } end def parse_trn(file) begin trn = rescue raise "invalid TRN file" end raise "invalid TRN file (no records)" if trn.record_count == 0 trn.each do |r| next unless r h = trn_record_to_hash(r) @t.add_player(, h.delete(:last_name), h.delete(:num), h)) end end def parse_sco(file) begin sco = rescue raise "invalid SCO file" end raise "invalid SCO file (no records)" if sco.record_count == 0 sco.each do |r| next unless r hs = sco_record_to_hashes(r) hs.each { |h| @t.add_result(, h.delete(:player), h.delete(:score), h)) } end end def trn_record_to_hash(r) @bonus[r.attributes["ID"]] = %w{BONUS MEMO}.inject(0.0){ |b,k| b > 0.0 ? b : r.attributes[k].to_f } @start_no[r.attributes["ID"]] = r.attributes["START_NO"] TRN.inject( do |hash, pair| keys = pair[1] keys = [keys] unless keys.class == Array val, val2 = { |k| r.attributes[k] } case pair[0] when :fed then val = val && val.match(/^[A-Z]{3}$/i) ? val.upcase : nil when :gender then val = val.to_i > 0 ? %w(M F)[val.to_i-1] : nil when :id then val = val.to_i > 0 ? val : (val2.to_i > 0 ? val2 : nil) when :rating then val = val.to_i > 0 ? val : (val2.to_i > 0 ? val2 : nil) when :title then val = val.to_i > 0 ? %w(GM WGM IM WIM FM WFM)[val.to_i-1] : nil end hash[pair[0]] = val unless val.nil? || val == '' hash end end def sco_record_to_hashes(record) r, w, b, ws, bs, wt, bt = { |k| record.attributes[k] } hashes = [] if w > 0 && b > 0 && ws + bs == 2 hashes.push({ :round => r, :player => w, :score => %w(L D W)[ws], :opponent => b, :colour => 'W' }) hashes.last[:rateable] = false unless wt == 1 && bt == 1 else hashes.push({ :round => r, :player => w, :score => %w(L D W)[ws], :colour => 'W' }) if w > 0 hashes.push({ :round => r, :player => b, :score => %w(L D W)[bs], :colour => 'B' }) if b > 0 end hashes end def fixup fix_number_of_rounds fix_missing_results fix_bonuses fix_numbering end def fix_number_of_rounds rounds = @t.last_round @t.rounds = rounds end def fix_missing_results @t.players.each { |p| @t.add_result(, p.num, 'L')) if p.results.size == 0 } end def fix_bonuses @t.players.each do |p| bonus = @bonus[p.num] || 0 next unless bonus > 0 # Try to distribute the bonus in half-points to rounds where the player has no result. (1..@t.rounds).each do |r| result = p.find_result(r) next if result bonus = bonus - 0.5 p.add_result(, p.num, 'D')) break if bonus <= 0 end next unless bonus > 0 # Try to distribute the bonus in half-points to rounds where the player has unrated results. (1..@t.rounds).each do |r| result = p.find_result(r) next unless result next if result.opponent next if result.score == 'W' bonus = bonus - 0.5 result.score = result.score == 'D' ? 'W' : 'D' break if bonus <= 0 end end end def fix_numbering @t.renumber(@start_no) end end end class Player # Format a player's record as it would appear in an SP text export file. def to_sp_text(rounds, format) attrs = [num.to_s, name, id.to_s, ('%.1f' % points).sub(/\.0/, '')] (1..rounds).each do |r| result = find_result(r) attrs << (result ? result.to_sp_text : " : ") end format % attrs end end class Result # Format a player's result as it would appear in an SP text export file. def to_sp_text sp = opponent ? opponent.to_s : '0' sp << ':' if rateable sp << score else sp << case score when 'W' then '+' when 'L' then '-' else '=' end end end end end