Neat Spreadsheet ================ Simplify the task of building a spreadsheet in Rails. This gem is based on the Spreadsheet gem. The syntax have been simplified a bit. Install ------- ``` gem install neat-spreadsheet ``` ### Rails 3 In your Gemfile: ```ruby gem 'neat-spreadsheet' ``` Example ------- In your controller *(app/controllers/products_controller.rb)* ```ruby def index respond_to do |format| format.html format.xls { render xls: "filename" } end end ``` In your **RXLS** view *(app/views/products/index.rxls)* ```ruby neat_spreadsheet workbook, title: 'Product Report', columns_width: [8, 25, 15, 15] do |sheet| sheet.row style: :h1 do |row| row.cell 'Product Report', colspan: 4 end sheet.spacer sheet.row do |row| row.cell '2013-01-01' row.cell 'Apple' row.cell 4, align: :right row.cell 12.99, align: :right end end ``` Usage ----- ### neat_spreadsheet *(title, options={}, &block)* In your **RXLS** view, you can call the method ```neat_spreadsheet```. You must pass the workbook object. You can also use those options : | Options | Type | Description | | ------------- |--------|-------------------------------------------------------------------| | title | String | Title of the sheet | | column_width | Array | Size of each column. This will set the number of columns per row. | This method takes a block and return a sheet object. Here's a list of the methods available for the sheet object. #### row *(options={}, &block)* Create a new row in the sheet | Name | Type | Description | | ----------------|---------|----------------------------------------------------------------| | **Options** | | height | Integer | Height of the row | | start_at_column | Integer | Position of the first column | | style | Symbol | Style of the content (h1 to h4, th, normal, small, tiny) | #### cell *(value, options={})* Set the content of a cell at the current row in the sheet | Name | Type | Description | | -----------------|---------|---------------------------------------------------------------| | value | Mixed | The content of the cell | | **Options** | | align | Symbol | left, right or center | | color | Symbol | Color of the text (white, black, red, etc...) | | colspan | Integer | The number of columns this cell take. | | pattern_fg_color | Symbol | Background color of the cell. Must set pattern to 1 | | size | Integer | Font size | | vertical_align | Symbol | top, bottom, middle | | weight | Symbol | :normal, :bold | #### skip_cell #### skip_cells *(nb)* #### skip_row #### spacer Show a blank merged row. Thanks ------ Thanks to for the hooks with Rails. Copyright --------- Copyright (c) 2013 De Marque inc. See LICENSE for further details.