An Energy Assessor is certified by a Certification Scheme as being qualified to carry out a SAP assessment and/or an RdSAP assessment. The name by which the Home Inspector is registered. This is a structured name containing prefix, first name + surname. Indicates whether the assessor wants to be notified that a the report has been lodged in the register The address that any written correspondence can be sent to. This is not the same as the Registered Address because it may, of course, be a Post Office Box. the E-Mail address that the Authorised User can be contacted at. The Name of the Company that the assessor is employed by. The unique identifier assigned to the assessor by the scheme by which they can be identified throughout their membership of the scheme. For Scottish DEAs only The Certificate Number is a 10-character fixed-length alphanumeric code consisting of 4 characters identifying the Certification Scheme and a 6-digit zero-padded identifier for each Home Inspector certified by that Certification Scheme. For example ABCD987654, XYZ_123456 etc.