= Documentation for Confirm Password Feature The confirm password feature allows you to redirect users to a page to confirm their password. When confirming passwords, if authenticated via autologin, a remember token, or an email_auth token, switches the authentication type from that login method to password. == Auth Value Methods confirm_password_additional_form_tags :: HTML fragment containing additional form tags to use on the confirm password form. confirm_password_button :: The text to use for the confirm password button. confirm_password_error_flash :: The flash error to show if password confirmation is unsuccessful. confirm_password_link_text :: The text to use for the link from the two factor auth page. confirm_password_notice_flash :: The flash notice to show after password confirmed successful. confirm_password_page_title :: The page title to use on the confirm password form. confirm_password_redirect :: Where to redirect after successful password confirmation. By default, uses session[confirm_password_redirect_session_key] if set, allowing an easy way to redirect back to the page requesting password confirmation. confirm_password_redirect_session_key :: The session key used to check for the confirm_password_redirect. confirm_password_route :: The route to the confirm password form. Defaults to +confirm-password+. password_authentication_required_error_flash :: The flash error to show if going to a page requiring password confirmation. password_authentication_required_error_status :: The response status to use if going to a page requiring password confirmation, 401 by default. password_authentication_required_redirect :: Where to redirect when going to a page requiring password confirmation. == Auth Methods after_confirm_password :: Run arbitrary code after successful confirmation of password. before_confirm_password :: Run arbitrary code before setting that the password has been confirmed. before_confirm_password_route :: Run arbitrary code before handling the password confirmation route. confirm_password :: Update the session to reflect the password has been confirmed. confirm_password_response :: Return a response after successful password confirmation. By default, redirects to +confirm_password_redirect+. confirm_password_view :: The HTML to use for the confirm password form.