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Foundation Forms Testing


We set out in Foundation 3 to create an easy to handle, powerful, and versatile form layout system. A combination of form styles and the Foundation grid means you can do basically anything.

Row Layouts

Here's an example of a form layout controlled with rows and columns.

Sometimes you want a form with labels to the left of your inputs. Piece of cake. You can add a class of .right to a label to have it align to the right, and if your label is next to an input (in another column) adding a class of .inline will have it vertically center against an input.


Simple elements that can contain all or part of a form to create better division.

Fieldset Name

Labels and Actions with Collapsed Columns

Foundation forms support actions tied to buttons, and prefix / postfix labels. Essentially you can use a 'collapsed' row to create label / action / input combinations. Here are a few examples.


Error States

Foundation includes error states for labels, inputs and messaging that you can have your app generate programatically.

Invalid entry
Invalid entry

Large Form Example

Here's an example of a really extensive form.

Large Form Example
Invalid entry
Invalid entry

Custom Inputs

Custom form input types that are included with Foundation.

Radio Buttons and Checkboxes

Dropdown / Select Elements