if defined?(ActiveAdmin) ActiveAdmin.register Effective::Asset do menu :label => "Assets", :if => proc { EffectiveAssets.authorized?(controller, :manage, Effective::Asset.new()) rescue false } filter :title filter :content_type filter :created_at scope :all, :default => true scope :images scope :videos scope :files index do selectable_column column 'Thumbnail' do |asset| effective_asset_image_tag(asset, nil, {:height => 100, :width => 100}) end column 'Title' do |asset| strong asset.title end column 'Insert' do |asset| ul :class => 'insert_links' do if asset.image? if asset.height.present? and asset.width.present? li link_to "Insert as Original (#{asset.width}x#{asset.height}px)", '#', :class => 'asset-insertable', :data => { 'asset-id' => asset.id, 'asset' => effective_asset_image_tag(asset) } else li link_to 'Insert as Original', '#', :class => 'asset-insertable', :data => { 'asset-id' => asset.id, 'asset' => effective_asset_image_tag(asset) } end unless asset.processed? li image_tag('/assets/effective_assets/spinner.gif', :alt => 'Generating additional image sizes...') li 'Generating additional sizes...' li "Please #{link_to 'Refresh', '#', :title => 'Refresh this page', :onclick => 'window.location.reload();'} in a moment.".html_safe else asset.versions_info.each do |title, dimensions| li link_to "Insert as #{title.to_s.gsub('_',' ').titleize} (#{dimensions[:width]}x#{dimensions[:height]}px)", '#', :class => 'asset-insertable', :data => { 'asset-id' => asset.id, 'asset' => effective_asset_image_tag(asset) } end end li link_to 'Reprocess all Versions', reprocess_admin_effective_asset_path(asset) elsif asset.icon? li link_to 'Insert icon', '#', :class => 'asset-insertable', :data => { 'asset-id' => asset.id, 'asset' => effective_asset_image_tag(asset) } elsif asset.video? li link_to 'Insert video', '#', :class => 'asset-insertable', :data => { 'asset-id' => asset.id, 'asset' => effective_asset_video_tag(asset) } else li link_to 'Insert link to file', '#', :class => 'asset-insertable', :data => { 'asset-id' => asset.id, 'asset' => effective_asset_link_to(asset) } end end end ActiveAdmin::VERSION.to_i >= 1 ? actions : default_actions end form :partial => "active_admin/effective_assets/form" show :title => :title do attributes_table do row :title row :content_type row :created_at row :thumb do effective_asset_image_tag(effective_asset, nil, {:height => 100, :width => 100}) end row :files do ul do if effective_asset.image? li do a :href => effective_asset.url, :target => "blank" do "Original" end span "#{effective_asset.width || '?'}x#{effective_asset.height || '?'}px #{number_to_human_size(effective_asset.data_size, :precision => 3)}" end effective_asset.versions_info.each do |version, attributes| li do a :href => effective_asset.url(version), :target => 'blank' do "#{version.to_s.gsub('_',' ').titleize}" end span "#{attributes[:width]}x#{attributes[:height]}px #{number_to_human_size(attributes[:data_size], :precision => 3)}" end end else # Asset is not an image li do a :href => effective_asset.url do "#{effective_asset.file_name}" end end end end end end end member_action :reprocess, :method => :get do asset = Effective::Asset.find(params[:id]).reprocess! redirect_to admin_effective_assets_path end end end