# frozen_string_literal: true require 'rails_helper' RSpec.describe Spree::BaseHelper, type: :helper do include Spree::BaseHelper let(:current_store){ create :store } context "available_countries" do let(:country) { create(:country) } before do 3.times { create(:country) } end context "with no checkout zone defined" do before do stub_spree_preferences(checkout_zone: nil) end it "return complete list of countries" do expect(available_countries.count).to eq(Spree::Country.count) end it "uses locales for country names" do expect(available_countries).to include(having_attributes(name: "United States of America")) end end context "with a checkout zone defined" do context "checkout zone is of type country" do before do @country_zone = create(:zone, name: "CountryZone") @country_zone.members.create(zoneable: country) stub_spree_preferences(checkout_zone: @country_zone.name) end it "return only the countries defined by the checkout zone" do expect(available_countries).to eq([country]) end it "returns only the countries defined by the checkout zone passed as parameter" do expect(available_countries(restrict_to_zone: @country_zone.name)).to eq([country]) end end context "checkout zone is of type state" do before do state_zone = create(:zone, name: "StateZone") state = create(:state, country: country) state_zone.members.create(zoneable: state) stub_spree_preferences(checkout_zone: state_zone.name) end it "return complete list of countries" do expect(available_countries.count).to eq(Spree::Country.count) end end end end # Regression test for https://github.com/spree/spree/issues/2034 context "flash_message" do let(:flash) { { "notice" => "ok", "foo" => "foo", "bar" => "bar" } } it "should output all flash content" do flash_messages html = Nokogiri::HTML(helper.output_buffer) expect(html.css(".notice").text).to eq("ok") expect(html.css(".foo").text).to eq("foo") expect(html.css(".bar").text).to eq("bar") end it "should output flash content except one key" do flash_messages(ignore_types: :bar) html = Nokogiri::HTML(helper.output_buffer) expect(html.css(".notice").text).to eq("ok") expect(html.css(".foo").text).to eq("foo") expect(html.css(".bar").text).to be_empty end it "should output flash content except some keys" do flash_messages(ignore_types: [:foo, :bar]) html = Nokogiri::HTML(helper.output_buffer) expect(html.css(".notice").text).to eq("ok") expect(html.css(".foo").text).to be_empty expect(html.css(".bar").text).to be_empty expect(helper.output_buffer).to eq("
") end end context "link_to_tracking" do it "returns tracking link if available" do a = link_to_tracking_html(shipping_method: true, tracking: '123', tracking_url: 'http://g.c/?t=123').css('a') expect(a.text).to eq '123' expect(a.attr('href').value).to eq 'http://g.c/?t=123' end it "returns tracking without link if link unavailable" do html = link_to_tracking_html(shipping_method: true, tracking: '123', tracking_url: nil) expect(html.css('span').text).to eq '123' end it "returns nothing when no shipping method" do html = link_to_tracking_html(shipping_method: nil, tracking: '123') expect(html.css('span').text).to eq '' end it "returns nothing when no tracking" do html = link_to_tracking_html(tracking: nil) expect(html.css('span').text).to eq '' end def link_to_tracking_html(options = {}) node = link_to_tracking(double(:shipment, options)) Nokogiri::HTML(node.to_s) end end # Regression test for https://github.com/spree/spree/issues/2396 context "meta_data_tags" do it "truncates a product description to 160 characters" do # Because the controller_name method returns "test" # controller_name is used by this method to infer what it is supposed # to be generating meta_data_tags for @test = Spree::Product.new(description: "a" * 200) tags = Nokogiri::HTML.parse(meta_data_tags) content = tags.css("meta[name=description]").first["content"] expect(content.length).to be <= 160 end end describe "#pretty_time" do subject { pretty_time(date) } let(:date) { Time.new(2012, 11, 6, 13, 33) } it "pretty prints time in long format" do is_expected.to eq "November 06, 2012 1:33 PM" end context 'with format set to short' do subject { pretty_time(date, :short) } it "pretty prints time in short format" do is_expected.to eq "Nov 6 '12 1:33pm" end end end context "plural_resource_name" do let(:plural_config) { Spree::I18N_GENERIC_PLURAL } let(:base_class) { Spree::Product } subject { plural_resource_name(base_class) } it "should use ActiveModel::Naming module to pluralize model names" do expect(subject).to eq base_class.model_name.human(count: plural_config) end it "should use the Spree::I18N_GENERIC_PLURAL constant" do expect(base_class.model_name).to receive(:human).with(hash_including(count: plural_config)) subject end end end