# RioOnRails require 'digest/sha1' require 'json/add/rails' module Rio module Helpers def cache_key @cache_key ||= ENV['cache_rio'] ? File.new(RAILS_ROOT).mtime.to_i : rand end def application_stylesheet url = boot_compressed? ? "compressed/#{@rio_app}.css" : "#{@rio_app}_concat.css" <<-CSS CSS end def asset_prefix # meant to be overriden "" end def after_rio(html) @after_rio = "#{@after_rio || ""}\n#{html}" end def boot_compressed? rio_compression == "compressed" end def rio_compression ENV['rio_compression'] || ((RAILS_ENV == "development" and params.has_key?(:compressed)) ? "compressed" : "uncompressed") end def rio_environment ENV['rio_environment'] || RAILS_ENV end def rio(opts = {}) if @rio_app rio_html = <<-HTML HTML if (boot_compressed?) <<-SCRIPTS #{rio_html} #{javascript_include_tag "#{asset_prefix}/javascripts/lib/compressed/boot.js?#{@rio_app},#{rio_environment},#{rio_compression},#{cache_key}"} #{@after_rio || ""} SCRIPTS else <<-SCRIPTS #{rio_html} #{javascript_include_tag "prototype/prototype.js"} #{javascript_include_tag "lib/environment.js"} #{javascript_include_tag "lib/boot.js?#{@rio_app},#{rio_environment},#{rio_compression},#{cache_key}"} #{@after_rio || ""} SCRIPTS end end end end module ActiveRecordExtensions def self.included(base) base.extend ClassMethods base.send(:include, Rio::ActiveRecordExtensions::Methods) end module ClassMethods def rio_json(options = {}) self.send(:cattr_accessor, :rio_json_includes) self.rio_json_includes = options[:include] self.send(:include, Rio::RioModel) end def broadcast(mode) self.send(:cattr_accessor, :broadcast_mode) self.broadcast_mode = mode end def broadcast_mode :normal end def broadcast? self.broadcast_mode != :none end def validate_transaction!(transaction, objects) true end end module Methods def broadcast_to [] end end end module RioModel # cattr_accessor :rio_json_includes def has_json_options? self.class.respond_to?("json_options") end def json_options has_json_options? ? self.class.json_options : {} end def json_hash result = ActiveRecord::Serialization::Serializer.new(self, json_options).serializable_record # result = Hash.new # self.class.columns.each do |column| # # unless column.name == "created_at" || column.name == "updated_at" # result[column.name.to_sym] = self.send(column.name) # # end # end # if(has_json_options) # (self.class.json_options[:methods] || []).each do |method| # result[method.to_sym] = self.send(method) # end # end ActiveRecord::Base.include_root_in_json ? { self.class.name.underscore => result } : result end def include_json self.class.rio_json_includes.map do |inc| { :className => inc[:class_name], :parameters => inc[:params].keys.inject({}) do |acc, k| val = inc[:params][k] acc[k] = val.class == Proc ? val.call(self) : val acc end, :json => self.send(inc[:name]) } end end def to_json(*args) if self.class.rio_json_includes.nil? or self.class.rio_json_includes.empty? json_hash.to_json else { :_set => { :self => json_hash, :include => include_json } }.to_json end end end module ActionControllerExtensions def rio_resource(options = {}) self.send(:cattr_accessor, :rio_actions) self.rio_actions = options[:only] || [:index, :show, :create, :update, :destroy] self.send(:include, Rio::RioResource) end end module ApplicationControllerExtensions def self.included(base) base.send(:include, Rio::ApplicationControllerExtensions::Methods) base.send(:helper_method, :current_user_id) base.send(:before_filter, :reset_rio_cache) end module Methods def current_user_id nil end def reset_rio_cache $rio_cache = { :current_user_id => current_user_id } end end end class Push def self.push_class (ENV["rio_push_class"] || "Juggernaut").constantize end def self.show_connected_clients self.push_class.show_connected_clients end def self.show_clients_for_channel(channel) self.push_class.show_clients_for_channel(channel) end def self.send_to_channel(data, channel) self.push_class.send_to_channel(data, channel) end def self.send_to_clients(data, clients) self.push_class.send_to_clients(data, clients) end end module RioResource def index raise "Index operation not supported" unless self.class.rio_actions.include?(:index) parsed_index_conditions = index_conditions raise "Index operation not authorized" unless self.index_authorized?(parsed_index_conditions) render :json => index_scope.find(:all, :conditions => parsed_index_conditions) end def index_conditions ActiveSupport::JSON.decode(params[:conditions]) end def show raise "Show operation not supported" unless self.class.rio_actions.include?(:show) raise "Show operation not authorized" unless self.show_authorized?(params[:id]) render :json => scope.find(params[:id]) end def create raise "Create operation not supported" unless self.class.rio_actions.include?(:create) if (params["transaction"]) execute_transaction(params["transaction"], params["transaction_key"]) else raise "Create operation not authorized" unless self.create_authorized?(params[model_param_name]) obj = create_scope.new(params[model_param_name]) valid = true model.transaction do if (obj.save) objects = {} objects[obj.id] = obj unless (model.validate_transaction!({}, objects)) valid = false raise ActiveRecord::Rollback end else valid = false raise ActiveRecord::Rollback end end if (valid) remote_create(obj, params["transaction_key"]) render :json => obj else render :json => obj.errors, :status => 500 end end end def update raise "Update operation not supported" unless self.class.rio_actions.include?(:update) paranoid = scope.respond_to?(:find_with_deleted) if (paranoid) obj = scope.find_with_deleted(params[:id]) else obj = scope.find(params[:id]) end needs_recover = (paranoid and obj.deleted?) valid = true changed_fields = [] model.transaction do if (needs_recover) raise "Update operation not authorized" unless self.update_authorized?(obj, ["deleted_at"]) obj.recover! end obj.attributes = params[model_param_name] changed_fields = obj.changed raise "Update operation not authorized" unless self.update_authorized?(obj, changed_fields) if (obj.save) objects = {} objects[obj.id] = obj unless (model.validate_transaction!({}, objects)) valid = false raise ActiveRecord::Rollback end else valid = false raise ActiveRecord::Rollback end end if (valid) if (needs_recover) remote_create(obj, params["transaction_key"]) else remote_update(obj, changed_fields, params["transaction_key"]) end render :json => obj else render :json => obj.errors, :status => 500 end end def destroy raise "Destroy operation not supported" unless self.class.rio_actions.include?(:destroy) obj = scope.find(params[:id]) raise "Destroy operation not authorized" unless self.destroy_authorized?(obj) valid = true model.transaction do if (obj.destroy) objects = {} objects[obj.id] = obj unless (model.validate_transaction!({}, objects)) valid = false raise ActiveRecord::Rollback end else valid = false raise ActiveRecord::Rollback end end if (valid) remote_destroy(obj, params["transaction_key"]) render :json => { :id => params[:id] } else render :json => obj.errors, :status => 500 end end protected def scope model end def index_scope scope end def create_scope scope end def model model_class_name = controller_class_name.match(/(.*)Controller$/)[1].singularize model_class_name.constantize end def index_authorized?(params) true end def show_authorized?(id) true end def create_authorized?(params) true end def update_authorized?(instance, attributes) true end def destroy_authorized?(instance) true end private def execute_transaction(transaction, transaction_key) valid = true objects = {} remote_transaction_data = [] # If any of these items aren't found the transaction is invalid and will fail. # By verifying this here we can take for granted that some of these might be destroyed # as part of an association or before/after filter and not be available when needed to be destroyed. to_find = transaction.keys.select {|t| t.to_i > 0} paranoid = scope.respond_to?(:find_with_deleted) if (paranoid) existing_entities = scope.find_with_deleted(to_find) else existing_entities = scope.find(to_find) end existing_entities = [existing_entities].flatten model.transaction do new_ids, existing_ids = transaction.keys.partition { |id| id.to_i < 0 } transaction.keys.each do |id| obj = existing_entities.detect { |e| e.id == id.to_i } if (id.to_i < 0) raise "Create operation not authorized" unless self.create_authorized?(transaction[id]) obj = create_scope.create(transaction[id]) remote_transaction_data.push({ :action => "create", :name => model.to_s, :id => obj.id, :json => obj }) elsif (paranoid and (not obj.nil?) and obj.deleted?) obj.recover! obj.attributes = transaction[id] raise "Update operation not authorized" unless self.update_authorized?(obj, obj.changed) obj.save remote_transaction_data.push({ :action => "create", :name => model.to_s, :id => obj.id, :json => obj }) elsif (transaction[id] == "delete") raise "Destroy operation not authorized" unless self.destroy_authorized?(obj) obj.destroy remote_transaction_data.push({ :action => "destroy", :name => model.to_s, :id => obj.id, :json => obj }) else obj.attributes = transaction[id] raise "Update operation not authorized" unless self.update_authorized?(obj, obj.changed) json_fields = obj.changed obj.save remote_transaction_data.push({ :action => "update", :name => model.to_s, :id => obj.id, :obj => obj, :json_fields => json_fields }) end if (!obj.valid?) valid = false end objects[id] = obj end transaction.keys.each do |id| if (transaction[id] != "delete") (transaction[id].keys - ["id"]).each do |k| if (new_ids.include?(transaction[id][k].to_s)) objects[id].update_attribute(k, objects[transaction[id][k].to_s].id) end end end end unless (model.validate_transaction!(transaction, objects)) valid = false raise ActiveRecord::Rollback end raise ActiveRecord::Rollback unless valid end if (valid) remote_transaction(remote_transaction_data, transaction_key) render :json => { :transaction => objects.keys.inject({}) do |acc, id| acc[id] = objects[id] acc end } else render :json => { :transaction => "FAILED" }, :status => 500 end end def remote_create(obj, transaction_key) if (Rio::Push and model.broadcast?) begin Rio::Push.send_to_clients(""" rio.Model.remoteCreate({ transactionKey: \"#{transaction_key}\", name: \"#{ model.to_s }\", id: \"#{ obj.id }\", json: #{ obj.to_json } }); """, other_client_ids(obj)) rescue RAILS_DEFAULT_LOGGER.error("\n Failed to send a remote create \n") end end end def remote_update(obj, changed_fields, transaction_key) if (Rio::Push and model.broadcast?) begin json = changed_fields.inject({}) do |acc, f| acc[f] = obj.send(f) acc end if (ActiveRecord::Base.include_root_in_json) json = { "#{model.class_name.underscore}" => json } end Rio::Push.send_to_clients(""" rio.Model.remoteUpdate({ transactionKey: \"#{transaction_key}\", name: \"#{ model.to_s }\", id: \"#{ obj.id }\", json: #{ json.to_json } }); """, other_client_ids(obj)) rescue RAILS_DEFAULT_LOGGER.error("\n Failed to send a remote update \n") end end end def remote_destroy(obj, transaction_key) if(Rio::Push and model.broadcast?) begin Rio::Push.send_to_clients(""" rio.Model.remoteDestroy({ transactionKey: \"#{transaction_key}\", name: \"#{ model.to_s }\", id: \"#{ obj.id }\" }); """, other_client_ids(obj)) rescue RAILS_DEFAULT_LOGGER.error("\n Failed to send a remote destroy \n") end end end def remote_transaction(transaction, transaction_key) if(Rio::Push and model.broadcast?) begin other_client_list = transaction.map {|t| other_client_ids(t[:obj] || t[:json]) }.inject { |acc, ids| acc & ids } transaction.each do |t| if (t[:obj]) obj = t.delete(:obj) fields = t.delete(:json_fields) t[:json] = fields.inject({}) do |acc, f| acc[f] = obj.send(f) acc end if (ActiveRecord::Base.include_root_in_json) t[:json] = { "#{model.class_name.underscore}" => t[:json] } end end end Rio::Push.send_to_clients(""" rio.Model.remoteTransaction({ transactionKey: \"#{transaction_key}\", transaction: #{transaction.to_json} }); """, other_client_list) rescue => e RAILS_DEFAULT_LOGGER.error("\n Failed to send a remote transaction \n") RAILS_DEFAULT_LOGGER.error(e) end end end def other_client_ids(instance) if(model.broadcast_mode == :strict) instance.broadcast_to else Rio::Push.show_connected_clients.map { |c| c["id"] || c["client_id"] } end end def model_param_name model.class_name.underscore end end end