# Flapjack [![Travis CI Status][id_travis_img]][id_travis_link] [id_travis_link]: https://secure.travis-ci.org/#!/flpjck/flapjack [id_travis_img]: https://secure.travis-ci.org/flpjck/flapjack.png Flapjack is a highly scalable and distributed monitoring notification system. Flapjack provides a scalable method for dealing with events representing changes in system state (OK -> WARNING -> CRITICAL transitions) and alerting appropriate people as necessary. At its core, flapjack process events received from external check execution engines, such as Nagios. Nagios provides a 'perfdata' event output channel, which writes to a named pipe. `flapjack-nagios-receiver` then reads from this named pipe, converts each line to JSON and adds them to the events queue. Flapjack's `executive` component picks up the events and processes them -- deciding when and who to notifify about problems, recoveries, acknowledgements etc. Additional check engines can be supported by adding additional receiver processes similar to the nagios receiver. ## Using Flapjack ### Quickstart TODO numbered list for simplest possible Flapjack run For more information, including full specification of the configuration file and the data import formats, please refer to the [Flapjack Wiki](https://github.com/ali-graham/flapjack/wiki/USING). ## Developing Flapjack Information on developing more Flapjack components or contributing to core Flapjack development can be found in the [Flapjack Wiki](https://github.com/ali-graham/flapjack/wiki/DEVELOPING). ## Documentation Submodule We have the documentation for this project on a github wiki and also referenced as a submodule at /doc in this project. Run the following commands to populate the local doc/ directory: ``` git submodule init git submodule update ``` If you make changes to the documentation locally, here's how to publish them: * git add, commit and push from inside the doc subdir * add, commit and push the doc dir from the root (this updates the pointer in the main git repo to the correct ref in the doc repo, we think...)