# frozen_string_literal: true require "active_support/concern" module Decidim module Comments # Shared behaviour for commentable models. module Commentable extend ActiveSupport::Concern included do has_many :comment_threads, as: :root_commentable, foreign_key: "decidim_commentable_id", foreign_type: "decidim_commentable_type", class_name: "Decidim::Comments::Comment" has_many :comments, as: :commentable, foreign_key: "decidim_root_commentable_id", foreign_type: "decidim_root_commentable_type", class_name: "Decidim::Comments::Comment" # Public: Whether the object's comments are visible or not. def commentable? true end # Public: Whether the object can have new comments or not. def accepts_new_comments? true end # Public: Whether the object's comments can have alignment or not. It enables the # alignment selector in the add new comment form. def comments_have_alignment? false end # Public: Whether the object's comments can have votes or not. It enables the # upvote and downvote buttons for comments. def comments_have_votes? false end # Public: Identifies the commentable type in the API. def commentable_type self.class.name end # Public: Defines which users will receive a notification when a comment is created. # This method can be overridden at each resource model to include or exclude # other users, eg. admins. # Returns: a relation of Decidim::User objects. def users_to_notify_on_comment_created Decidim::User.none end # Public: Whether the object can have new comments or not. def user_allowed_to_comment?(_user) true end # Public: Whether the object can have new comment votes or not. def user_allowed_to_vote_comment?(_user) true end # Public: Updates the comments counter cache. We have to do it these # way in order to properly calculate the counter with hidden # comments. # # rubocop:disable Rails/SkipsModelValidations def update_comments_count comments_count = comments.not_hidden.not_deleted.count update_columns(comments_count:, updated_at: Time.current) end # rubocop:enable Rails/SkipsModelValidations end end end end