module Axlsx # A NumFmt object defines an identifier and formatting code for data in cells. # @note The recommended way to manage styles is Styles#add_style class NumFmt # @return [Integer] An unsinged integer referencing a standard or custom number format. # @note # These are the known formats I can dig up. The constant NUM_FMT_PERCENT is 9, and uses the default % formatting. Axlsx also defines a few formats for date and time that are commonly used in asia as NUM_FMT_YYYYMMDD and NUM_FRM_YYYYMMDDHHMMSS. # 1 0 # 2 0.00 # 3 #,##0 # 4 #,##0.00 # 5 $#,##0_);($#,##0) # 6 $#,##0_);[Red]($#,##0) # 7 $#,##0.00_);($#,##0.00) # 8 $#,##0.00_);[Red]($#,##0.00) # 9 0% # 10 0.00% # 11 0.00E+00 # 12 # ?/? # 13 # ??/?? # 14 m/d/yyyy # 15 d-mmm-yy # 16 d-mmm # 17 mmm-yy # 18 h:mm AM/PM # 19 h:mm:ss AM/PM # 20 h:mm # 21 h:mm:ss # 22 m/d/yyyy h:mm # 37 #,##0_);(#,##0) # 38 #,##0_);[Red](#,##0) # 39 #,##0.00_);(#,##0.00) # 40 #,##0.00_);[Red](#,##0.00) # 45 mm:ss # 46 [h]:mm:ss # 47 mm:ss.0 # 48 ##0.0E+0 # 49 @ # @see Axlsx attr_reader :numFmtId # @return [String] The formatting to use for this number format. # @see attr_reader :formatCode def initialize(options={}) @numFmtId = 0 @formatCode = "" options.each do |o| self.send("#{o[0]}=", o[1]) if self.respond_to? o[0] end end # @see numFmtId def numFmtId=(v) Axlsx::validate_unsigned_int v; @numFmtId = v end # @see formatCode def formatCode=(v) Axlsx::validate_string v; @formatCode = v end # Creates a numFmt element applying the instance values of this object as attributes. # @param [Nokogiri::XML::Builder] xml The document builder instance this objects xml will be added to. def to_xml(xml) xml.numFmt(self.instance_values) end end end