use super::errors::wasi_exit_error; use super::{caller::Caller, engine::Engine, root, trap::Trap, wasi_ctx_builder::WasiCtxBuilder}; use crate::{define_rb_intern, error}; use magnus::Class; use magnus::{ class, function, gc, method, scan_args, typed_data::Obj, DataTypeFunctions, Error, IntoValue, Module, Object, TypedData, Value, }; use std::cell::UnsafeCell; use std::convert::TryFrom; use wasmtime::{AsContext, AsContextMut, Store as StoreImpl, StoreContext, StoreContextMut}; use wasmtime_wasi::{I32Exit, WasiCtx}; define_rb_intern!( WASI_CTX => "wasi_ctx", ); pub struct StoreData { user_data: Value, wasi: Option, refs: Vec, last_error: Option, } impl StoreData { pub fn user_data(&self) -> Value { self.user_data } pub fn has_wasi_ctx(&self) -> bool { self.wasi.is_some() } pub fn wasi_ctx_mut(&mut self) -> &mut WasiCtx { self.wasi.as_mut().expect("Store must have a WASI context") } pub fn retain(&mut self, value: Value) { self.refs.push(value); } pub fn set_error(&mut self, error: Error) { self.last_error = Some(error); } pub fn take_error(&mut self) -> Option { self.last_error.take() } pub fn mark(&self) { gc::mark_movable(&self.user_data); if let Some(ref error) = self.last_error { match error { Error::Error(klass, _msg) => { gc::mark_movable(*klass); } Error::Exception(obj) => { gc::mark_movable(*obj); } Error::Jump(_) => {} } } for value in self.refs.iter() { gc::mark_movable(value); } } pub fn compact(&mut self) { self.user_data = gc::location(self.user_data); for value in self.refs.iter_mut() { *value = gc::location(*value); } if let Some(ref mut error) = self.last_error { match error { Error::Error(klass, _msg) => { *klass = gc::location(*klass); } Error::Exception(obj) => { *obj = gc::location(*obj); } Error::Jump(_) => {} } } } } /// @yard /// Represents a WebAssembly store. /// @see Wasmtime's Rust doc #[derive(Debug, TypedData)] #[magnus(class = "Wasmtime::Store", size, mark, compact, free_immediately)] pub struct Store { inner: UnsafeCell>, } impl DataTypeFunctions for Store { fn mark(&self) { self.context().data().mark(); } fn compact(&self) { self.context_mut().data_mut().compact(); } } unsafe impl Send for Store {} unsafe impl Send for StoreData {} impl Store { /// @yard /// /// @def new(engine, data = nil, wasi_ctx: nil) /// @param engine [Wasmtime::Engine] /// The engine for this store. /// @param data [Object] /// The data attached to the store. Can be retrieved through {Wasmtime::Store#data} and {Wasmtime::Caller#data}. /// @param wasi_ctx [Wasmtime::WasiCtxBuilder] /// The WASI context to use in this store. /// @return [Wasmtime::Store] /// /// @example /// store = /// /// @example /// store =, {}) pub fn new(args: &[Value]) -> Result { let args = scan_args::scan_args::<(&Engine,), (Option,), (), (), _, ()>(args)?; let kw = scan_args::get_kwargs::<_, (), (Option<&WasiCtxBuilder>,), ()>( args.keywords, &[], &[*WASI_CTX], )?; let (engine,) = args.required; let (user_data,) = args.optional; let user_data = user_data.unwrap_or_else(|| ().into_value()); let wasi = match kw.optional.0 { None => None, Some(wasi_ctx_builder) => Some(wasi_ctx_builder.build_context()?), }; let eng = engine.get(); let store_data = StoreData { user_data, wasi, refs: Default::default(), last_error: Default::default(), }; let store = Self { inner: UnsafeCell::new(StoreImpl::new(eng, store_data)), }; Ok(store) } /// @yard /// @return [Object] The passed in value in {.new} pub fn data(&self) -> Value { self.context().data().user_data() } /// @yard /// Returns the amount of fuel consumed by this {Store}’s execution so far, /// or +nil+ when the {Engine}’s config does not have fuel enabled. /// @return [Integer, Nil] pub fn fuel_consumed(&self) -> Option { self.inner_ref().fuel_consumed() } /// @yard /// Adds fuel to the {Store}. /// @param fuel [Integer] The fuel to add. /// @def add_fuel(fuel) /// @return [Nil] pub fn add_fuel(&self, fuel: u64) -> Result<(), Error> { unsafe { &mut *self.inner.get() } .add_fuel(fuel) .map_err(|e| error!("{}", e))?; Ok(()) } /// @yard /// Synthetically consumes fuel from this {Store}. /// Raises if there isn't enough fuel left in the {Store}, or /// when the {Engine}’s config does not have fuel enabled. /// /// @param fuel [Integer] The fuel to consume. /// @def consume_fuel(fuel) /// @return [Integer] The remaining fuel. pub fn consume_fuel(&self, fuel: u64) -> Result { unsafe { &mut *self.inner.get() } .consume_fuel(fuel) .map_err(|e| error!("{}", e)) } /// @yard /// Sets the epoch deadline to a certain number of ticks in the future. /// /// Raises if there isn't enough fuel left in the {Store}, or /// when the {Engine}’s config does not have fuel enabled. /// /// @see ttps:// Rust's doc on +set_epoch_deadline_ for more details. /// @def set_epoch_deadline(ticks_beyond_current) /// @param ticks_beyond_current [Integer] The number of ticks before this store reaches the deadline. /// @return [nil] pub fn set_epoch_deadline(&self, ticks_beyond_current: u64) { unsafe { &mut *self.inner.get() }.set_epoch_deadline(ticks_beyond_current); } pub fn context(&self) -> StoreContext { unsafe { (*self.inner.get()).as_context() } } pub fn context_mut(&self) -> StoreContextMut { unsafe { (*self.inner.get()).as_context_mut() } } pub fn retain(&self, value: Value) { self.context_mut().data_mut().retain(value); } pub fn take_last_error(&self) -> Option { self.context_mut().data_mut().take_error() } fn inner_ref(&self) -> &StoreImpl { unsafe { &*self.inner.get() } } } /// A wrapper around a Ruby Value that has a store context. /// Used in places where both Store or Caller can be used. #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)] pub enum StoreContextValue<'a> { Store(Obj), Caller(Obj>), } impl<'a> From> for StoreContextValue<'a> { fn from(store: Obj) -> Self { StoreContextValue::Store(store) } } impl<'a> From>> for StoreContextValue<'a> { fn from(caller: Obj>) -> Self { StoreContextValue::Caller(caller) } } impl<'a> StoreContextValue<'a> { pub fn mark(&self) { match self { Self::Store(store) => gc::mark(*store), Self::Caller(_) => { // The Caller is on the stack while it's "live". Right before the end of a host call, // we remove the Caller form the Ruby object, thus there is no need to mark. } } } pub fn context(&self) -> Result, Error> { match self { Self::Store(store) => Ok(store.get().context()), Self::Caller(caller) => caller.get().context(), } } pub fn context_mut(&self) -> Result, Error> { match self { Self::Store(store) => Ok(store.get().context_mut()), Self::Caller(caller) => caller.get().context_mut(), } } pub fn set_last_error(&self, error: Error) { match self { Self::Store(store) => store.get().context_mut().data_mut().set_error(error), Self::Caller(caller) => { if let Ok(mut context) = caller.get().context_mut() { context.data_mut().set_error(error); } } }; } pub fn handle_wasm_error(&self, error: anyhow::Error) -> Error { if let Ok(Some(error)) = self.take_last_error() { error } else if let Some(exit) = error.downcast_ref::() { wasi_exit_error().new_instance((exit.0,)).unwrap().into() } else { Trap::try_from(error) .map(|trap| trap.into()) .unwrap_or_else(|error| match error.downcast::() { Ok(e) => e, Err(e) => error!("{}", e), }) } } pub fn retain(&self, value: Value) -> Result<(), Error> { self.context_mut()?.data_mut().retain(value); Ok(()) } fn take_last_error(&self) -> Result, Error> { match self { Self::Store(store) => Ok(store.get().take_last_error()), Self::Caller(caller) => Ok(caller.get().context_mut()?.data_mut().take_error()), } } } pub fn init() -> Result<(), Error> { let class = root().define_class("Store", class::object())?; class.define_singleton_method("new", function!(Store::new, -1))?; class.define_method("data", method!(Store::data, 0))?; class.define_method("fuel_consumed", method!(Store::fuel_consumed, 0))?; class.define_method("add_fuel", method!(Store::add_fuel, 1))?; class.define_method("consume_fuel", method!(Store::consume_fuel, 1))?; class.define_method("set_epoch_deadline", method!(Store::set_epoch_deadline, 1))?; Ok(()) }