module AuxiliaryRails module Concerns # Resourceable - concern for controllers module Resourceable extend ActiveSupport::Concern include Pagy::Backend include Pundit::Authorization included do before_action only: %i[index new] do authorize resource_class end before_action :resource, only: %i[show edit destroy] do authorize resource end after_action :verify_authorized after_action :verify_policy_scoped, only: %i[index] helper_method :collection helper_method :collection_path helper_method :resource helper_method :resource_class helper_method :resource_params helper_method :resource_path helper_method :new_resource_path end def index @q = collection.ransack(params[:q]) @q.sorts = default_sorts if @q.sorts.empty? @pagy, @pagy_records = pagy(@q.result(distinct: true)) end def new self.resource = build_resource end def create self.resource = build_resource(resource_params) authorize resource if redirect_to resource_path(resource), notice: t('resources.create.notice', resource_name: resource_class.model_name.human) else render :new end end def show end def edit end def update resource.assign_attributes(resource_params) authorize resource if redirect_to resource_path(resource), notice: t('resources.update.notice', resource_name: resource_class.model_name.human) else render :edit end end def destroy resource.destroy redirect_to collection_path, notice: t('resources.destroy.notice', resource_name: resource_class.model_name.human) end protected # config def default_sorts ['id asc'] end def id_param params[:id] end def collection_name @collection_name ||= controller_name end def resource_class @resource_class ||= resource_name.camelize.constantize end def resource_name @resource_name ||= controller_name.singularize end # helpers def collection instance_variable_get("@#{collection_name}") || (self.collection = resource_scope) end def collection=(object) instance_variable_set("@#{collection_name}", object) end def resource instance_variable_get("@#{resource_name}") || (self.resource = find_resource) end def resource=(object) instance_variable_set("@#{resource_name}", object) end def resource_params params .require(resource_name) .permit(policy(resource_class).permitted_attributes) end def resource_scope policy_scope(resource_class.all) end def build_resource(attributes = {}) end def find_resource resource_class.find(id_param) end def collection_path public_send(path_method_name(:collection)) end def resource_path(resource, action = nil) public_send(path_method_name(:resource, action), resource) end def new_resource_path public_send(path_method_name(:resource, :new)) end # system def controller_module_parent if Rails.version < '6' raise NotImplementedError, '`controller_module_parent` needs to be implented because ' \ 'Rails < 6 does not supports `module_parent`' end self.class.module_parent end # rubocop:disable Metrics/MethodLength def path_method_name(type, action = nil) path_parts = [ 'path', (type.to_sym == :resource ? resource_name : controller_name) ] if controller_module_parent != Object path_parts << controller_module_parent.to_s.underscore end if action.present? path_parts << action end path_parts.reverse.join('_') end # rubocop:enable Metrics/MethodLength end end end