module Puma class Runner def initialize(cli) @cli = cli @options = cli.options @app = nil @control = nil end def daemon? @options[:daemon] end def development? @options[:environment] == "development" end def log(str) @cli.log str end def error(str) @cli.error str end def before_restart @control.stop(true) if @control end def start_control str = @options[:control_url] return unless str require 'puma/app/status' uri = URI.parse str app = @cli if token = @options[:control_auth_token] app.auth_token = token unless token.empty? or token == :none end control = app, control.min_threads = 0 control.max_threads = 1 case uri.scheme when "tcp" log "* Starting control server on #{str}" control.add_tcp_listener, uri.port when "unix" log "* Starting control server on #{str}" path = "#{}#{uri.path}" control.add_unix_listener path else error "Invalid control URI: #{str}" end @control = control end def ruby_engine if !defined?(RUBY_ENGINE) || RUBY_ENGINE == "ruby" "ruby #{RUBY_VERSION}-p#{RUBY_PATCHLEVEL}" else "#{RUBY_ENGINE} #{RUBY_VERSION}" end end def output_header(mode) min_t = @options[:min_threads] max_t = @options[:max_threads] log "Puma starting in #{mode} mode..." log "* Version #{Puma::Const::PUMA_VERSION} (#{ruby_engine}), codename: #{Puma::Const::CODE_NAME}" log "* Min threads: #{min_t}, max threads: #{max_t}" log "* Environment: #{ENV['RACK_ENV']}" if @options[:mode] == :tcp log "* Mode: Lopez Express (tcp)" end end def redirect_io stdout = @options[:redirect_stdout] stderr = @options[:redirect_stderr] append = @options[:redirect_append] if stdout STDOUT.reopen stdout, (append ? "a" : "w") STDOUT.sync = true STDOUT.puts "=== puma startup: #{} ===" end if stderr STDERR.reopen stderr, (append ? "a" : "w") STDERR.sync = true STDERR.puts "=== puma startup: #{} ===" end end def load_and_bind unless @cli.config.app_configured? error "No application configured, nothing to run" exit 1 end # Load the app before we daemonize. begin @app = rescue Exception => e log "! Unable to load application" raise e end @cli.binder.parse @options[:binds], self end def app @app ||= end def start_server min_t = @options[:min_threads] max_t = @options[:max_threads] server = app,, @options server.min_threads = min_t server.max_threads = max_t server.inherit_binder @cli.binder if @options[:mode] == :tcp server.tcp_mode! end unless development? server.leak_stack_on_error = false end server end end end