# ronin-payloads-new 1 "May 2022" Ronin "User Manuals" ## NAME ronin-payloads-new - Creates a new payload file ## SYNOPSIS `ronin-payloads new` [*options*] *PATH* ## DESCRIPTION Generates a new payload file. ## ARGUMENTS *PATH* : The path to the new payload file to generate. ## OPTIONS `-t`, `--type` `asm`\|`shellcode`\|`c`\|`go`\|`rust`\|`command`\|`shell`\|`powershell`\|`html`\|`javascript`\|`typescript`\|`java`\|`sql`\|`php`\|`python`\|`ruby`\|`nodejs` : The type of payload to generate. `-a`, `--author` *NAME* : The name of the author. Defaults to the configured git author name or the `USERNAME` environment variable. `-e`, `--author-email` *EMAIL* : The email address of the author. Defaults to the configured git author email. `-S`, `--summary` *TEXT* : The summary text for the new payload. `-D`, `--description` *TEXT* : The description text for the new payload. `-R`, `--reference` *URL* : Adds a reference URL to the new payload. `-h`, `--help` : Print help information ## AUTHOR Postmodern ## SEE ALSO [ronin-payloads-list](ronin-payloads-list.1.md) [ronin-payloads-show](ronin-payloads-show.1.md) [ronin-payloads-build](ronin-payloads-build.1.md) [ronin-payloads-launch](ronin-payloads-launch.1.md)