description = "Check a set of files for migration and back-compat issues" if @description.nil? DELIMITER = "\n " DATA = { '1.0.0.alpha.3' => { :tests => { :sacss => [ { :pattern => /(archetype[_-]version)/m, :message => 'function `$1` has been removed' } ] } }, '1.0.0.alpha.1' => { :notice => %q{Archetype now requires Sass 3.3+ and Compass 0.13+}, :tests => { :sacss => [ { :pattern => /(gradient[_-]with[_-]deg|[_-]isLegacySupported)/m, :message => 'mixin or function `$1` has been removed' }, { :pattern => /(?:\@include\s+|\+)(wrapper[_-]rtl|(?:padding|margin)(?:[_-](?:top|right|bottom|left))?|border(?:[_-](?:top|right|bottom|left))?[_-](?:width|color|style)|clear|float|text[_-]align|left|right|background[_-]position)\s*\(([^\)]*)/m, :message => 'the RTL mixin `$1` has been deprecated, just use `$1: $2`' }, { :pattern => /(?:\@include\s+|\+)wrapper[_-]rtl/m, :message => 'the RTL mixin `wrapper-rtl` has been deprecated' }, { :pattern => /[\:\s\(\{](rtl|reading[_-]direction)\s*\(/m, :message => 'the RTL function `$1()` has been deprecated' }, { :pattern => /(?:styleguide[_-](?:add|extend)[_-]component)[^\;]*(inline-block)(?:\s+|\:)true/m, :message => '`inline-block` has changed syntax within a styleguide component' }, { :pattern => /(?:styleguide[_-](?:add|extend)[_-]component)[^\;]*\s+\(?(gradient)(?:\s|\:)/m, :message => 'use `background-image` instead of `$1` within your styleguide component' }, { :pattern => /(\$CONFIG_(?:STATE_MAPPINGS|BROWSER_VENDORS_HACK|OS_VENDORS_CLASS|SAFE_FONTS|LOADERS))\s*\:\s*\(\s*[^\:]+\s*\)(?: \!default)?\;/m, :message => '`$1` is now a map structure instead of lists' }, { :pattern => /(?:(?:nth(?:-cyclic)?|associative)\s*\(\s*)(\$CONFIG_(?:STATE_MAPPINGS|BROWSER_VENDORS_HACK|OS_VENDORS_CLASS|SAFE_FONTS|LOADERS))/m, :message => '`$1` is now a map structure instead of lists' }, { :pattern => /(\$CONFIG_GLYPHS_(?:NAME|VERSION|SVG_ID|BASE_PATH|EOT|FILES|THRESHOLD|MAPPINGS))/m, :message => '`$1` is deprecated, use `register-glyph-library()` instead' }, { :pattern => /(\$CONFIG_GRID_DIRECTION)/m, :message => '`$1` is deprecated' }, { :pattern => /(styleguide[_-]((?:sprite|image)(?:[_-][a-z]+)?))/m, :message => '`$1` has been replaced with `-archetype-$2`' }, { :pattern => /(\$CONFIG_(?:KEYFRAMES|GLYPHS)_AUTO)/m, :message => '`$1` has been deprecated, use `$CONFIG_RESET_AUTO` instead' } ], :rb => [], :scss => [], :sass => [] } } } options = { :from => '' } do |opts| opts.banner = description opts.define_head "Usage: #{} migrate [path] [options]" opts.separator "" opts.separator "Example usage:" opts.separator " archetype migrate /path/to/scss/ --from=0.0.1.alpha" opts.on('-f', '--from VERSION', 'Archetype version migrating from') do |v| options[:from] = v end opts.on('-h', '--help', 'shows this help message') do puts opts exit end if not @help.nil? puts opts exit end end.parse! base = ARGV[1] || '.' count = 0 files = {} DATA.each do |version, obj| if version > options[:from] messages = [] messages << obj[:notice] if not obj[:notice].nil? obj[:tests].each do |category, tests| if not tests.nil? and not tests.empty? ext = case category when :rb '.rb' when :sass '.sass' when :scss '.scss' when :all '' else '.s[ac]ss' end Dir.glob(File.join(base, '**', "*#{ext}")) do |file| contents = files[file] message = [] tests.each do |test| if contents.nil? contents = '' File.readlines(file).select do |line| # strip off the comments and push it onto the contents contents << line.gsub(/\s*((\/\/.*)|(\/\*(?!\*\/)?\*\/))/, '') end # cache the contents so we don't have to read it in again files[file] = contents end if contents =~ test[:pattern] contents.scan(test[:pattern]).each do |match| message << test[:message].gsub(/\$1/, match[0] || '').gsub(/\$2/, match[1] || '') count += 1 end end end messages << "#{file}:#{DELIMITER}#{message.join(DELIMITER)}" unless message.empty? end end end puts "#{'='*20}\nv#{version}\n#{'-'*20}\n#{messages.join("\n\n")}" unless messages.empty? end end if count > 0 puts "\n#{count} backward compatibility issue#{count > 1 ? 's' : ''} found!" else puts "\neverything else looks good!" end exit else @description = description end