require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/spec_helper') describe Enygma::Configuration do describe Enygma::Configuration::InvalidAdapterName do it "should be raised when the adapter is set to something not supported" do lambda { Enygma::Configuration.adapter(:skull_of_orm) }.should raise_error(Enygma::Configuration::InvalidAdapterName) end it "should come with a message along the lines of 'Invalid adapter type!'" do =~"Invalid adapter type!") end end describe Enygma::Configuration::AdapterNotSet do before do @config = end it "should be raised when trying to connect to a database when an adapter isn't set" do lambda { @config.adapter(:none) @config.datastore("postgres://user@localhost/database") }.should raise_error(Enygma::Configuration::AdapterNotSet) end it "should come with a message along the lines of 'You haven't chosen an adatper to use.'" do =~"You haven't chosen an adapter to use.") end end describe "class variables" do describe "@@index_suffix" do it "should default to '_idx'" do Enygma::Configuration.index_suffix.should == '_idx' end it "should be set with .index_suffix" do Enygma::Configuration.index_suffix('_index') Enygma::Configuration.index_suffix.should == '_index' end end describe "@@target_attr" do it "should default to 'item_id'" do Enygma::Configuration.target_attr.should == 'item_id' end it "should be set with .target_attr" do Enygma::Configuration.target_attr('record_id') Enygma::Configuration.target_attr.should == 'record_id' end end describe "@@adapter" do it "should default to nil" do Enygma::Configuration.adapter.should be_nil end it "should be set with .adapter" do Enygma::Configuration.adapter(:sequel) end it "should return the adapter after being set" do Enygma::Configuration.adapter(:sequel) Enygma::Configuration.adapter.should be_an_instance_of(Enygma::Adapters::SequelAdapter) end it "should raise an error if the adapter isn't available" do lambda { Enygma::Configuration.adapter(:skull_of_orm) }.should raise_error(Enygma::Configuration::InvalidAdapterName) end it "should reset the adapter to nil if passed :none" do Enygma::Configuration.adapter(:sequel) Enygma::Configuration.adapter.should_not be_nil Enygma::Configuration.adapter(:none) Enygma::Configuration.adapter.should be_nil end end describe "@@sphinx" do it "should default to { :port => 3312, :host => 'localhost' }" do Enygma::Configuration.sphinx.should == { :port => 3312, :host => 'localhost' } end it "should return the sphinx configuration hash with .sphinx" do Enygma::Configuration.sphinx.should be_an_instance_of(Hash) end it "should be able to be set on a per-key basis just like any other hash" do Enygma::Configuration.sphinx[:port] = 303 Enygma::Configuration.sphinx[:host] = '' Enygma::Configuration.sphinx.should == { :port => 303, :host => '' } end it "should respond to #port and #host to allow pretty configuration" do Enygma::Configuration.sphinx.should respond_to(:port) Enygma::Configuration.sphinx.should respond_to(:host) end it "should be able to be configured using the accessor methods instead of []" do Enygma::Configuration.sphinx.port(303)'') Enygma::Configuration.sphinx.should == { :port => 303, :host => '' } end end end describe ".global" do it "should instance_eval self against the block" do Enygma::Configuration.expects(:instance_eval) { } end it "should set the proper class variable using the accessors" do do index_suffix '_index' target_attr 'record_id' adapter :sequel sphinx.port 303 '' end Enygma::Configuration.index_suffix.should == '_index' Enygma::Configuration.target_attr.should == 'record_id' Enygma::Configuration.adapter.should be_an_instance_of(Enygma::Adapters::SequelAdapter) Enygma::Configuration.sphinx.should == { :port => 303, :host => '' } end end describe "default instance variables" do before(:each) do do index_suffix '_index' target_attr 'record_id' adapter :sequel sphinx.port 303 '' end @config = end it "should set @adapter to @@adapter" do @config.adapter.should == Enygma::Configuration.adapter end it "should set @table to nil" do @config.table.should be_nil end it "should set @indexes to []" do @config.indexes.should be_an_instance_of(Array) @config.indexes.should be_empty end it "should set @target_attr to @@target_attr" do @config.target_attr.should == Enygma::Configuration.target_attr end it "should set @weights to {}" do @config.weights.should == {} end it "should set @latitude to 'lat'" do @config.latitude.should == 'lat' end it "should set @longitude to 'lng'" do @config.longitude.should == 'lng' end end describe "sphinx" do before(:each) do @config = end it "should return the class default sphinx configuration" do @config.sphinx.should == Enygma::Configuration.sphinx end end describe "table" do before(:each) do @config = end it "should set the name as the default table" do @config.table :things @config.table.should == :things end end describe "index" do before(:each) do Enygma::Configuration.index_suffix '_idx' @config = end it "should add the index name, massaged through Enygma.indexify, to the named table's indexes" do @config.index :things @config.indexes.should include(Enygma.indexify(:things)) end end describe "weight" do before(:each) do @config = end it "should add the given weight to the given attribute to the hash of weights" do @config.weight :name, 20 @config.weights.should have_key('name') @config.weights['name'].should == 20 end end end