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Etɳ Etɳ EtɳplayEtɳEditingEtɳ;Playback a string variable, method, line, or file as input.Etɳ( Usage: play [OPTIONS] [--help] The play command enables you to replay code from files and methods as if they were entered directly in the Pry REPL. play --lines 149..153 # assumes current context play -i 20 --lines 1..3 # assumes lines of the input expression at 20 play -o 4 # the output of an expression at 4 play Pry#repl -l 1..-1 # play the contents of Pry#repl method play -e 2 # play from specified line until end of valid expression play hello.rb # play a file play Rakefile -l 5 # play line 5 of a file play -d hi # play documentation of hi method play hi --open # play hi method and leave it open https://github.com/pry/pry/wiki/User-Input#wiki-Play tɳ EtɳoptionstɳZEtɳPlays the selected content except the last line. Useful for replaying methods and leaving the method definition "open". `amend-line` can then be used to modify the method.tɳ[tɳ\Etɳ&Executes until end of valid expressiontɳ]tɳ^EtɳPrints executed codetɳ_tɳEtɳprocesstɳEtɳ perform_playEtɳ fix-indenttɳEtɳ show_inputEtɳ show-inputtɳEtɳcontent_after_options tɳ`atɳbtɳ!Etɳcontent_at_expressiontɳ#Etɳ code_objecttɳ%Etɳshould_use_default_file?tɳctɳdtɳ)Etɳcontenttɳ+Etɳ default_fileEtɳ__FILE__tɳ.Etɳ file_contentEtɳFile does not exist! File was: EtɳPryEtɳCommandEtɳ ClassCommandEtɳPlayEtɳ CodeCollectorEtɳIntegerEtɳoptEtɳinject_optionsEtɳonEtɳ@ccEtɳargsEtɳoptsEtɳ_pry_EtɳnewEtɳ eval_stringEtɳ<