# Saddle Points Detect saddle points in a matrix. So say you have a matrix like so: ```text 0 1 2 |--------- 0 | 9 8 7 1 | 5 3 2 <--- saddle point at (1,0) 2 | 6 6 7 ``` It has a saddle point at (1, 0). It's called a "saddle point" because it is greater than or equal to every element in its row and less than or equal to every element in its column. A matrix may have zero or more saddle points. Your code should be able to provide the (possibly empty) list of all the saddle points for any given matrix. Note that you may find other definitions of matrix saddle points online, but the tests for this exercise follow the above unambiguous definition. ## Exception messages Sometimes it is necessary to raise an exception. When you do this, you should include a meaningful error message to indicate what the source of the error is. This makes your code more readable and helps significantly with debugging. Not every exercise will require you to raise an exception, but for those that do, the tests will only pass if you include a message. To raise a message with an exception, just write it as an argument to the exception type. For example, instead of `raise Exception`, you shold write: ```python raise Exception("Meaningful message indicating the source of the error") ``` ## Submitting Exercises Note that, when trying to submit an exercise, make sure the solution is in the `exercism/python/` directory. For example, if you're submitting `bob.py` for the Bob exercise, the submit command would be something like `exercism submit /python/bob/bob.py`. For more detailed information about running tests, code style and linting, please see the [help page](http://exercism.io/languages/python). ## Source J Dalbey's Programming Practice problems [http://users.csc.calpoly.edu/~jdalbey/103/Projects/ProgrammingPractice.html](http://users.csc.calpoly.edu/~jdalbey/103/Projects/ProgrammingPractice.html) ## Submitting Incomplete Solutions It's possible to submit an incomplete solution so you can see how others have completed the exercise.