Feature: Cucumber command line In order to be able to write an editor plugin that can jump between steps and step definitions, Cucumber must provide a way to display how they are related. Scenario: List usage of step definitions When I run cucumber features --format usage --dry-run Then it should pass with """ /^passing without a table$/ # features/step_definitions/sample_steps.rb:12 Given passing without a table # features/background/failing_background_after_success.feature:4 Given without a table # features/outline_sample.feature:6 Given without a table # features/outline_sample.feature:7 /^failing without a table$/ # features/step_definitions/sample_steps.rb:15 Given failing without a table # features/background/failing_background.feature:4 Given failing without a table # features/background/scenario_outline_failing_background.feature:4 /^a step definition that calls an undefined step$/ # features/step_definitions/sample_steps.rb:19 Given a step definition that calls an undefined step # features/call_undefined_step_from_step_def.feature:4 /^call step "(.*)"$/ # features/step_definitions/sample_steps.rb:23 Given call step "a step definition that calls an undefined step" # features/call_undefined_step_from_step_def.feature:7 /^'(.+)' cukes$/ # features/step_definitions/sample_steps.rb:27 Given '10' cukes # features/background/background_with_name.feature:4 And '10' cukes # features/background/failing_background.feature:5 Given '10' cukes # features/background/passing_background.feature:4 Given '10' cukes # features/background/scenario_outline_passing_background.feature:4 Given '2' cukes # features/tons_of_cukes.feature:4 Given '2' cukes # features/tons_of_cukes.feature:5 Given '2' cukes # features/tons_of_cukes.feature:6 Given '2' cukes # features/tons_of_cukes.feature:7 Given '2' cukes # features/tons_of_cukes.feature:8 Given '2' cukes # features/tons_of_cukes.feature:9 Given '2' cukes # features/tons_of_cukes.feature:10 Given '2' cukes # features/tons_of_cukes.feature:11 Given '2' cukes # features/tons_of_cukes.feature:12 Given '2' cukes # features/tons_of_cukes.feature:13 Given '2' cukes # features/tons_of_cukes.feature:14 Given '2' cukes # features/tons_of_cukes.feature:15 Given '2' cukes # features/tons_of_cukes.feature:16 Given '2' cukes # features/tons_of_cukes.feature:17 Given '2' cukes # features/tons_of_cukes.feature:18 Given '2' cukes # features/tons_of_cukes.feature:19 Given '2' cukes # features/tons_of_cukes.feature:20 Given '2' cukes # features/tons_of_cukes.feature:21 Given '2' cukes # features/tons_of_cukes.feature:22 Given '2' cukes # features/tons_of_cukes.feature:23 Given '2' cukes # features/tons_of_cukes.feature:24 Given '2' cukes # features/tons_of_cukes.feature:25 Given '2' cukes # features/tons_of_cukes.feature:26 Given '2' cukes # features/tons_of_cukes.feature:27 Given '2' cukes # features/tons_of_cukes.feature:28 Given '2' cukes # features/tons_of_cukes.feature:29 Given '2' cukes # features/tons_of_cukes.feature:30 Given '2' cukes # features/tons_of_cukes.feature:31 Given '2' cukes # features/tons_of_cukes.feature:32 Given '2' cukes # features/tons_of_cukes.feature:33 Given '2' cukes # features/tons_of_cukes.feature:34 Given '2' cukes # features/tons_of_cukes.feature:35 Given '2' cukes # features/tons_of_cukes.feature:36 Given '2' cukes # features/tons_of_cukes.feature:37 Given '2' cukes # features/tons_of_cukes.feature:38 Given '2' cukes # features/tons_of_cukes.feature:39 Given '2' cukes # features/tons_of_cukes.feature:40 Given '2' cukes # features/tons_of_cukes.feature:41 Given '2' cukes # features/tons_of_cukes.feature:42 Given '2' cukes # features/tons_of_cukes.feature:43 Given '2' cukes # features/tons_of_cukes.feature:44 Given '2' cukes # features/tons_of_cukes.feature:45 Given '2' cukes # features/tons_of_cukes.feature:46 Given '2' cukes # features/tons_of_cukes.feature:47 Given '2' cukes # features/tons_of_cukes.feature:48 Given '2' cukes # features/tons_of_cukes.feature:49 Given '2' cukes # features/tons_of_cukes.feature:50 Given '2' cukes # features/tons_of_cukes.feature:51 Given '2' cukes # features/tons_of_cukes.feature:52 /^I should have '(.+)' cukes$/ # features/step_definitions/sample_steps.rb:31 Then I should have '10' cukes # features/background/background_with_name.feature:7 Then I should have '10' cukes # features/background/failing_background.feature:8 Then I should have '10' cukes # features/background/failing_background.feature:11 Then I should have '10' cukes # features/background/passing_background.feature:7 Then I should have '10' cukes # features/background/passing_background.feature:10 Then I should have '10' cukes # features/background/pending_background.feature:7 Then I should have '10' cukes # features/background/pending_background.feature:10 Then I should have '' cukes # features/background/scenario_outline_failing_background.feature:7 Then I should have '' cukes # features/background/scenario_outline_failing_background.feature:13 Then I should have '' cukes # features/background/scenario_outline_passing_background.feature:7 Then I should have '' cukes # features/background/scenario_outline_passing_background.feature:13 /^'(.+)' global cukes$/ # features/step_definitions/sample_steps.rb:35 And '10' global cukes # features/background/failing_background_after_success.feature:5 /^I should have '(.+)' global cukes$/ # features/step_definitions/sample_steps.rb:42 Then I should have '10' global cukes # features/background/failing_background_after_success.feature:8 Then I should have '10' global cukes # features/background/failing_background_after_success.feature:11 /^table$/ # features/step_definitions/sample_steps.rb:46 Given table # features/background/multiline_args_background.feature:4 /^multiline string$/ # features/step_definitions/sample_steps.rb:50 And multiline string # features/background/multiline_args_background.feature:7 /^the table should be$/ # features/step_definitions/sample_steps.rb:54 Then the table should be # features/background/multiline_args_background.feature:14 Then the table should be # features/background/multiline_args_background.feature:24 /^the multiline string should be$/ # features/step_definitions/sample_steps.rb:58 Then the multiline string should be # features/background/multiline_args_background.feature:17 Then the multiline string should be # features/background/multiline_args_background.feature:27 /^passing$/ # features/step_definitions/sample_steps.rb:5 Given passing # features/sample.feature:10 /^failing expectation$/ # features/step_definitions/sample_steps.rb:62 Given failing expectation # features/failing_expectation.feature:4 /^failing$/ # features/step_definitions/sample_steps.rb:8 Given failing # features/sample.feature:16 (::) UNUSED (::) /^unused$/ # features/step_definitions/sample_steps.rb:66 /^another unused$/ # features/step_definitions/sample_steps.rb:69 """