# frozen_string_literal: true require "optparse" module MemoryProfiler class CLI BIN_NAME = "ruby-memory-profiler" VERSION_INFO = "#{BIN_NAME} #{MemoryProfiler::VERSION}" STATUS_SUCCESS = 0 STATUS_ERROR = 1 DEFAULTS = { ignore_files: "memory_profiler/lib" }.freeze REPORTER_KEYS = [ :top, :trace, :ignore_files, :allow_files ].freeze RESULTS_KEYS = [ :to_file, :color_output, :retained_strings, :allocated_strings, :detailed_report, :scale_bytes, :normalize_paths ].freeze private_constant :BIN_NAME, :VERSION_INFO,:STATUS_SUCCESS, :STATUS_ERROR, :DEFAULTS, :REPORTER_KEYS, :RESULTS_KEYS # def run(argv) options = {} parser = option_parser(options) parser.parse!(argv) options = DEFAULTS.merge(options) # Make sure the user specified at least one file unless (script = argv.shift) puts parser puts "" puts "#{VERSION_INFO} | ERROR: Must specify a script to run" return STATUS_ERROR end MemoryProfiler.start(reporter_options(options)) load script STATUS_SUCCESS rescue OptionParser::InvalidOption, OptionParser::InvalidArgument, OptionParser::MissingArgument => e puts parser puts e.message STATUS_ERROR ensure report = MemoryProfiler.stop report&.pretty_print(**results_options(options)) end private def option_parser(options) OptionParser.new do |opts| opts.banner = <<~BANNER #{VERSION_INFO} A Memory Profiler for Ruby Usage: #{BIN_NAME} [options] <script.rb> [--] [script-options] BANNER opts.separator "" opts.separator "Options:" # Reporter options opts.on("-m", "--max=NUM", Integer, "Max number of entries to output. (Defaults to 50)") do |arg| options[:top] = arg end opts.on("--classes=CLASSES", Array, "A class or list of classes you explicitly want to trace.") do |arg| options[:trace] = arg.map { |klass| Object.const_get(klass) } end opts.on("--ignore-files=REGEXP", "A regular expression used to exclude certain files from tracing.") do |arg| options[:ignore_files] = "#{arg}|memory_profiler/lib" end opts.on("--allow-files=FILES", Array, "A string or list of strings to selectively include in tracing.") do |arg| options[:allow_files] = arg end opts.separator "" # Results options opts.on("-o", "--out=FILE", "Write output to a file instead of STDOUT.") do |arg| options[:to_file] = arg end opts.on("--[no-]color", "Force color output on or off. (Enabled by default)") do |arg| options[:color_output] = arg end opts.on("--retained-strings=NUM", Integer, "How many retained strings to print.") do |arg| options[:retained_strings] = arg end opts.on("--allocated-strings=NUM", Integer, "How many allocated strings to print.") do |arg| options[:allocated_strings] = arg end opts.on("--[no-]detailed", "Print detailed information. (Enabled by default)") do |arg| options[:detailed_report] = arg end opts.on("--scale-bytes", "Calculates unit prefixes for the numbers of bytes.") do options[:scale_bytes] = true end opts.on("--normalize-paths", "Print location paths relative to gem's source directory.") do options[:normalize_paths] = true end opts.on("--pretty", "Easily enable options 'scale-bytes' and 'normalize-paths'") do options[:scale_bytes] = options[:normalize_paths] = true end opts.separator "" opts.on_tail("-h", "--help", "Show this help message.") do puts opts exit end opts.on_tail("-v", "--version", "Show program version.") do puts VERSION_INFO exit end end end def reporter_options(options) options.select { |k, _v| REPORTER_KEYS.include?(k) } end def results_options(options) options.select { |k, _v| RESULTS_KEYS.include?(k) } end end end