name: Step by step navigation header description: Shows that a content page is part of a step by step navigation body: | The component indicates to the user that the current page is part of a [step by step navigation](/component-guide/step_by_step_nav), and can provide a link to it. accessibility_criteria: | The component is designed to go into the top of an existing content page and should not interfere with the heading structure of the page, so therefore should not contain a heading tag. An early version of the component contained a hidden skip link for keyboard and screen reader users, that jumped to the step by step navigation component in the sidebar (similiar to the 'skip to content' link at the top of all GOV.UK pages). User testing suggested that rather than helping users it confused them, so this has been removed. shared_accessibility_criteria: - link examples: default: data: title: 'Learn to drive a car: step by step' with_a_link: data: title: 'Having children: step by step' path: /childcare-parenting/pregnancy-and-birth with_a_long_text: data: title: 'Coronavirus: businesses and self-employed people' path: /childcare-parenting/pregnancy-and-birth with_margin_bottom: description: | The component accepts a number for margin bottom from 0 to 9 (0px to 60px) using the [GOV.UK Frontend spacing scale]( It defaults to having a margin bottom of 30px. data: title: 'Learn to practice flexible spacing: step by step' margin_bottom: 9 with_unique_tracking: description: In order to identify the step by step navigation the component is part of, we need to track a unique ID of the navigation in Google Analytics. This ID should be the same across all pages that are linked from and are part of that navigation. Its value is included in any tracking events, specifically in dimension96. It refers to the ID of the step nav that the component links to. data: title: 'With a tracking id' path: '#' tracking_id: 'this-is-the-tracking-id' with_custom_tracking: data: title: 'With a custom tracking' path: '#' tracking_category: "customTrackingCategoryClicked" tracking_action: "customTrackingAction" tracking_label: "customTrackingLabel" tracking_dimension: "customTrackingDimension" tracking_dimension_index: "23" without_custom_dimension: data: title: 'Without custom dimensions' path: '#' tracking_category: "customTrackingCategoryClicked" tracking_action: "customTrackingAction" tracking_label: "customTrackingLabel" tracking_dimension_enabled: false