Run methods

Rabbit can be ran via command line or command launcher, double click on Windows.

Command line

You need to specify a file that has slide source when you run Rabbit via command line.

% rabbit XXX.rd


% rabbit --type file XXX.rd

or ...

Type the following if you want to run sample/rabbit_en.rd.

% rabbit --type file sample/rabbit_en.rd

However, some samples use themes in sample/rabbit/theme and are not displayed correctly when run from the top directory. It's better to run the samples from the sample directory.

If you are a Windows user, you can drag and drop an RD file onto bin/rabbit.bat.

Otherwise you can invoke Rabbit by double clicking an RD file if you associate *.rd (or *.rab (an abbreviation of Rabbit)) with the following.

<ruby install folder>\bin\rubyw -S rabbit


-t, --theme=THEME
Specifies the theme.
-I, --include=PATH
Adds PATH to the load path. Load paths are used to find themes.
Specifies the comment theme. Available themes are footer-comment (default) that shows comments in the footer and stream-comment that streams comments on slides.
Specifies allotted time for presentation. It overrides allotted time specified in title slide.
-B, --base=BASE
Specifies the URI or path to resolve relative paths in the input. (For example, the path of image). If you don't specify it, it'll automatically decide based on the input source type.
-T, --type=TYPE

Specifies the input source type.

Available types are file (default), argf and uri .


Uses ARGF as input source. This means, you can input via standard input.

Note: argf doesn't support the auto source reload feature.


% rabbit --type argf file1.rd file2.rd ...


% cat file1.rd file2.rd ... | rabbit --type argf


% rabbit --type argf
= title



Default. This means, `--type argf' is optional.

Gets source from specified file.

Supports the auto source reload feature.


% rabbit --type file file.rd

Gets source from the specified URI.

You can use the auto source reload feature. But Rabbit will only reload once every 60 seconds for performance reasons.


% rabbit --type uri


% rabbit --type uri ftp://.../XXX.rd

or ...


% rabbit --type uri file:///.../XXX.rd


% rabbit --type uri /.../XXX.rd

are same as

% rabbit --type file /.../XXX.rd

Manage the source in memory. In this type, the source can be modified by the dRuby/SOAP/etc. interfaces.

You can set initial source by specifying a file name.

Example (without initial source):

% rabbit --type memory

Example (with initial source):

% rabbit --type memory file.rd
-e, --encoding=ENCODING

Specifies encoding of the input source.

Default is auto-detect.

-f, --full-screen, --no-f, --no-full-screen

Specifies whether Rabbit is invoked in full screen mode.

Default is no.

--index-mode, --no-index-mode

Specifies whether Rabbit is invoked in index mode.

Default is no.

-w, --width=WIDTH

Specifies the width of the window.

Default is 800.

-h, --height=HEIGHT

Specifies the height of the window.

Default is 600.

Specifies the width and height of the window.
-s, --save-as-image
Saves each slide as image and exit.
-i, --saved-image-type=TYPE

Specifies image type to save as.

For example, png (default), jpeg etc.

-b, --saved-image-base-name=BASE_NAME

Specifies base name of the saved image. Saved image's file name is "#{base name}#{page number}.#{extension}".

Default is the title of the slide.

If the encoding of your file system isn't UTF-8 and the
saved filename is UTF-8, you may need to setup an
environment variable such as LANG and
--output-html, --no-output-html

Specifies whether Rabbit generates HTML or not for viewing saved slides.

Default is off.

--output-index-html, --no-output-index-html

Specifies whether Rabbit generates an index HTML file with thumbnailed slides or not.

Default is off.

-p, --print

Prints slide and exit. You can print to file or directory send printer by using --output-filename.

But the quality is not good.

-o, --output-filename=FILENAME

Specifies printed file name. Printed format is decided by the extension. The printed format is PostScript when the extension is .ps, PDF when extension is .pdf and PostScript otherwise.

You can send the output formatted by PostScript to a program by specifying "|program-name".

Default is "#{title of slide}.ps".


Specifies the width (in inches) of the paper when printing.

Default is the width of landscape A4.


Specifies the height (in inches) of the paper when printing.

Default is the height of landscape A4.


Specifies the width and height of the paper when printing. The width and height is in inches.

Default is the size of landscape A4.


Specifies slides per page.

Default is 1.


Specifies margin of slide when slides per margin is greater than 1.

Default is automatically computed by using slides per page. But the algorithm doesn't work very well when the slides per page is anything other than 2 or 8.


Specifies page margin when printing.

Default is 0.


Specifies the directory which has the locale data (*.mo). If you want to use Rabbit without installing to system, you can type the following in the top directory.

% ruby -I./lib bin/rabbit --locale-dir data/locale sample/rabbit-en.rd

Default is /usr/local/share/locale/, /usr/share/locale/ and so on.


Specifies how display the error log. If you specify `gui', the error log is displayed. You should specify --logger-type option because errors may occur when parsing rabbit's options.

% rabbit --logger-type gui ...

Default is stderr which outputs the log to standard error output.

--use-druby, --no-use-druby

Specifies whether to use dRuby interface.

Default is use.


Specifies dRuby interface URI.

Default is druby://:10101.

--output-druby-uri, --no-output-druby-uri

Specifies whether to output dRuby interface URI.

Default is not output.

--use-soap, --no-use-soap

Specifies whether to use SOAP interface.

Default is not use.


Specifies SOAP interface host.

Default is


Specifies SOAP interface port.

Default is 10103.

--use-xmlrpc, --no-use-xmlrpc

Specifies whether to use XML-RPC interface.

Default is not use.


Specifies XML-RPC interface host.

Default is


Specifies XML-RPC interface port.

Default is 10104.

--server, --no-server

Specifies whether to run as server.

Default is not server.


Specifies what Rabbit functions are public to external interfaces (dRuby/XML-RPC/SOAP). Select public level from strict, move, read-size, change-size, size, read-source, change-source, source and all. The later the public level indicates that Rabbit publishes more functions.

Default is strict.


Specifies initial comment source file name.

Default is simple comment source provided by system.


Specifies comment source encoding.

Default is auto-detect.


Specifies search paths for Migemo's static dictionary. Search paths are specified as a directory that has a static dictionary whose name is specified by --migemo-dictionary-name or as a path of a static dictionary. Two or more search paths can be specified by separating them with commas.

Default is /usr/local/share and /usr/share.


Specifies Migemo's static dictionary name.

Default is migemo-dict.

--use-gl, --no-use-gl

Specifies whether to use OpenGL if available.

Default is not use.

--show-native-window-id, --no-show-native-window-id

Specifies whether show window ID if available.

Default is not show.

Launcher mode

Rabbit shows file chose dialog on no console environment. Rabbit shows a slide what you chose.