module Panda module CMS class PagesController < ApplicationController include ActionView::Helpers::TagHelper before_action :check_login_required, only: [:root, :show] after_action :record_visit, only: [:root, :show], unless: :ignore_visit? def root params[:path] = "" show end def show page = if @overrides&.dig(:page_path_match) Panda::CMS::Page.find_by(path: @overrides.dig(:page_path_match)) else Panda::CMS::Page.find_by(path: "/" + params[:path].to_s) end = page || Panda::CMS::Page.find_by(path: "/404") if @overrides = @overrides&.dig(:title) || page.title end layout = page&.template&.file_path if page.nil? || page.status == "archived" || layout.nil? # This works for now, but we may want to override in future (e.g. custom 404s) render file: "#{Rails.root}/public/404.html", layout: false, status: :not_found and return end template_vars = { page: page, title: || Panda::CMS.config.title } render inline: "", assigns: template_vars, status: :ok, layout: layout end private def check_login_required if Panda::CMS.config.require_login_to_view && !user_signed_in? redirect_to panda_cms_maintenance_path and return end end def ignore_visit? # Ignore visits from bots (TODO: make this configurable) return true if /bot/i.match?(request.user_agent) # Ignore visits from Honeybadger return true if request.headers.to_h.key? "Honeybadger-Token" false end def record_visit RecordVisitJob.perform_later( url: request.url, user_agent: request.user_agent, referrer: request.referrer, ip_address: request.remote_ip, page_id:, current_user_id: current_user&.id, params: params.to_unsafe_h.except(:controller, :action, :path), visited_at: ) end end end end