module LesliBabel class TranslationsRailsService def engines_installed = Rails.application.config.lesli_settings["engines"].map do |engine| engine[:name] end # get all rails engines to buil engines = Module .where("platform in ('rails_core', 'rails_builder', 'rails_engine', 'standard')") .where("name in (?)", engines_installed.push("Core","LesliMails")) .map do |engine| engine[:id] end # get strings filtered by module (only rails translations) strings = TranslationsService.strings(engines) strings = :id, :label, :status, :context, :priority, :need_help, :need_translation, Rails.application.config.lesli_settings["configuration"]["locales"], " as engine_id", " as bucket_id", " as bucket_name", " as engine_name", "cloud_babel_modules.platform as platform", "'' as path" ) translations = {} available_locales = Rails.application.config.lesli_settings["configuration"]["locales"] # add key for every available language (required by i18n Rails gem) available_locales.each do |lang| translations[lang] = { } end strings.each do |string| module_name = string[:engine_name].downcase.sub("cloud", "") engine_code = string[:engine_name].underscore engine_name = string[:engine_name] bucket_name = string[:bucket_name] platform = string[:platform] available_locales.each do |lang| # translations path for lesli core file_path = Rails.root.join("config", "locales", bucket_name, "#{ bucket_name.gsub("/","_") }.#{ lang }.yml") # translations path for translations for engines if platform == "rails_builder" || platform == "rails_engine" || platform == "standard" file_path = Rails.root.join("engines", engine_name, "config", "locales", bucket_name, "#{ bucket_name }.#{ lang }.yml") file_path = Rails.root.join("config", "locales", engine_code, bucket_name, "#{ bucket_name.gsub("/","_") }.#{ lang }.yml") end file_id = file_path.to_s.to_sym unless translations[lang].has_key? file_id translations[lang][file_id] = { } end unless translations[lang][file_id].has_key? module_name translations[lang][file_id][module_name] = { } end unless translations[lang][file_id][module_name].has_key? bucket_name translations[lang][file_id][module_name][bucket_name] = { } end # send debug message for missing translations string[lang] = ":" + string.path + ":" if string[lang].blank? translations[lang][file_id][module_name][bucket_name][string.label] = string[lang] end end translations.each do |file_by_language| lang = file_by_language[0] file_by_controller = file_by_language[1] file_by_controller.each do |file| file_path = file[0].to_s translations = file[1] # creates folder and subfolders FileUtils.makedirs(File.dirname(file_path)) # creates translation file for every available language translation_file =, "w+") translation_file.write({ "#{lang}": translations}.to_yaml) translation_file.close p "file added: #{ file_path }" end end LC::Response.service true, translations end end end