// // Breadcrumb Variables // $include-html-nav-classes: $include-html-classes !default; // We use this to set the background color for the breadcrumb container. $crumb-bg: lighten($secondary-color, 5%) !default; // We use these to set the padding around the breadcrumbs. $crumb-padding: emCalc(9px) emCalc(14px) emCalc(9px) !default; $crumb-side-padding: emCalc(12px) !default; // We use these to control border styles. $crumb-function-factor: 10% !default; $crumb-border-size: 1px !default; $crumb-border-style: solid !default; $crumb-border-color: darken($crumb-bg, $crumb-function-factor) !default; $crumb-radius: $global-radius !default; // We use these to set various text styles for breadcrumbs. $crumb-font-size: emCalc(11px) !default; $crumb-font-color: $primary-color !default; $crumb-font-color-current: #333 !default; $crumb-font-color-unavailable: #999 !default; $crumb-font-transform: uppercase !default; $crumb-link-decor: underline !default; // We use these to control the slash between breadcrumbs $crumb-slash-color: #aaa !default; $crumb-slash: "/" !default; // // Breakcrumb Mixins // // We use this mixin to create a container around our breadcrumbs @mixin crumb-container { display: block; padding: $crumb-padding; overflow: hidden; margin-#{$default-float}: 0; list-style: none; border-style: $crumb-border-style; border-width: $crumb-border-size; // We control which background color and border come through. background-color: $crumb-bg; border-color: $crumb-border-color; } // We use this mixin to create breadcrumb styles from list items. @mixin crumbs { // A normal state will make the links look and act like clickable breadcrumbs. margin: 0; float: $default-float; font-size: $crumb-font-size; text-transform: $crumb-font-transform; color: $crumb-font-color; &:hover a, &:focus a { text-decoration: $crumb-link-decor; } a, span { text-transform: $crumb-font-transform; color: $crumb-font-color; } // Current is for the link of the current page &.current { cursor: default; color: $crumb-font-color-current; a { cursor: default; color: $crumb-font-color-current; } &:hover, &:hover a, &:focus, &:focus a { text-decoration: none; } } // Unavailable removed color and link styles so it looks inactive. &.unavailable { color: $crumb-font-color-unavailable; a { color: $crumb-font-color-unavailable; } &:hover, &:hover a, &:focus, a:focus { text-decoration: none; color: $crumb-font-color-unavailable; cursor: default; } } &:before { content: "#{$crumb-slash}"; color: $crumb-slash-color; margin: 0 $crumb-side-padding; position: relative; top: 1px; } &:first-child:before { content: " "; margin: 0; } } @if $include-html-nav-classes != false { /* Breadcrumbs */ .breadcrumbs { @include crumb-container; @include radius($crumb-radius); &>* { @include crumbs; } } }