# Encoding: utf-8 require 'thor/group' require 'yaml' class Blam < Thor::Group include Thor::Actions argument :name class_option :source_dir class_option :tests_dir class_option :test_suffix class_option :additional_test_dirs, type: :array class_option :no_tests, type: :boolean class_option :just_unit, type: :boolean def self.source_root File.dirname(__FILE__) end def init if name == '--init' file_name = '.blam' template('templates/blam.tt', file_name) unless File.exists?(file_name) exit(0) end end def create_source_file dir = opts[:source_dir] @class_parts = name.split('::') file_name = "#{dir}/#{get_path(name)}.rb" template('templates/source.tt', file_name) unless File.exists?(file_name) end def create_test_file if opts[:no_tests] puts 'Skipped the tests, you lazy piece of shit!' else dirs = [opts[:tests_dir]] test_suffix = opts[:test_suffix] test_template = test_suffix == 'spec' ? 'rspec' : 'test' dirs.concat opts[:additional_test_dirs] if opts[:additional_test_dirs] && !opts[:just_unit] dirs.each do |dir| @name = name @path = get_path(name) file_name = "#{dir}/#{get_path(name)}_#{test_suffix}.rb" template("templates/#{test_template}.tt", file_name) unless File.exists?(file_name) end end end private def get_path(name) name.gsub(/::/, '/').gsub(/([A-Z]+)([A-Z][a-z])/, '\1_\2').gsub(/([a-z\d])([A-Z])/, '\1_\2').tr('-', '_').downcase end def opts default_opts = { source_dir: 'lib', tests_dir: 'spec', test_suffix: 'spec' } cli_opts = symbolize(options) return default_opts.merge(cli_opts) unless File.exists?('.blam') raw_file_opts = ::YAML.load_file('.blam') || {} file_opts = symbolize(raw_file_opts) default_opts.merge(file_opts).merge(cli_opts) end def symbolize(hash) new_hash = {} hash.each do |key, value| new_hash[key.to_sym] = value end new_hash end end