// -------------------------------------------------------------- // SASS Gridification // * Author: Chris Eppstein // A SASS adaptation of Blueprint CSS // * Version: 0.7.1 (2008-02-25) // * Website: http://code.google.com/p/blueprintcss/ // Based on work by: // * Lorin Tackett [lorintackett.com] // * Olav Bjorkoy [bjorkoy.com] // * Nathan Borror [playgroundblues.com] // * Jeff Croft [jeffcroft.com] // * Christian Metts [mintchaos.com] // * Khoi Vinh [subtraction.com] // Read more about using a grid here: // * http://www.subtraction.com/2007/03/18/oh-yeeaahh // -------------------------------------------------------------- @import "compass/utilities/general/float"; @import "compass/utilities/general/clearfix"; // The number of columns in the grid. $blueprint-grid-columns: 24 !default; // The width of a column $blueprint-grid-width: 30px !default; // The amount of margin between columns $blueprint-grid-margin: 10px !default; // The width of a column including the margin. With default settings this is `40px`. $blueprint-grid-outer-width: $blueprint-grid-width + $blueprint-grid-margin; // The width of the container. With default settings this is `950px`. $blueprint-container-size: $blueprint-grid-outer-width * $blueprint-grid-columns - $blueprint-grid-margin; // Generates presentational class names that you can use // in your html to layout your pages. // // #### Note: // Best practices discourage using this mixin, // but it is provided to support legacy websites // and to test the sass port against blueprint's example pages. @mixin blueprint-grid { // A container should group all your columns .container { @include container; } .column { @include column-base; } // The last column in a row needs this class (or mixin) or it will end up on the next row. .last { @include last; } // Use these classes (or mixins) to set the width of a column. @for $n from 1 to $blueprint-grid-columns { .span-#{$n} { @extend .column; width: span($n); } } .span-#{$blueprint-grid-columns} { @extend .column; width: span($blueprint-grid-columns); margin: 0; } input, textarea, select { @for $n from 1 through $blueprint-grid-columns { &.span-#{$n} { width: span($n); } } } // Add these to a column to append empty cols. @for $n from 1 to $blueprint-grid-columns { .append-#{$n} { @include append($n); } } // Add these to a column to prepend empty cols. @for $n from 1 to $blueprint-grid-columns { .prepend-#{$n} { @include prepend($n); } } // Use these classes on an element to push it into the // next column, or to pull it into the previous column. #{enumerate(".pull", 1, $blueprint-grid-columns)} { @include pull-base; } @for $n from 1 through $blueprint-grid-columns { .pull-#{$n} { @include pull-margins($n); } } #{enumerate(".push", 1, $blueprint-grid-columns)} { @include push-base; } @for $n from 1 through $blueprint-grid-columns { .push-#{$n} { @include push-margins($n); } } .prepend-top { @include prepend-top; } .append-bottom { @include append-bottom; } } // A container for your columns. // // #### Note: // If you use this mixin without the class and want to support ie6 // you must set text-align left on your container element in an IE stylesheet. @mixin container { width: $blueprint-container-size; margin: 0 auto; @include clearfix; } // The last column in a row needs this mixin or it will end up // on the next row in some browsers. @mixin last { margin-right: 0; } // Use this mixins to set the width of n columns. @mixin column($n, $last: false) { @include column-base($last); width: span($n); } // Return the width in pixels of `$n` columns. @function span($n) { @return $blueprint-grid-width * $n + $blueprint-grid-margin * ($n - 1); } // Set only the width of an element to align it with the grid. // Most of the time you'll want to use `+column` instead. // // This mixin is especially useful for aligning tables to the grid. // // @deprecated Please use the span function with the width property instead. @mixin span($n, $important: false) { @warn "The span mixin is deprecated. Please use the span function instead. E.g. width: span(#{$n})"; @if $important { width: span($n) !important; } @else { width: span($n); } } // The basic set of styles needed to make an element // behave like a column: // // * floated to left // * gutter margin on the right (unless the last column) // * Some IE fixes // // #### Note: // This mixin gets applied automatically when using `+column` // so you probably don't need to use it directly unless // you need to deviate from the grid or are trying // to reduce the amount of generated CSS. @mixin column-base($last: false) { @include float-left; @if $last { @include last; } @else { margin-right: $blueprint-grid-margin; } * html & { overflow-x: hidden; } } // Mixin to a column to append n empty columns to the right // by adding right padding to the column. @mixin append($n) { padding-right: $blueprint-grid-outer-width * $n; } // Mixin to a column to append n empty columns to the left // by adding left padding to the column. @mixin prepend($n) { padding-left: $blueprint-grid-outer-width * $n; } // Adds trailing margin. @mixin append-bottom($amount: 1.5em) { margin-bottom: $amount; } // Adds leading margin. @mixin prepend-top($amount: 1.5em) { margin-top: $amount; } // Base styles that make it possible to pull an element to the left. // #### Note: // This mixin gets applied automatically when using `+pull` // so you probably don't need to use it directly unless // you need to deviate from the grid or are trying // to reduce the amount of generated CSS. @mixin pull-base { @include float-left; position: relative; } // The amount of pulling for element to the left. // #### Note: // This mixin gets applied automatically when using `+pull` // so you probably don't need to use it directly unless // you need to deviate from the grid or are trying // to reduce the amount of generated CSS. @mixin pull-margins($n, $last: false) { @if $last { margin-left: -$blueprint-grid-outer-width * $n + $blueprint-grid-margin; } @else { margin-left: -$blueprint-grid-outer-width * $n; } } // Moves a column `n` columns to the left. // // This mixin can also be used to change the display order of columns. // // If pulling past the last (visually) element in a row, // pass `true` as the second argument so the calculations can adjust // accordingly. // For example: // // HTML: //
//// Sass: //One//Two//
// #one // +column(18, true) // +prepend(6) // #two // +column(6) // +pull(18, true) //@mixin pull($n, $last: false) { @include pull-base; @include pull-margins($n, $last); } @mixin push-base { @include float-left; position: relative; } @mixin push-margins($n) { margin: 0 (-$blueprint-grid-outer-width * $n) 1.5em $blueprint-grid-outer-width * $n; } // mixin to a column to push it n columns to the right @mixin push($n) { @include push-base; @include push-margins($n); } // Border on right hand side of a column. @mixin border($border-color: $blueprint-border-color, $border-width: 1px) { padding-right: $blueprint-grid-margin / 2 - $border-width; margin-right: $blueprint-grid-margin / 2; border-right: #{$border-width} solid #{$border-color}; } // Border with more whitespace, spans one column. @mixin colborder($border-color: $blueprint-border-color, $border-width: 1px) { padding-right: floor(($blueprint-grid-width + 2 * $blueprint-grid-margin - $border-width) / 2); margin-right: ceil(($blueprint-grid-width + 2 * $blueprint-grid-margin - $border-width) / 2); border-right: #{$border-width} solid #{$border-color}; } // Mixin this to an hr to make a horizontal ruler across a column. @mixin colruler($border-color: #dddddd) { background: $border-color; color: $border-color; clear: both; float: none; width: 100%; height: 0.1em; margin: 0 0 1.45em; border: none; } // Mixin this to an hr to make a horizontal spacer across a column. @mixin colspacer { @include colruler; background: white; color: white; visibility: hidden; }