#!/usr/bin/env perl6 use v6; use Test; use lib my $dir = $?FILE.IO.dirname; use JSON::Fast; my Str:D $exercise := 'Luhn'; my Version:D $version = v2; my Str $module //= $exercise; plan 15; use-ok $module or bail-out; require ::($module); if ::($exercise).^ver !~~ $version { warn "\nExercise version mismatch. Further tests may fail!" ~ "\n$exercise is $(::($exercise).^ver.gist). " ~ "Test is $($version.gist).\n"; bail-out 'Example version must match test version.' if %*ENV; } require ::($module) <&is-luhn-valid>; my $c-data = from-json $=pod.pop.contents; for $c-data.values { given is-luhn-valid . -> $result { subtest ., { plan 2; isa-ok $result, Bool; is-deeply $result, ., 'Result matches expected'; } } } =head2 Canonical Data =begin code { "exercise": "luhn", "version": "1.0.0", "cases": [ { "description": "single digit strings can not be valid", "property": "valid", "input": "1", "expected": false }, { "description": "A single zero is invalid", "property": "valid", "input": "0", "expected": false }, { "description": "a simple valid SIN that remains valid if reversed", "property": "valid", "input": "059", "expected": true }, { "description": "a simple valid SIN that becomes invalid if reversed", "property": "valid", "input": "59", "expected": true }, { "description": "a valid Canadian SIN", "property": "valid", "input": "055 444 285", "expected": true }, { "description": "invalid Canadian SIN", "property": "valid", "input": "055 444 286", "expected": false }, { "description": "invalid credit card", "property": "valid", "input": "8273 1232 7352 0569", "expected": false }, { "description": "valid strings with a non-digit included become invalid", "property": "valid", "input": "055a 444 285", "expected": false }, { "description": "valid strings with punctuation included become invalid", "property": "valid", "input": "055-444-285", "expected": false }, { "description": "valid strings with symbols included become invalid", "property": "valid", "input": "055£ 444$ 285", "expected": false }, { "description": "single zero with space is invalid", "property": "valid", "input": " 0", "expected": false }, { "description": "more than a single zero is valid", "property": "valid", "input": "0000 0", "expected": true }, { "description": "input digit 9 is correctly converted to output digit 9", "property": "valid", "input": "091", "expected": true } ] } =end code unless %*ENV { skip-rest 'exercism tests'; exit; } subtest 'canonical-data' => { (my $c-data-file = "$dir/../../problem-specifications/exercises/{ $dir.IO.resolve.basename }/canonical-data.json".IO.resolve) ~~ :f ?? is-deeply $c-data, EVAL('from-json $c-data-file.slurp'), 'match problem-specifications' !! flunk 'problem-specifications file not found'; } INIT { $module = 'Example' if %*ENV }