# frozen_string_literal: true # typed: true module T::Private::Methods Declaration = Struct.new(:mod, :params, :returns, :bind, :mode, :checked, :finalized, :on_failure, :override_allow_incompatible, :type_parameters, :raw) class DeclBuilder attr_reader :decl class BuilderError < StandardError; end private def check_live! if decl.finalized raise BuilderError.new("You can't modify a signature declaration after it has been used.") end end def initialize(mod, raw) @decl = Declaration.new( mod, ARG_NOT_PROVIDED, # params ARG_NOT_PROVIDED, # returns ARG_NOT_PROVIDED, # bind Modes.standard, # mode ARG_NOT_PROVIDED, # checked false, # finalized ARG_NOT_PROVIDED, # on_failure nil, # override_allow_incompatible ARG_NOT_PROVIDED, # type_parameters raw ) end def params(*unused_positional_params, **params) check_live! if !decl.params.equal?(ARG_NOT_PROVIDED) raise BuilderError.new("You can't call .params twice") end if unused_positional_params.any? some_or_only = params.any? ? "some" : "only" raise BuilderError.new(<<~MSG) 'params' was called with #{some_or_only} positional arguments, but it needs to be called with keyword arguments. The keyword arguments' keys must match the name and order of the method's parameters. MSG end if params.empty? raise BuilderError.new(<<~MSG) 'params' was called without any arguments, but it needs to be called with keyword arguments. The keyword arguments' keys must match the name and order of the method's parameters. Omit 'params' entirely for methods with no parameters. MSG end decl.params = params self end def returns(type) check_live! if decl.returns.is_a?(T::Private::Types::Void) raise BuilderError.new("You can't call .returns after calling .void.") end if !decl.returns.equal?(ARG_NOT_PROVIDED) raise BuilderError.new("You can't call .returns multiple times in a signature.") end decl.returns = type self end def void check_live! if !decl.returns.equal?(ARG_NOT_PROVIDED) raise BuilderError.new("You can't call .void after calling .returns.") end decl.returns = T::Private::Types::Void.new self end def bind(type) check_live! if !decl.bind.equal?(ARG_NOT_PROVIDED) raise BuilderError.new("You can't call .bind multiple times in a signature.") end decl.bind = type self end def checked(level) check_live! if !decl.checked.equal?(ARG_NOT_PROVIDED) raise BuilderError.new("You can't call .checked multiple times in a signature.") end if (level == :never || level == :compiled) && !decl.on_failure.equal?(ARG_NOT_PROVIDED) raise BuilderError.new("You can't use .checked(:#{level}) with .on_failure because .on_failure will have no effect.") end if !T::Private::RuntimeLevels::LEVELS.include?(level) raise BuilderError.new("Invalid `checked` level '#{level}'. Use one of: #{T::Private::RuntimeLevels::LEVELS}.") end decl.checked = level self end def on_failure(*args) check_live! if !decl.on_failure.equal?(ARG_NOT_PROVIDED) raise BuilderError.new("You can't call .on_failure multiple times in a signature.") end if decl.checked == :never || decl.checked == :compiled raise BuilderError.new("You can't use .on_failure with .checked(:#{decl.checked}) because .on_failure will have no effect.") end decl.on_failure = args self end def abstract check_live! case decl.mode when Modes.standard decl.mode = Modes.abstract when Modes.abstract raise BuilderError.new(".abstract cannot be repeated in a single signature") else raise BuilderError.new("`.abstract` cannot be combined with `.override` or `.overridable`.") end self end def final check_live! raise BuilderError.new("The syntax for declaring a method final is `sig(:final) {...}`, not `sig {final. ...}`") end def override(allow_incompatible: false) check_live! case decl.mode when Modes.standard decl.mode = Modes.override decl.override_allow_incompatible = allow_incompatible when Modes.override, Modes.overridable_override raise BuilderError.new(".override cannot be repeated in a single signature") when Modes.overridable decl.mode = Modes.overridable_override else raise BuilderError.new("`.override` cannot be combined with `.abstract`.") end self end def overridable check_live! case decl.mode when Modes.abstract raise BuilderError.new("`.overridable` cannot be combined with `.#{decl.mode}`") when Modes.override decl.mode = Modes.overridable_override when Modes.standard decl.mode = Modes.overridable when Modes.overridable, Modes.overridable_override raise BuilderError.new(".overridable cannot be repeated in a single signature") end self end # Declares valid type paramaters which can be used with `T.type_parameter` in # this `sig`. # # This is used for generic methods. Example usage: # # sig do # type_parameters(:U) # .params(blk: T.proc.params(arg0: Elem).returns(T.type_parameter(:U))) # .returns(T::Array[T.type_parameter(:U)]) # end # def map(&blk); end def type_parameters(*names) check_live! names.each do |name| raise BuilderError.new("not a symbol: #{name}") unless name.is_a?(Symbol) end if !decl.type_parameters.equal?(ARG_NOT_PROVIDED) raise BuilderError.new("You can't call .type_parameters multiple times in a signature.") end decl.type_parameters = names self end def finalize! check_live! if decl.returns.equal?(ARG_NOT_PROVIDED) raise BuilderError.new("You must provide a return type; use the `.returns` or `.void` builder methods.") end if decl.bind.equal?(ARG_NOT_PROVIDED) decl.bind = nil end if decl.checked.equal?(ARG_NOT_PROVIDED) default_checked_level = T::Private::RuntimeLevels.default_checked_level if (default_checked_level == :never || default_checked_level == :compiled) && !decl.on_failure.equal?(ARG_NOT_PROVIDED) raise BuilderError.new("To use .on_failure you must additionally call .checked(:tests) or .checked(:always), otherwise, the .on_failure has no effect.") end decl.checked = default_checked_level end if decl.on_failure.equal?(ARG_NOT_PROVIDED) decl.on_failure = nil end if decl.params.equal?(ARG_NOT_PROVIDED) decl.params = {} end if decl.type_parameters.equal?(ARG_NOT_PROVIDED) decl.type_parameters = {} end decl.finalized = true self end end end