-# -# receives locals: leads , search_path -# -# - email_contexts ||= {} .leads--index.container-fluid.padded - if defined?( search_path ) .float-right= render 'wco/search', path: search_path = form_tag leads_bulkop_path do = label_tag 'Act on Selected:' = select_tag :op, options_for_select( [[nil,nil]] + Wco::Lead::OPS ) = select_tag :email_campaign_id, options_for_select( @email_campaigns_list ) = submit_tag 'Go' - if !defined?( skip_pagination ) || !skip_pagination = paginate leads, param_name: :leads_page %table.bordered %thead %tr %th= check_box_tag :selectAll %th Name/Email %th %th.company Company %th Phone, address %th Tag %th created_at - if defined?( wco_email ) %th.convs Convs %th Sch %tbody - leads.each do |lead| %tr %td= check_box_tag 'lead_ids[]', lead.id %td = link_to '[~]', edit_lead_path( lead ) = link_to "#{lead.name} <#{lead.email}>", lead_path( lead ) %td = image_tag lead.photo.url(:thumb) if lead.photo %td.company = lead.leadset.company_url %td .a= lead.phone if lead.phone.present? .a= lead.address if lead.address.present? %td %td= lead.created_at.to_s[0..10] - if defined?( wco_email ) %td.convs - if lead.conversations.length > 0 = link_to lead.conversations.length, wco_email.conversations_path( lead_id: lead.id ) - else 0 -## without the N+1 but unfinished and messy: -# = email_contexts[lead.id] || '-' %td.sch = lead.email_actions.length = link_to '[+]', wco_email.new_email_action_path( lead_id: lead.id ) -# %ul -# - lead.scheduled_email_actions.map do |sch_a| -# %li -# = link_to sch_a.email_action.slug, edit_scheduled_email_action_path( sch_a ) -# [x] - if !defined?( skip_pagination ) || !skip_pagination = paginate leads, param_name: :leads_page